August 26, 2024


A Television Threeway

A Television Threeway
Dj Blaze Radio Show Podcast
A Television Threeway

Aug 26 2024 | 01:18:21


Show Notes

On this episode B-Eazy is joined by some podcast veterans Nique Crews and Yusuf English from The Relationship Status Podcast. They have an in depth discussion about some current shows that they are watching.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Do you have a podcast that you're passionate about? [00:00:02] Speaker B: Are you looking for a professional studio to help bring your vision to life? [00:00:06] Speaker A: Then look no further than Crux Media Group Studios. Located at 903 West Evans street in Florence, South Carolina, Crux Media Group Studios is a full service podcast studio that offers recording, editing, consultation, live streaming, video recording and more. We have state of the art equipment and a team of experienced professionals who can help you create a podcast that. [00:00:28] Speaker B: Is professional, polished and engaging. Whether you're a first time podcaster or a seasoned pro, Crux Media Group Studios can help you take your podcast to the next level. [00:00:39] Speaker A: Contact us today at 843-407-1673 to learn more about our services and to schedule a consultation. Let's get it started in here. [00:01:03] Speaker C: Concept, music, news, entertainment and heated discussions. [00:01:08] Speaker A: DJ Blaze radio show starts now. [00:01:35] Speaker B: Yo, I sound low. Welcome back to another episode of the DJ Blaze radio show podcast. It's your boy. Be easy. I'm joined by some esteemed guests today from the relationship status podcast. Let's see, while I'm feeling. I'm filler bustering trying to find my drops. But I'm joined by Nick Cruz and Yusuf in the building. [00:02:02] Speaker C: Hey, welcome. Thank you for having me, man. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am happy to be here. [00:02:09] Speaker B: Thank y'all for joining me. [00:02:13] Speaker C: Yes. [00:02:13] Speaker B: I was about to say something else. This is the show where we cut up. [00:02:19] Speaker A: I see. [00:02:20] Speaker B: And Nick, feel free to say the f word. You caught yourself on your episode if y'all wanna go. I hope he edits that out. You hear from cl? [00:02:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:02:33] Speaker C: The higher ups. [00:02:34] Speaker B: Yeah. You can say the f word here freely. Yeah, you can. Not yet. Save it for when you mean it. [00:02:42] Speaker C: Not inadvertently, just overtly. That's what it is. [00:02:45] Speaker A: My favorite curse word. [00:02:46] Speaker B: Really? [00:02:47] Speaker A: Yeah, favorite one. [00:02:49] Speaker B: I was gonna ask, Yusuf, what's your favorite cuss word? [00:02:55] Speaker C: Probably shit. [00:02:56] Speaker B: Shit. [00:02:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:02:57] Speaker B: They say that on television. Well, cartoons. [00:03:01] Speaker C: It's just one. I say a lot coaching basketball. [00:03:03] Speaker B: Oh, as you shouldn't. As I should. I wish my kid coach would be cussing at my kid. [00:03:10] Speaker C: That's the thing. I don't curse at the kids. I'm saying, that's the word I say. Like, if, like, something happens, I be like, shit. [00:03:17] Speaker B: Oh, you don't curse at the kids? [00:03:18] Speaker C: I don't cuss them out. I don't cuss the kids out. Not cuss them out. Like, I might curse while speaking. Oh, to them. [00:03:26] Speaker B: You don't be like, get your ass over here. [00:03:27] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't. Yeah, I don't like degrade them or, you know, call them out their name or speak to them. [00:03:35] Speaker A: I'll never forget. Cause I don't want to say too much, but I'll never forget going to a football game, a way football game. And the team that I was going for was losing. And it was nine to zero. We were in halftime. And I happened to, like, walk around where they were sitting for halftime and the coach was saying, first of all, y'all ain't shit. Y'all see that out there? And I just like, kind of like, move and we're like, okay, they get cursed out. But the boys came back and the other team never scored again. And they end up winning a game like 49 to nine. [00:04:13] Speaker C: See, like. But that's. That comes down to coaching styles. Cause different people, you know, they do different ways to motivate. [00:04:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:04:21] Speaker C: So, I mean, sometimes the style of motivation is just the people that's not performing. Sit them down. [00:04:26] Speaker A: Yeah, that is true. [00:04:28] Speaker C: If you're not doing your job, you just come over here with me. [00:04:31] Speaker B: I told the coach, I was like, hey, bro, my daddy don't even cuss at me. [00:04:35] Speaker C: I think. No, but I mean, and then, do we want kids to play for us out of fear or respect? [00:04:43] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:04:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:04:44] Speaker C: You know what I'm saying? And I think when you cuss at them kids like that, it's them playing out of fear. Like, I don't want to make a mistake. And you're not going to get the best theme out of respect for you and wanting to run through this brick wall for you because they. Because you respect them, is that. I think I had a conversation with one of my kids, one of my players, and he was like. [00:05:12] Speaker B: We were. [00:05:12] Speaker C: In the weight room. He said, I feel dizzy. I'm going to the nurse. So, okay, fine, let's go to the nurse. So I go to walk with him to the nurse. He somehow hits a corner on me, disappears. I go sit in the nurse away from him to get there. He gets there. I said, hey, okay. He gave me some nonsense. So I left, came back. He's sitting there. I said, man, come on, let's go. It's time to go back to the weight room. You got what you needed. You still, like, hit? No. Well, let's go to the weight room. So he goes, as he's walking down the hallway, he's, like, mumbling and talking on his breath. And this, that, and the third. So we get through the workout, I don't address it. I call him in my office while we're in the locker. Room and they're changing. And I said, hey, man, I said, have I ever disrespected you? He said, no. I said, that mumbling and all that walking down the hallway, that's disrespectful. I said, and I don't treat you like that. I said, I don't know if that's what you used to, but I don't treat you like that. And if that's how we're gonna do this, then you won't be on the team. [00:06:08] Speaker A: Oh, that's so nice of you. [00:06:09] Speaker C: No, but I think that is. [00:06:11] Speaker A: That's nice of you. [00:06:11] Speaker C: But some of them, some of the kids, especially, like a kid like him, they come from like, where people are always cussing. They ain't used to that. So for someone to speak to him in a different manner, I think there's a way to kind of break. [00:06:26] Speaker A: I don't believe that into them. These new kids, their parents be like, yeah, don't talk to my kid like that. I think they're solved. [00:06:31] Speaker C: No, but they know. They say, but they want. [00:06:35] Speaker A: There, there is no kids are soft. [00:06:38] Speaker B: That ain't got nothing to do with soft. [00:06:40] Speaker A: That's off. Not cuz my kids don't know how to be. Them kids don't know how to be coached. [00:06:44] Speaker B: That ain't got no. [00:06:45] Speaker A: And I'm not talking about as far as like cursing them out, whatever, but just like, in general, I don't feel like some kids are able to be. [00:06:50] Speaker B: Coached, but every, like, everybody, like, don't gotta be fussed at and yelled at to be coached. [00:06:56] Speaker C: Nope. [00:06:56] Speaker B: So, like, like, I agree. So, like, my dad, he was a coach and he never, like, he won't, like, he might like, you know, you get upset or whatever, somebody do something wrong. He like, Nick, what you doing? Whatever, but he won't yell at you or nothing. Like, that's how he coached, so. And he won, like, you know what I'm saying? Like, the teams he coached, they would win, but it's a fine line between, like, getting on somebody and like, degrading them. Degrading them or yelling and all of that. [00:07:22] Speaker A: I feel like, you know, degrading should be a thing, but I don't mind somebody cursing either. [00:07:27] Speaker C: Yeah, nah, I mean, you know, you get caught up sometimes and you get the curse words, but I mean, like, you don't have to call, like, you ain't gotta call them no peas, you know what I'm saying? You ain't gotta tell them they ain't shit. Like, you could be like, man, y'all playing like shit. It's just the way that you formulate your sentences and where you choose to put these. [00:07:44] Speaker A: I don't know where the full conversation went. [00:07:46] Speaker C: Yeah, well, that's true, too. [00:07:47] Speaker A: They could have loved him. [00:07:49] Speaker C: I mean. [00:07:49] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, they love. They respect. [00:07:53] Speaker C: Well, let me say this now. What I have learned through that is I was coaching at a school, and I swear to God, like, before I got there, that everybody loved the football coach. You know how many people talked to that football coach after they graduate? They actually had NFL players that will not give back to the team because of that coach. Because of that coach. [00:08:15] Speaker A: Really? [00:08:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:16] Speaker C: So from the outside, they might look below because them kids out there playing and they out there high fiving and everything else, and they winning, or they winning, and then you turn around and, like, them kids, don't ever talk to the coach again. [00:08:30] Speaker A: Oh, I would love to know who. [00:08:31] Speaker C: Yeah, my kids. Kids that are far gone. And, you know, they call me all the time, text me, check on me, you know, text me, check on the kids, you know. And so. [00:08:41] Speaker A: But, I mean, that's how I feel. Like it's supposed to be. [00:08:43] Speaker C: It's supposed to be. [00:08:44] Speaker A: Yeah. Cause I still talk to my cheerleading coach and the one that, you know, passed away. Like, we all went to her funeral. Like, she. They were big. They made big differences in our lives. So, like, those are people you remember. Like, my brother still talks to that particular coach. [00:09:01] Speaker B: The cousin coach. [00:09:02] Speaker A: Yes, the. [00:09:04] Speaker C: I mean, but is it just the. Cause I also say, like, there might be another coach over here. Like, he might be the one that cuts you out, but there's another coach over here. Well, you know, what he trying to say is he wants you to do this, he wants you to do that. And there's some corner, and then he doesn't just cuss you out and then turn around and don't say nothing else to you. Like, he might come over there and be like, man, look, I just really need you to get it together. [00:09:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:09:27] Speaker C: You know what I'm saying? So that might be how they formulated their relationship. Yeah. [00:09:31] Speaker A: And I think sometimes we only see, like, a piece of certain situations. [00:09:36] Speaker C: Just like social media. Yeah, we only see a clip. [00:09:39] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:09:40] Speaker C: Don't do that. It went viral. What you want me to say? It went semi viral. It didn't go all the way viral. [00:09:45] Speaker B: What went viral? A clip of her. You gotta embrace it, though, the viralness. Nah, they got on your nerves. But what it was some people defending you, too, though. Yeah, it was very little. [00:10:10] Speaker A: Very little. [00:10:11] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:11] Speaker B: I take the good one. [00:10:13] Speaker C: You know, they said there's no such thing as a baby trying to be a lady. [00:10:17] Speaker B: Yeah, that what they say. [00:10:18] Speaker A: Trying to be a lady. [00:10:20] Speaker C: We just trying to draw attention to the show. [00:10:22] Speaker B: Yeah, y'all did good. The one thing I love about doing the show is you never know how we're gonna start. And I did not think we would go down the coaching rabbit hole. Well, nique, how has your week been? [00:10:35] Speaker A: It's been phenomenal. [00:10:36] Speaker B: Okay, tell us more. [00:10:38] Speaker C: Phenomenal. [00:10:38] Speaker B: She's cheesing, too. [00:10:41] Speaker A: Had a good week. [00:10:42] Speaker B: Yeah, a good week. Are some. You have some good choruses? Good choruses. [00:10:49] Speaker C: You know, the smile is ear to ear. [00:10:51] Speaker B: If y'all friends with Niko on Facebook, she always talks about her neighbors. A neighbor? [00:10:57] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:10:57] Speaker B: They get it in. [00:10:58] Speaker A: I think the spark is gone. [00:11:00] Speaker B: Why? [00:11:01] Speaker A: Cause I don't like it. Don't hit like it used to. [00:11:04] Speaker B: They be in and out also. [00:11:06] Speaker A: No, it's always ten minutes. [00:11:07] Speaker B: Oh, it's always been ten minutes? [00:11:09] Speaker A: Yeah, it's always been ten minutes. And she done moved her bed. [00:11:12] Speaker B: I saw that. [00:11:13] Speaker A: Yeah, but, like, does she live alone? No, he lives there now. He done moved in. But she. [00:11:21] Speaker B: Where does she live? I want to make sure it ain't one of mine. [00:11:25] Speaker A: We'll talk about it after. [00:11:26] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:11:28] Speaker A: But, yeah, she used to be hollering like I knew for sure. It used to be everywhere around the house. Now it's like, a little, uh. And that's it. [00:11:40] Speaker C: Mm. [00:11:41] Speaker B: Oh, she was making all that noise and stuff. [00:11:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Now it's just. [00:11:45] Speaker B: It kind of. It takes me back to. If y'all haven't heard the relationship status podcast from this week, that episode coming out. [00:11:51] Speaker C: This week comes out. Yeah. [00:11:52] Speaker B: All right, so on y'all episode we were talking about. Cause I was a guest over there, Uncle Phil, not giving Vivian the flowers and stuff. Maybe he ain't been doing the same type of stuff to get her aroused like that. [00:12:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:12:06] Speaker B: So maybe she ain't wanting it like that. [00:12:08] Speaker C: Turn on the waterworks. [00:12:10] Speaker A: Listen, all. She in the kitchen. In the bathroom. On the wrinkle in the bathroom. [00:12:15] Speaker B: They be doing it in the bathroom. [00:12:16] Speaker A: Yes. That one of my other. Her actual neighbor. Cause she's above me. Her actual neighbor called me and was like, yo, he is tearing her up. [00:12:25] Speaker B: Oh, your neighbor called you and told you that? Mm hmm. [00:12:27] Speaker A: Cause I went home at the time when on one of the occasions that they were in the bathroom. [00:12:33] Speaker B: You sure it's the same man? [00:12:34] Speaker A: Yeah, he lives there now. [00:12:36] Speaker B: I mean, that don't mean car and all. [00:12:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:12:40] Speaker B: What kind of car is he? [00:12:43] Speaker A: Tell that man car on the air. I don't know who's listening. [00:12:47] Speaker B: I mean, out of all of the thousands of listeners we got, you think. [00:12:52] Speaker A: The type of car it would have been? Very like, people would know. [00:12:54] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Is it a white BMW? [00:12:57] Speaker A: Nope. [00:12:57] Speaker B: Okay, just make sure I'll never see. [00:13:00] Speaker A: A white BMW out there, so that should give you your answer. [00:13:04] Speaker B: White Acura. Oh, lord. [00:13:10] Speaker A: Cause we knows it now. I will say, like, I can name everybody, every car that's there and where they're going. [00:13:16] Speaker B: That's how it's supposed to be. That's how I found out I got cheated on. [00:13:22] Speaker A: Oh, really? [00:13:23] Speaker B: I did a ride by one night, and I saw a car that wasn't normally there. And then, like, the next day, I saw that car, and I know the person who was driving the car, and I was like, oh, okay. They were at. [00:13:34] Speaker A: They at. Oh, wow. [00:13:36] Speaker B: So, yeah, yeah. [00:13:37] Speaker A: My neighbor should know. She be like, oh, I see you got a new boo, and she be. [00:13:43] Speaker B: Posting about you on her facebook. [00:13:45] Speaker A: I don't know. Well, the one that said that. No, she don't like you be posting about. [00:13:50] Speaker B: She might block you. I mean, she might have you off of it. Like, you. You can't see the post. Do you think your neighbor know you be posting about her having sex? [00:13:57] Speaker A: No. [00:13:58] Speaker B: How do you think? Why? [00:13:59] Speaker C: She probably do, you know? [00:14:02] Speaker B: You know, a lot of people know you. [00:14:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:06] Speaker B: But especially on social media. [00:14:08] Speaker A: If she knew, I would feel like she wouldn't have done it for so long. [00:14:13] Speaker B: Maybe she liked putting on the show for you. [00:14:15] Speaker A: I mean, it's not even like they're like, I know what time her kids go to sleep. Like, that's how loud they are sometimes, but. [00:14:25] Speaker C: And they ain't wake up the kids. [00:14:27] Speaker A: That why she be doing in the bathroom? [00:14:28] Speaker B: Oh, makes sense. [00:14:30] Speaker A: I can tell when her kids are home. [00:14:32] Speaker B: What you doing in the bathroom when they in the bathroom? [00:14:34] Speaker A: Well, I can hear it from my room. [00:14:36] Speaker B: And then you go in the bathroom? [00:14:39] Speaker A: If I hear it, yeah, I'll go in and be like, are they. [00:14:43] Speaker B: You go in the bathroom with apparatuses? [00:14:45] Speaker A: No. [00:14:46] Speaker B: You do. [00:14:47] Speaker A: No, no, it won't last that long for me to have to do that. [00:14:51] Speaker B: I bet you roll. [00:14:52] Speaker A: You going there with your robe. [00:14:53] Speaker B: Oh, you gotta have a whole setup. Yeah. There you go. Just ruin it. Ruin it by being on social media. Call me. [00:15:00] Speaker A: How old are you? [00:15:00] Speaker B: Cl. [00:15:02] Speaker A: How old are you? He sit here and pressing button. [00:15:09] Speaker B: What about you, Yusuf? Have your neighbors been having. Nah, nah. How was your week? [00:15:16] Speaker C: Yeah, there's three african dudes live next to me. If some stuff happened. [00:15:19] Speaker B: Nah, they don't get down like that. [00:15:21] Speaker C: Yeah, they don't get down like that. [00:15:22] Speaker B: They don't get down like that. [00:15:23] Speaker C: No, one of them just like I've been for as long as I've been living there. It's about five years. There's never been. Whoever the neighbor is, there's never been a car out there. Maybe some bicycles. Never a car. [00:15:36] Speaker B: I wonder if they come in here to, like, work. [00:15:38] Speaker C: They do. They work at McCall or something? No, they work at one of the restaurants in town. They pay for that apartment for people that work for them. [00:15:49] Speaker A: Okay, that's dope. [00:15:51] Speaker C: So they have. [00:15:52] Speaker B: No, it's not. That's like slavery. [00:15:54] Speaker A: Well, I mean, if they get paid. [00:15:56] Speaker C: I think they get a paycheck. [00:15:58] Speaker B: I'm assuming it's low key slavery. Cause check this out. They paying for them to stay somewhere. [00:16:02] Speaker A: So they can get workers. [00:16:04] Speaker B: They don't have a car, so they can't really go nowhere unless it's a bicycle. [00:16:08] Speaker C: And they got two bicycles. [00:16:09] Speaker B: And they probably take whatever they paying for the house, they probably taken out of their check. And ain't no telling what they telling. [00:16:16] Speaker A: Well, a lot of they come and. [00:16:18] Speaker C: Pick them up for work. [00:16:19] Speaker A: Yeah. When you look at, like, a lot of the, like, corner stores and stuff like that, a lot of them is the same way. [00:16:25] Speaker B: Yeah. But these people over here on their own will and their cousins ask them what their last name is. What do you think? [00:16:32] Speaker A: They probably potatoes to take money back to their. Well, send money back to their people. [00:16:38] Speaker C: It was for a while, and it always fluctuates. It just so happens this time it's Africans that this time it's a country. [00:16:44] Speaker B: Last time it was what? [00:16:46] Speaker C: They were italian. [00:16:47] Speaker B: Did they have on boots? [00:16:48] Speaker C: No, they were hispanic. [00:16:49] Speaker B: Exactly. The Mexican have on boots. [00:16:52] Speaker A: Oh. So, like, they're just getting different people. [00:16:54] Speaker C: It's just different. [00:16:54] Speaker B: Like, are you sure they african or are they haitian? [00:16:56] Speaker C: No, they're african. Okay, african. Cause I was playing my afro beats mix one time. [00:17:02] Speaker B: Came up. [00:17:03] Speaker C: No, they be standing on the porch and want a good mix. Good mix, brother. [00:17:08] Speaker A: I was like, okay, where are you from? [00:17:10] Speaker C: I don't. [00:17:11] Speaker B: Nigeria. [00:17:12] Speaker C: We didn't get into that kind of conversation. [00:17:14] Speaker B: Where did you get this song? [00:17:16] Speaker C: No, he just was like, nice mix. [00:17:17] Speaker B: This is one of my favorites. [00:17:19] Speaker C: I just went on, and then I think Amir was in the back playing basketball. [00:17:24] Speaker B: Grid shot. [00:17:25] Speaker C: And they was over there talking to him. [00:17:27] Speaker B: You should learn how to kick that ball. [00:17:29] Speaker A: All right, cool. Running. [00:17:30] Speaker C: No, that's not cool. Running. [00:17:33] Speaker B: That's. That. [00:17:33] Speaker A: No, I was just saying the way you sound. Gracious. [00:17:36] Speaker B: No, that's the. That's. That's not. That's a. [00:17:39] Speaker A: That was jamaican. [00:17:40] Speaker B: No, that was Jamaica. They were jamaican? [00:17:41] Speaker C: Yeah, they were jamaican. [00:17:42] Speaker B: This was a nigerian accent. [00:17:43] Speaker A: I know. It just sounded. [00:17:45] Speaker B: It does. [00:17:45] Speaker C: You think it sounded Jamaica? I didn't. [00:17:46] Speaker A: I found it. [00:17:47] Speaker B: I gotta work on my accent. [00:17:49] Speaker C: Yeah, you might have to. [00:17:50] Speaker B: They gonna offer you some jolof. [00:17:54] Speaker C: They good dudes, though. [00:17:55] Speaker B: Early. Well, we don't have no emails this week, y'all. But I know that you guys watch television. [00:18:03] Speaker A: Of course. [00:18:03] Speaker B: So what have you been watching? [00:18:05] Speaker A: Well, I recently finished the average Joe. [00:18:09] Speaker C: Average Joe's was good. [00:18:11] Speaker A: It was really good. [00:18:11] Speaker B: I watched that, too. I didn't watch it when it initially came on because it came out. I wanna say it came out on bet. [00:18:18] Speaker C: That's what I thought. [00:18:19] Speaker B: I thought it came out and I didn't watch it on bet. Cause I don't have it. And I was kinda leery. Cause I thought it was gonna be a comedy. But then people said it was, like, serious, and I couldn't picture Deon Cole being serious or whatever. [00:18:33] Speaker A: That's the funny part. It's a comic. It had come. Yeah, but it's still serious. But it is still comical. [00:18:40] Speaker B: The comical parts was the other guy, the bald head that got his friend. [00:18:44] Speaker C: Him, too. [00:18:44] Speaker A: And his wife. [00:18:46] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Yeah. His wife was, too. Yeah. But it's a good. I don't wanna spoil it, but it's a good. But are we allowed to give. [00:18:52] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. You just said don't wanna spoil it. [00:18:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't wanna spoil it. Cause a lot of. Cause they just released it on Netflix, like, last week or something like that. [00:18:59] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [00:19:00] Speaker B: So I think a lot of people probably gonna start watching it now. Especially if a couple people. Like, if you mention it on your show, by average, I mean, on your. On your page or whatever, about average Joe, people will start watching it. People will start watching. But I so kind of like. Your honor. Like, people got on your honor late. Nobody watched that early on showtime. Right. I think Cl told me to watch that. [00:19:24] Speaker C: I think it's gonna be the same thing for a show. [00:19:25] Speaker A: Like, I told you to watch that. [00:19:27] Speaker B: You did, too. [00:19:27] Speaker A: Yes. [00:19:28] Speaker C: I show, like, billions. When it ends up on Netflix, people. [00:19:31] Speaker A: Are gonna be talking about that. [00:19:33] Speaker B: I don't think that's gonna ever get on Netflix. [00:19:34] Speaker C: You don't think billions ever make it? [00:19:35] Speaker B: Nah. Cause it's on. No, billions came on showtime. [00:19:38] Speaker C: Then it came on Showtime. [00:19:39] Speaker A: Yeah, well, most people have. [00:19:42] Speaker B: It might, then. [00:19:42] Speaker A: Yeah, Netflix. So once something gets to Netflix, it's like, that's when everybody jumps on it. Not when they get to these other. It comes from these other streaming sites. [00:19:51] Speaker B: Yeah. It's a good show. So average Joe, y'all, is about a guy named Joe. He a regular guy, he a plumber. And he got kind of get thrown into the situation that his dad does. And this action and killing, it's. It's an impossible white man, black man show. [00:20:10] Speaker C: You think so? [00:20:10] Speaker B: Yeah. Cause none of them die. [00:20:13] Speaker A: Well. [00:20:15] Speaker C: Well, the ending, without giving out the end, the clip, they left it on. [00:20:22] Speaker A: You don't know who, what, where, how. [00:20:24] Speaker B: But it's not Joe. It's not the. [00:20:26] Speaker A: Yeah, not Joe. [00:20:27] Speaker B: Joe don't. Well, Joe does get hurt in the beginning, but he does get shot. Does he get shot? Joe don't get shot. [00:20:36] Speaker C: No, Joe doesn't get shot. Joe didn't get shot, but he doesn't die. [00:20:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:41] Speaker A: The main character, of course. [00:20:43] Speaker B: Yeah. True. But the other people around him. [00:20:46] Speaker C: Yeah, they do die. [00:20:48] Speaker A: They don't die. Not the people around. [00:20:50] Speaker B: Nope. Cause it's always somebody they bring in. [00:20:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:20:54] Speaker C: At the end. [00:20:56] Speaker A: We don't know. [00:20:57] Speaker B: They gotta have one person, but. Yeah, we don't know for sure. [00:20:59] Speaker A: That's a cliffhanger. [00:21:00] Speaker B: We don't know. [00:21:01] Speaker C: No, not. Not. Wasn't a wife. [00:21:03] Speaker B: Now, I don't want to say. [00:21:05] Speaker A: That's what I'm saying. [00:21:06] Speaker B: Oh. [00:21:09] Speaker C: No, no. [00:21:09] Speaker A: We never show. [00:21:10] Speaker B: I knew that. And I knew they were gonna do that. Like that. [00:21:13] Speaker C: You saw that coming. I didn't see it, no. [00:21:16] Speaker B: Well, somebody. When. When he went to the. To the girl's house and the way they. I like the way they is watching, like, some bad shows and then watching the show that's kind of directed good and written well, like the way they kind of slowly told his story, man, listen. [00:21:36] Speaker C: Cause I thought that was his daughter early on. I thought when they did the flashback, I thought that was his daughter that did that. I didn't know that he was dating the woman. [00:21:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:21:49] Speaker C: And that was her daughter. [00:21:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:21:51] Speaker C: And then I thought that he was like. I thought that when he was leaving the money, that it was going to her. [00:21:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:21:59] Speaker C: I didn't. I like the way they kind of slowly brought that along, focusing on Joe, but really bringing along his story, bringing everybody else's story was really built, like, what's. [00:22:14] Speaker A: Infertility. [00:22:15] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. The fertility. [00:22:16] Speaker B: They slowly brought that out. [00:22:17] Speaker C: Yeah. That was. And that showed how much he loved her and. [00:22:20] Speaker A: And how he was willing to lie to her and make it his problem versus putting that burden on her, which. [00:22:24] Speaker C: Is funny, which is completely the antithesis of how she was treating him at the beginning of the show. [00:22:31] Speaker B: Mm hmm. But it's kind of. It made sense, but it's kind of indicative of, like, real life, like, as much as kind of, like, on y'all show. He was like a happy wife, happy life type stuff. Yeah, but really, like, if you ain't happy yourself, even he might have been happy, like, doing for her stuff, but she kind of disrespected him, and she really didn't respect him until he started, like, doing some man types. Well, quote unquote man type stuff. [00:22:57] Speaker C: As she saw it. [00:22:58] Speaker B: As she saw it. [00:22:59] Speaker A: Yeah, but he said, like, to a zan, he was like, I was tired of being a loser. [00:23:04] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:23:04] Speaker C: But did he. Was he really a winner? Did he really turn into a winner, though? [00:23:10] Speaker B: I mean, on the stuff that happened on the show, like, in the beginning, like, I don't want to spoil it, but the first mess up that he did. [00:23:17] Speaker C: Okay. [00:23:17] Speaker B: The first mess up he did, he did that. Then it was another thing he messed up on. [00:23:21] Speaker A: And then he came out, pop. [00:23:23] Speaker B: Yeah. Then he came out, and he kind of redeemed himself at the end. He said, you know, I got six back. Yeah, yeah. So I got it. [00:23:31] Speaker C: I got that. I got it. [00:23:32] Speaker A: So I think the next season, I. [00:23:34] Speaker B: Hope they make it. [00:23:35] Speaker C: I hope they make it the way from my. [00:23:38] Speaker A: I think I looked it up a while back, like, it was a success when it first came out. [00:23:42] Speaker B: Oh, when it came out on bet. [00:23:44] Speaker A: Plus, there is going to be a. [00:23:46] Speaker B: Season two, and if people make enough noise on Netflix from watching it, I think it'll be a season two, but I don't want it to come out on bet. Cause I don't have it. [00:23:56] Speaker A: So you don't be watching the Miss Pat show? [00:23:58] Speaker B: Nah, I watched the first season, but I watched it on this app, and then I just. I was like, I don't want bet plus, like, it ain't enough shows on that. [00:24:07] Speaker A: You mean I log into. [00:24:08] Speaker B: I thank you, Neek, for your stars login. [00:24:12] Speaker A: Oh, you still have it? [00:24:13] Speaker B: Yeah. Well. [00:24:14] Speaker A: Cause it don't get paid like that. [00:24:15] Speaker B: Exactly. Sometimes I be like, well, you know, I ain't gonna say nothing. [00:24:19] Speaker A: I don't be known. Cause I don't watch it like that. So let me know. [00:24:21] Speaker B: I know you don't neat. You don't like that. You don't watch it, period. Cause I know for a fact it's certain shows that me and you watch together. And I might, like, pause it at like 14 minutes and 50 seconds. [00:24:32] Speaker C: I'm wondering. [00:24:33] Speaker B: And I go back at 14 minutes and 50 seconds. It's still at the same place. I know he's the audience, so I know you don't be watching. Like, I. Well, I guess you catch it when it come on or something, but yeah. [00:24:43] Speaker A: Sometimes I wait for it to get to the end, but, yeah, you're. [00:24:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:24:50] Speaker B: What's on stars now? [00:24:51] Speaker A: So I'm sorry. You gotta let me know, though. [00:24:53] Speaker B: But not shit. Beggars can't be choosing. [00:24:56] Speaker A: Yeah, but I, like, I don't be knowing when it's because I don't watch it. But it's a bundle. It's a part of a bundle. So if I'm not watching something on Paramount, I won't pay it. But it's a part of a bundle I have with peacock, paramount and stars. I get it for cheap. [00:25:11] Speaker B: Wonderful. Well, that's average Joe, y'all. Y'all should check that out. [00:25:15] Speaker C: Definitely check that out. [00:25:16] Speaker B: I'll make a post about it, too. What else y'all been watching? Anything else? [00:25:20] Speaker C: Yeah, I watched presumed innocent. [00:25:23] Speaker B: What? [00:25:25] Speaker C: Apple. [00:25:26] Speaker B: Oh, apple. [00:25:29] Speaker C: It's on Apple TV. Really good. [00:25:31] Speaker A: That's $9.99. [00:25:32] Speaker C: Really, really good show. And dark matter. [00:25:35] Speaker B: That's on apple too. [00:25:36] Speaker C: That's on Apple TV. [00:25:37] Speaker B: Did you watch the changeling? [00:25:39] Speaker C: No, I need to. Well, no, no, no. Or did I? [00:25:42] Speaker B: It's with Lakeith Stanfield. [00:25:45] Speaker C: I think I did. [00:25:46] Speaker B: Then it was about a baby and. [00:25:48] Speaker C: No, I started watching it and then I didn't fully watch the whole thing. [00:25:52] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Okay. [00:25:53] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. Cause I think it has slow start. [00:25:55] Speaker B: It does have a slow start. [00:25:57] Speaker C: It has a slow start and sometimes I gotta kinda stick with it. And I think I was watching too many things at the same time and I was like, man, I come back to it. So those two. I watched something on Netflix. [00:26:10] Speaker A: Oh, I just finished. Found. [00:26:13] Speaker C: Yeah, found is good too. [00:26:14] Speaker B: What's that on? [00:26:15] Speaker C: It's Peacock. Yeah. [00:26:17] Speaker A: NBC. [00:26:18] Speaker B: Oh, so it was like a tv show. Tv show, yeah. Okay. [00:26:21] Speaker C: And it. That. And what's that? What's the other one? That's on. That's on there. That's good. That's on Peacock right now. Oh, bel air, season three. Started watching. [00:26:29] Speaker A: I haven't started yet. I haven't finished. [00:26:32] Speaker C: It's a good start to the season. [00:26:33] Speaker B: I haven't started. [00:26:34] Speaker A: The second season was real dry. [00:26:35] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Oh, you haven't started the second season? [00:26:37] Speaker B: No, I don't. [00:26:37] Speaker C: You know was dry. [00:26:38] Speaker A: It started dry. [00:26:44] Speaker C: Well, play this. Yes. I will say that it didn't really have. [00:26:48] Speaker A: It didn't catch my attention that much. [00:26:50] Speaker C: No. Season one and season three is better than season one so far. Better than season one so far. Yeah. [00:26:56] Speaker B: Okay. [00:26:56] Speaker A: I need a finish. [00:26:57] Speaker C: Season three is better than. But you have to see to understand a lot of what's going on in season three. You gotta. You gotta watch season two. You gotta watch season two. You can't skip to it. You're not gonna. [00:27:08] Speaker A: I'm gonna finish house of cards. [00:27:11] Speaker B: Oh, that shit. [00:27:12] Speaker C: Oh, house of cards. [00:27:13] Speaker B: I love that show. [00:27:14] Speaker C: I watch. [00:27:15] Speaker A: I finished the last season. [00:27:17] Speaker B: So the last season. I can't remember if it was the next to last season or in the last season or right before the last season, but. [00:27:25] Speaker A: Cause Frank is not in the last season. [00:27:26] Speaker B: Yeah. He ain't in the last season. Cause he got. [00:27:28] Speaker C: He got in trouble that he actually got exhindered, exonerated. [00:27:32] Speaker B: Some me too type stuff. And it was with a guy. [00:27:34] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, he's always said he was bisexual. [00:27:36] Speaker B: Oh, he did? [00:27:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:27:37] Speaker B: Real life. [00:27:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:39] Speaker C: Oh, he's always a justified. That he's. [00:27:40] Speaker B: Yeah. They. That accusation ruined that show. [00:27:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:46] Speaker C: Yeah. Because without him on the show. Is she his wife? Couldn't carry it. [00:27:50] Speaker B: She did it. [00:27:51] Speaker C: I mean, she did the best thing, I think. [00:27:53] Speaker B: Yeah. They did the best they could without mention because they didn't say he died or nothing. They just. [00:27:59] Speaker A: Remember them saying that he ended up having a heart attack and. [00:28:02] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:03] Speaker C: Okay. [00:28:03] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:05] Speaker C: But they never referenced him again. If they said it, it was like. [00:28:09] Speaker A: Damn near she running for president. [00:28:12] Speaker C: Yeah. She became president. [00:28:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:28:14] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:14] Speaker C: Yeah, she won. [00:28:15] Speaker A: They were running together. [00:28:16] Speaker C: Yeah. They were running together on the same ticket. [00:28:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:28:18] Speaker C: And then she took over running and I think she wondez. I think she ends up winning. [00:28:22] Speaker B: Yeah. It was so wild. That's a good show. [00:28:24] Speaker C: But that's a really good show. And then of course I watch reality shows. So I did love is blind. UK, how is it? Good. Good. I always like the concept. I like the concept of the show. I like the concept. Well, UK, they speak in English, so I'm good with. Any time the lips is moving different than the words. I have trouble. [00:28:46] Speaker A: White shows like that. I can. [00:28:48] Speaker C: I have trouble with it. Like the show. It has to be that good. Other people have to tell me how good it is. [00:28:54] Speaker A: Except Sarah. [00:28:55] Speaker C: Yes. Other people have to be like, not. Cause I'm on the show. [00:29:00] Speaker B: Be easy. [00:29:01] Speaker C: Says it's a good show. I'm gonna watch it. You know what I'm saying, even if. [00:29:05] Speaker B: It was pander, I don't care. I don't mind pandering. [00:29:09] Speaker C: When I listen to the show, he'll be like, him and Amy will talk about a show, and then I go out instantly. Like, go, okay, I gotta go watch it. The only thing we still can't come to an agreeance on is Game of Thrones. But have you said you tried to watch it? I'm gonna try again. [00:29:24] Speaker A: I am too. [00:29:25] Speaker C: I'ma try again. [00:29:26] Speaker A: That first episode. [00:29:27] Speaker C: The first episode is just like I said, if I'm watching a bunch of stuff, and if the first episode, like, slowly comes along, and then one of my downfalls is I'm doing stuff is I'm doing a lot of stuff at the same time. So, like, I might be editing and watching it at the same time. [00:29:43] Speaker B: Yeah, you'll miss a lot. [00:29:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:29:46] Speaker B: So with Game of Thrones, because of when it came out, it's different. It's, like, dialogue heavy. So it's not like, now. Like, if it would have come out now, it'd be a lot more action. But back then, it was appointment tv. It wasn't no streaming. So if you was gonna watch, you was gonna be on HBO at 09:00 watching that show, and that was it. Like, there wasn't no multiple shows that was out. So they kind of, back then, they wrote it like that. Later on, the episodes were more, like, you could tell, like, the change in the times. But it's a lot of, like, dialogue and, like, character development early on. But by the end of the first season, I feel like y'all will be hooked. [00:30:23] Speaker C: Yeah, well, that's. And that's what, you know, that's what you said. Cl has said the same thing. If Cl tells me. If Cl says, yo, this is a good show, I'm probably likely to watch it. But, yeah, no, that tv's my thing. I really enjoy some good tv, and. [00:30:38] Speaker B: That show probably is. And I just did a rewatch. That show probably is the top five tv shows of all time. Yeah. Especially if you watch, like, if you can watch that type of show. Like, if you kind of, like, the fantasy type show timepiece. [00:30:52] Speaker C: See, and that's. [00:30:52] Speaker B: But it's not a timepiece. [00:30:54] Speaker C: I know what you. The fantasy type show. [00:30:56] Speaker B: Cause it's. [00:30:56] Speaker A: Cause, like, a Harry Potter. [00:31:00] Speaker B: It's some type of hobbits. [00:31:02] Speaker C: See? [00:31:02] Speaker B: Like, it's kind of struggle with kind of, like, really? [00:31:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:31:06] Speaker A: Like, I love it. [00:31:07] Speaker C: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings. [00:31:10] Speaker A: I never seen Lord of the Rings, but hobbit 300. Like, I just yeah, I don't like stuff like that. [00:31:15] Speaker C: I just. 300, for some odd reason, I just haven't been able to get into that genre of television. Of television. And so I try, but everybody says, how good? Like, people say, ah, 300 was good. People say Harry Potter. They got the people that love it, but, like, people, for the majority of the people that's around me, everybody says that Game of Thrones. [00:31:37] Speaker A: And then, like, I'm a reader, so I read all of the books, and, like, the first two books came out before the first movie came out. [00:31:44] Speaker B: Talking about Harry Potter. [00:31:45] Speaker A: Yeah. So, like, that's what really kind of pushed me to wanting to watch it is like seeing it live. But, yeah, I've been watching a lot of older movies. I finally watched the Lost Boys. [00:31:57] Speaker C: What? [00:31:58] Speaker B: With the vampire? I think we watched that in school back in the day. [00:32:02] Speaker C: Y'all watch? Well, it was a book. [00:32:05] Speaker B: Oh, it was a book. [00:32:05] Speaker C: It was a book. The Lost wars. [00:32:07] Speaker B: Oh. That's probably why then. [00:32:08] Speaker C: It was a book called the Lost wars. But it is. That is a deep movie. [00:32:14] Speaker A: Why? [00:32:15] Speaker C: Huh? [00:32:15] Speaker A: Why? [00:32:16] Speaker C: It shows how simple it is for kids that don't have guidance to be influenced. [00:32:23] Speaker A: That is true. [00:32:24] Speaker C: That is, who don't have, like, home. [00:32:27] Speaker A: Strong home structure. [00:32:29] Speaker C: Home structure. It's easy for them, and then it's easy for people that are looking for a place to be manipulated into things. [00:32:37] Speaker A: And how they can get in so. [00:32:39] Speaker C: Easily, because that's how the brother kind of. He ended up wanting to find his place in this new place. [00:32:45] Speaker A: Well, actually, he was chasing ass. [00:32:47] Speaker C: Yeah. I mean, but he. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But he was. Remember, he wasn't really. He didn't have no friends there. He was attracted to. He was attracted to the girl. Yeah. And then. But then you get there, and now it's like, yo, this is. Oh, this is what we doing. Okay. I'm in, you know, trying to find place. So that's why I say it's a little deep. I love this. I really like that movie. [00:33:10] Speaker A: Really? I mean, it was good. [00:33:11] Speaker C: Watch it as a kid. It was a little scary as a kid. [00:33:14] Speaker A: Really? [00:33:15] Speaker B: Vampire. [00:33:15] Speaker C: Yeah. And then it was gory. [00:33:18] Speaker A: A little show. Interview with the vampires. [00:33:21] Speaker C: No. [00:33:21] Speaker B: Oh, I heard about that. People say it's good. [00:33:24] Speaker A: Good. Very good. I know. I know. [00:33:27] Speaker B: What's that? Come on, FX. [00:33:28] Speaker C: No, you said, you know the. What? [00:33:30] Speaker A: The gay parts are just like. [00:33:32] Speaker C: Oh, I don't even know. I haven't even. I haven't heard anything about gay parts. But you're not helping. You're not helping. [00:33:37] Speaker A: It's K. It's good to me. And I love the movie too, but, like, the show is really good. It comes on. No. Amc. I want to say. [00:33:47] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard people talk about it, but I. [00:33:49] Speaker A: But it was on HBO, Max, and it's not coming no more. It's already on Netflix. [00:33:54] Speaker C: What? Interview with a vampire. [00:33:56] Speaker B: The whole series. Oh, it's over. [00:33:58] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, the second season. First and second season is over. Oh, and they've been approved for the third. [00:34:03] Speaker B: Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna check that. I might check it out. [00:34:06] Speaker A: It's good. It's really good. [00:34:07] Speaker B: Is it better than true blood? [00:34:10] Speaker C: Somebody else is watching true blood. [00:34:13] Speaker B: It's better than true blood. [00:34:14] Speaker A: It's better than true blood. [00:34:16] Speaker B: True blood. Have your ass hooked. [00:34:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:18] Speaker C: Is true blood good? [00:34:19] Speaker B: Yeah, it was good. [00:34:20] Speaker A: Very good. [00:34:20] Speaker B: It was. [00:34:21] Speaker A: Oh, girl. Was a nympho. [00:34:22] Speaker B: It was good back then. Cause you could. I wanna say people was like, tweet, watch it. So you watch it and people be talking about it on Twitter. I think back then, but then, like, some of the characters were, you know, kinda outlandish, but back then. I know. I remember it being good. [00:34:40] Speaker A: Fairies. Werewolves. [00:34:42] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:34:42] Speaker A: All of it. [00:34:43] Speaker C: I'm giving a chance. So what's it on? [00:34:46] Speaker B: It was on HBO. [00:34:46] Speaker C: Yeah, but I mean, what? Could they watch it? Cause somebody I know is watching it now. [00:34:51] Speaker B: Probably on Max. [00:34:52] Speaker A: Max and Hulu. [00:34:53] Speaker B: Oh, it's on Hulu? [00:34:54] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:34:54] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:34:55] Speaker A: So you can watch it on Max. You can watch it on Hulu. And I believe Netflix too, but I'm not completely sure. [00:35:00] Speaker B: I'm gonna ask y'all, do y'all watch reasonable doubt? [00:35:04] Speaker A: I haven't started it yet. [00:35:06] Speaker C: Where do I know that? [00:35:07] Speaker B: It's a show. Hulu with the black lady. She's a lawyer. [00:35:12] Speaker C: And they only had one season so far. [00:35:14] Speaker A: The second season started. [00:35:17] Speaker C: They came out. [00:35:18] Speaker B: Yeah. So they got two episodes out now. [00:35:20] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:35:20] Speaker B: And the first two episodes really good. Especially the second one. It ends good. So. [00:35:25] Speaker A: Okay, so tell me if I'm right. If I watched the first. Cause I want to say I watched the first episode, is a guy that was trying to cover up his son's murder, or he, like, murdered his son or something like that sort. [00:35:35] Speaker B: Was it, uh. [00:35:36] Speaker A: Like, he was, like, a serial killer, some type? Like a. He was psychotic. [00:35:40] Speaker B: Was it. Was the lawyer, um, the black lady? [00:35:43] Speaker A: I don't know. Like, I'm not sure yet. Like, I didn't get through. I wasn't really paying attention. [00:35:47] Speaker B: Oh, I see. If it was the very first episode. I don't remember. [00:35:50] Speaker A: Okay. [00:35:51] Speaker B: I don't remember the very first episode. [00:35:52] Speaker A: I was watching the right thing. Cause it was good. [00:35:53] Speaker B: It was on Hulu. [00:35:54] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:35:55] Speaker B: That's probably a reasonable doubt. Yeah. But it's. They have two. Two episodes out of the second season. It's, um. And all of the, uh. All of the episode titles are Jay Z songs. [00:36:06] Speaker A: Really? [00:36:06] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, you ain't never paid no attention. [00:36:09] Speaker C: I never paid that attention. [00:36:11] Speaker B: Yeah. But they never really used Jay Z music in the show. And reasonable doubt is the name of his first album. You know what I'm saying? But, yeah, that's out. And then. So I watched that, and then it's on Netflix. They have untold where they have, like, tell stories about sports, whatever. [00:36:27] Speaker C: Steve McNair. [00:36:27] Speaker B: Yeah, that was a good one. That was a good one. [00:36:31] Speaker A: It's on my list. But I don't want to. Don't tell me. Cause I wanna watch. I love watching those. [00:36:36] Speaker B: Do you know the story, what happened? [00:36:37] Speaker A: No, I don't. Somebody else was telling me about it, but I don't know the story. [00:36:41] Speaker B: Cause when that happened to him, we were kinda young. [00:36:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:36:48] Speaker B: And I remember the story happening, but I just thought it was kinda wild that, you know. But I don't wanna spoil it. But that's a good. That's a good untold. The one with Stephen there. [00:36:57] Speaker A: I like all the untold. [00:36:58] Speaker B: Yeah, I watched. I watched a couple of them. Like, the one malice in the palace. [00:37:03] Speaker A: Yeah. I didn't even. I remember that, but I don't. Like. I remember seeing it on tv, but not really paying attention to it. [00:37:10] Speaker B: Annoying. [00:37:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:37:11] Speaker B: Well, did they have. Cause in one of the stories about. Cause I've seen several of those, and one of them, Steven Jackson, was like. There was, like, after the fight or whatever, and they were in the locker room, you know what I'm saying? Sitting around or whatever. And it was like, Ron Artes came in the locker room, and he was sitting out. He was like, hey, man, y'all think we gonna get in trouble? What the fuck you talking about? [00:37:32] Speaker A: Of course, nigga. [00:37:33] Speaker B: We could be lucky if we still got a job. Yeah, I thought that shit was funny. [00:37:37] Speaker A: Yeah, but just how they played them in the news, like, I didn't even realize how, like, bad it was. How they made them look like thugs. [00:37:46] Speaker B: Well, at first. So, like, I remember watching it live. [00:37:51] Speaker C: I remember watching. Watching that game. [00:37:52] Speaker B: So I didn't watch the game, but I did see, like, the very first or second es. Cause, you know, they were running sports center over and over. And over. So the first time they did the sports center thing, I saw it, and they were, like, the fans, you know, they were blaming it on the fans, but then after a while, they flipped it and put it on the players, like you said, making them look like thugs or whatever. So, yeah, I did remember that part of it, like, how they kind of, like, played them, but they didn't really play them. Cause. [00:38:24] Speaker A: I. [00:38:25] Speaker B: They. It's tough. Cause I don't blame Ron Artes. Cause he was. He kind of, like, trying to settle down from, like, a fight. [00:38:32] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:38:32] Speaker B: And then somebody threw something on him, and he kind of flipped. But. [00:38:36] Speaker A: And you don't know how somebody's going to react to something when they already escalated. [00:38:40] Speaker C: But here's my thing with that. I don't. Because of his position, you say, hey, you should be able to withhold yourself a little bit. Restrain yourself. But as a man, man, you pour a beer on my head. [00:38:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:38:56] Speaker C: Or you throw something at me, man, that ain't about to fly at all. It just not. It's just not gonna be whether I lose the fight or not. That's just not gonna be what happens. [00:39:09] Speaker A: And get away with it. [00:39:10] Speaker C: Yeah. And then to take. And then I think in one of the documentaries I saw about it, one of them, it might have been Steven Jackson, said. He was like, it's almost as if people come to these games. No one even. Nobody was in the fight. It was just another NBA player. And I can't remember who it was. But they were like, that was just the reaction. They was like, this happens all the time. [00:39:32] Speaker B: All the time. [00:39:34] Speaker C: But people expect us not to do nothing. You know? [00:39:37] Speaker A: That was in a documentary. [00:39:38] Speaker C: That was in it. Yeah, okay. He was like, yeah, you pay your money, but that doesn't mean you pay your money to come cuss us out. You know, throw stuff at us. [00:39:46] Speaker A: Fans throwing stuff at the players on a consistent basis, saying, like, you know, oh, f. Your mom, this and the other. Like, it's gotten really titles to, like, say whatever they want to say. [00:39:58] Speaker C: It's like the. When you do that thing around our test, it's like, you jumped in the tiger cage. That lady did the other day, and you stuck your hand in his mouth. [00:40:06] Speaker B: Somebody jumped in the tiger cage. [00:40:08] Speaker C: But when she jumped in it, there was, like, this bar, and so the tiger, if he wanted to get at. [00:40:13] Speaker B: Her, he couldn't get at her. [00:40:15] Speaker C: And so she, like, jumped the fence and then got over there and was playing with him. And. Yeah, yeah, that be. Gave her a growl. She hopped her ass right back over that damn fence. [00:40:25] Speaker A: She was white, wasn't she? [00:40:26] Speaker C: Yeah, she was white. But it's like. It's just. It's like that. Like it's okay until the rabbit got the gun. Like, it's okay to do this stuff until they were provoked. [00:40:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:38] Speaker C: And, of course. But in their position, I think, was it. Is it in a jay Z rap or something like that? [00:40:44] Speaker B: He said, if I shoot you, I'm blameless. [00:40:46] Speaker C: I'm blameless. If you shoot me. [00:40:48] Speaker B: If you shoot me, you famous. [00:40:50] Speaker C: You know what I'm saying? [00:40:51] Speaker B: But it's for a sport like basketball, where there's only, like, 15 of them on the thing. It really ain't safe for them to jump in there. Cause you don't know that's true, too. How the fans gonna flip, like, what you're doing out here, and all of them could jump on you, and it ain't nothing like 15 basketball players and 20,000 people. [00:41:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:41:09] Speaker B: You know what I'm saying? [00:41:10] Speaker A: Well, I don't think the crowd. It wasn't that many people at that game. [00:41:14] Speaker B: Not at that point. Cause the game was about. About over. But I'm just saying, like, I went, like, as a player, especially a basketball player. Yeah. Cause it just ain't enough for y'all to, like, fend for yourself, and now you can't play. Uh huh. So that was rough. But, yeah, untold has a whole bunch. Like, I think they had one on the university of Florida. And, like, Aaron Hernandez. [00:41:36] Speaker C: Oh, that was dope. [00:41:37] Speaker B: They got a few songs. Netflix. Untold. They got. [00:41:39] Speaker C: If you get a chance, if you like sports, definitely. But that Steve McNair one, they showed a lot of stuff I didn't know. [00:41:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [00:41:46] Speaker C: It was really good. [00:41:47] Speaker A: Cause, like, somebody else was telling me about it. [00:41:49] Speaker C: Cause I even remember him, like, passing and not knowing and just thinking. What they said is that the girlfriend killed him. And that's. Cause that was what was put out on the news. [00:41:59] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:42:00] Speaker C: But, I mean, girlfriend killed him and then killed herself. But to say that there's other theories of the girl. [00:42:05] Speaker B: Other stuff in there. Yeah, yeah. [00:42:07] Speaker C: So. [00:42:07] Speaker B: But, yeah, if you watch them untold, you, that's one of the better ones. And then this ain't tv, but, you know, we talk about music and stuff on here, too. Tiny desk. Maxwell did a tiny desk. [00:42:17] Speaker C: He did. [00:42:19] Speaker A: I haven't gotten to watch it. [00:42:21] Speaker B: Yeah. So it was good. Yeah. [00:42:22] Speaker C: Oh, I think you shared it. [00:42:24] Speaker B: I did. When I first. When I saw. [00:42:26] Speaker C: When you first saw it. I'm gonna go check it out. Find her. He thought he found something. [00:42:33] Speaker A: Fine. Don't play with me. Keep it cute. Keep it cute. [00:42:37] Speaker B: Cussing out this? Is this the show you can cuss on here? You can. We'll get into a couple stories before we get out of here. Let's see. This is kind of close to here. I saw this. This happened in Richland County. Alvin S. Glen. Y'all know what that is? [00:42:58] Speaker C: Bluff Road. [00:42:59] Speaker B: That's where it is. [00:43:00] Speaker C: Detention center. Alvin S. Glenn detention center. It was headed there one night. [00:43:05] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:43:06] Speaker A: Yeah, it was the delinquent. Please tell us. [00:43:09] Speaker C: No, I was. Went to a party. Way too much to drink. And I was in the parking lot, and I put the car in reverse. Bumped the car. [00:43:20] Speaker B: Ooh. [00:43:21] Speaker C: And then went to go forward. I ain't think it was a big deal. Got out, looked. Wasn't nothing there. And then. But I was so friggin drunk. The dude who car it was, he gets out of his car, and he's like, no, no, no. So he calls the police. But the police were already in the lot. So they pull over, and I was behind the wheel. [00:43:39] Speaker B: And you were drinking. [00:43:41] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. I was done. And so they put me in the. Put me in the car. They put me in the front seat. Lady was very respectful. Cause my homeboy. My homeboy, Los, was like, man, don't do him like that. He's a coach. He's a dad. He got six kids. Like, he was going in for me. And then. So the lady was like, so on the road on the way to Athens, Glen, the cop is talking to me. So you have six kids. What's their names, like, talking to her? And I said, ma'am. Cause we on I 20. She's like, I'm like, ma'am, you gotta pull the car over. She said, throw up, man. I had to throw up so bad. She said, no, I can't pull the car over. I said, well, you gonna be cleaning this up when you get back. And so she pulled over to the side. I threw up. And I guess I was so drunk, I passed out. It was shortly after my grandma had passed. And so I passed out. They go ahead. They put me in the ambulance. And the lady, when she got in with me, she says, hey, do you want to take. Do you want to take a. A sobriety test? And I said, no. So then we got down to the. So we went down to the thing, and she says, well, if you refuse this. Cause now I'm in the emergency room. And she's in the emergency room with them. And they are trying to get me to be coherent, and I'm coherent enough to keep telling her, no, I'm not. No, they can't take my blood. No, they can't do none of that. And so she was like, okay, well, your license is gonna be suspended from today. You have to show up to court. This, that, and the third. [00:45:03] Speaker B: So did you go to jail? [00:45:05] Speaker C: No. Yeah. And they had, you know, at the time, a girl picked me up from there when I went to court. What's so funny? I went to court, and the ticket was supposed to be nuts. Like, it was gonna be so high, and I think I was gonna have to do some type of community service. And so she was like, yeah, you're the one that's a coach, right? So, yeah. She was like. And then. So she went up to the front, and she said, she leaned back, you got six kids, right? [00:45:34] Speaker B: Oh, God. [00:45:35] Speaker C: I said, yeah. And so she got up, and she says, yeah, I just want him to pay the court cost, no penalty. And the lady looked at, the judge was like, she looked at the ticket. She was like, hold on. But he. She said, yes, ma'am. He can live out the suspension of his license and do the driving. [00:45:50] Speaker B: How long was the suspension? [00:45:51] Speaker A: Four months. [00:45:52] Speaker C: 60 days? No, 60 days. [00:45:54] Speaker B: Did you drive while you were suspended? [00:45:55] Speaker C: No, I didn't. [00:45:56] Speaker A: Really? [00:45:57] Speaker C: No, I didn't. I didn't. [00:45:58] Speaker B: You're a good man. [00:45:59] Speaker C: No, I didn't. Well, I live around the corner. I lived around the corner from where I worked. [00:46:03] Speaker A: So you walked? [00:46:04] Speaker C: So I walked. [00:46:04] Speaker B: Somebody to work. Somebody is narrowing down this timeline. [00:46:08] Speaker C: Yeah. Oh, yeah. [00:46:08] Speaker B: Of when this happened. [00:46:09] Speaker C: This happened when I don't. [00:46:10] Speaker B: When I first lost job. Don't say where. [00:46:12] Speaker C: No, no, I won't say where. But when I first got that job, that's when it happened. Yeah. [00:46:17] Speaker B: So somebody listening and knowing, like, I knew when this was a but. [00:46:22] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm sorry. [00:46:23] Speaker B: So a surprise vehicle search on Wednesday led to the arrest of two Richland county jail guards for possession of contraband and drugs. 37 year old Bridget Williams and 50 year old Ashanti. Remember they was making Ashanti's back then, huh? [00:46:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:38] Speaker B: 50 year old Ashanti, rember, were charged after deputies conducted an unscheduled search of all employee vehicles at Alvin S Glen detention center during shift change around 06:00 p.m. that day. As a result of the search, Williams was charged with possession of or furnishing contraband and manufacturing or distribution of methamphetamine in the first degree, remember? Was charged with possession of other controlled substances and possession of furnishing, possession or furnishing of contraband. Both have been released on bond. The sheriff's department said the search was in part due to the recent uptick in drugs and unknown substances being found in the jail. Multiple inmate overdose deaths have occurred in recent weeks as well. Oh, shoot. I think the drugs gotta get in there some kind of way. [00:47:30] Speaker C: They always do. [00:47:32] Speaker A: They were trying to get it into a male prison. [00:47:35] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:47:35] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. They were knocking them off. [00:47:36] Speaker B: Well, it's a detention center. I don't know if it's. [00:47:39] Speaker A: They still knocking them off. [00:47:40] Speaker C: It's like the holding for, like, for both, though, right? Yeah, for prison. Like, to go to prison, I. [00:47:44] Speaker A: To go to prison? [00:47:45] Speaker B: Go to jail. [00:47:45] Speaker C: Yeah, to go to prison. Yeah. It's just like the holding center, but. [00:47:49] Speaker B: They'Ve been having people get arrested there. [00:47:51] Speaker C: Yeah, but you might be, like, you might be there for a couple years. [00:47:55] Speaker A: Oh, really? Oh, yeah. They were knocking them off, probably. [00:47:58] Speaker B: So it was a few other women, like, late last year that got in trouble for here in Florence. [00:48:05] Speaker C: Oh, shoot. I know. Recently on. [00:48:09] Speaker B: Well, I'm not in Florence. I mean, at this particular jail. [00:48:13] Speaker A: Oh, it was one in Florence last year. Just last year. Yeah. Accused of having sexual relations with one of the inmates. [00:48:22] Speaker B: That's a. That's a rape charge. [00:48:24] Speaker A: Yeah. Because that's their property of the state. [00:48:27] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:48:27] Speaker C: Yeah. Shoot, they had. [00:48:29] Speaker A: I don't know what these men be saying to these women to make you risk your entire life. [00:48:33] Speaker B: Them niggas be in shape. [00:48:34] Speaker C: Hey, they got not that. [00:48:37] Speaker A: Like, what? He can't do nothing for you. [00:48:39] Speaker B: And, like, it's kind of like. I think it's kind of like dating somebody at work. Like, you might start the job, and you might not think they attract them, but you see this person every day. [00:48:50] Speaker C: Every day, eventually. [00:48:51] Speaker B: And not only that, like, you might see them one day, and you might not see how charismatic they are, how they talk or whatever, but you see them every day now. You see all the little, like, you see everything about them. Yep. You know what I'm saying? And it just happened. [00:49:06] Speaker A: I didn't like prison men at all. Like, even the, like, women, when I watch love after lockup, like, I just. That's another reality show that I watch that all the time. [00:49:19] Speaker B: You say that. Cause you free. I got a question for y'all. I meant to ask y'all this about reality show, since y'all watch it. I was playing a game last night, and the question was, who was the craziest reality show person? Was it New York? Let me see New York, Tommy Lee, Jocelyn Hernandez, or Nini Leakes. Them was the four choices. Out of those four, who was the craziest out of them four? [00:49:46] Speaker A: Jocelyn. [00:49:48] Speaker C: I would say Tommy Lee. The reason I said Tommy Lee. Well, it don't matter. [00:49:54] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. So I said, I thought Tommy, too. Cause Tommy get in the most trouble out of all of them, really. But I figure most of the people would have said New York because I'm not. New York would have said Jocelyn. Jocelyn, because she was, like, more popular. But she fought and stuff, too. Right. But everybody was like, New York was crazy. Like, New York is not crazier than Jocelyn. [00:50:14] Speaker A: You know, I just watched. I just watched. [00:50:15] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, you did rewatch what's the name? [00:50:17] Speaker A: Flavor of love back. And. Yeah, I don't see the hype in why we hated her at all. Cause she wouldn't. She was barely on the screen. [00:50:27] Speaker B: New York? [00:50:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:50:28] Speaker B: For real. [00:50:29] Speaker C: No, New York was. I mean. But then she ended up with her own. For the love of New York. Like, she ended up with her own show. Like, she was that polarized. [00:50:35] Speaker B: Yeah, but she just watched it, though, too. [00:50:37] Speaker A: I literally just watched all of it back. Flav didn't even have any alone time with her until the end. [00:50:42] Speaker B: For real? [00:50:43] Speaker A: Yes. [00:50:44] Speaker B: It just seemed like back then, it seemed like she was always gonna be number one or number two. Like. [00:50:49] Speaker A: But they put the camera on her, and a lot of the girls was like, she knew when to turn it on, and she knew when to turn it off, and she would. We always seen her saying, that's my man. I'm here. I'm. Forget, y'all. I'm here for Flav. [00:51:01] Speaker B: I'm not here to make friends, y'all. [00:51:02] Speaker A: I'm not here to make friends. So the whole first season, they never spent any time together until the end of the season. That's crazy. And in the second season, he was just knocking her off. [00:51:15] Speaker B: Oh. Cause they would be going in the room. Maybe that's what people think about now. Like, they mix the first and second season up. Cause I remember them, like, them going in the room and the door closing behind them and stuff. And I wanna say it was one scene where, like, she was making noises. [00:51:28] Speaker A: Like, you could hear making noises. And she's still crazy about him to this day. To this day. [00:51:35] Speaker B: This is an act. Her whole thing was an act. [00:51:38] Speaker C: And that's why I was saying that was my point behind Tommy Lee rather than Jocelyn. I just think that. I just don't think that. No, I'm not saying that. She's not that now, but I think it was just a Persona that was created. [00:51:48] Speaker B: Who? Jocelyn? [00:51:49] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:51:50] Speaker A: Nah, Jocelyn is who she is. [00:51:52] Speaker B: Tommy. [00:51:52] Speaker A: I mean, granted, Tommy is a. [00:51:54] Speaker C: And I think. I just think Tommy Lee was that. Like, that was just really genuinely him. That's him. [00:51:59] Speaker B: No, Tommy Lee is a woman. [00:52:01] Speaker C: I'm sorry. Her. Sorry. Sorry. [00:52:02] Speaker A: Yeah, but with Tommy, I think. I think we see a difference. [00:52:05] Speaker C: Now. [00:52:06] Speaker B: You're talking about the rock star Tommy. [00:52:08] Speaker A: But with Tommy, she. We seen her in her crazy bipolar moments. [00:52:14] Speaker B: Oh, she clinical got that, I believe. [00:52:17] Speaker A: If I'm not mistaken. Like, that's her. Like, why she is the way she is or why she drinks and drinking was her issue with Jocelyn. Like, the reason why I say crazy is because her being. Coming from being a stripper and having, like, she's used to fighting in the club, she's used to beating men and women up. And it's just like, no question. Boom. With Tommy, it had to be. She was drinking, and that was a big issue for her. And in the show, watching loving hip hop, she had to go get counseling because she didn't have her kids and stuff like that. [00:52:58] Speaker B: Tommy did. [00:52:59] Speaker A: Yeah. And a lot of her fighting came from her being too drunk. [00:53:02] Speaker B: I didn't even watch the show when Tommy was on, but I just remember seeing clips of her. [00:53:07] Speaker C: That's what I went off of. [00:53:08] Speaker A: Cause it was always behind her being drunk. [00:53:10] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm talking about crazy type fights, too. [00:53:12] Speaker A: Yeah, like, her just doing crazy stuff. Jocelyn. Jocelyn was sobereze doing these things. [00:53:18] Speaker B: But the last one with Jocelyn, where they were like, at some kind of. Was it like a boxing match or something? Yeah, she was behind the scenes. [00:53:26] Speaker C: Behind the scenes. [00:53:26] Speaker A: The girls that she was backstage. [00:53:29] Speaker B: Yeah, that's the last one I seen her. [00:53:30] Speaker A: But see, that was something she ended up starting to do because we met Jocelyn when Jocelyn was like 20 something very early on in her life. We met her at maybe 22, 23. And you see, she was just jumping, no questions asked, jumping on people for. [00:53:48] Speaker B: For Stevie. Yeah. [00:53:49] Speaker A: So, like, she was already Stevie. [00:53:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:53:52] Speaker A: So she was already crazy. And I think as fame got to them, she was introduced to. [00:53:57] Speaker B: And by fame, you mean coke. [00:54:00] Speaker A: Yeah. So, you know. Cause you know how people say when I start talking about coke, you don't like coke. I never tried it. [00:54:08] Speaker C: I like Pepsi. [00:54:09] Speaker B: Well, I mean, as far as just being, you know, as a entity. [00:54:15] Speaker A: I always felt like if I got rich, I might try. [00:54:18] Speaker B: You might try. [00:54:18] Speaker C: You took that nose candy. [00:54:19] Speaker B: I wouldn't try it now. Cause they be putting fentanyl in it. And stuff. So I wouldn't try it. [00:54:23] Speaker A: You know, I wanna be able to afford the good stuff. [00:54:26] Speaker B: But you wouldn't know, though. [00:54:27] Speaker A: I mean, I'm going over there. Yeah. To try it. [00:54:35] Speaker C: That's how you know it's a gift. [00:54:37] Speaker B: Yeah, true. Cause they would have that great stuff over there. Yep, they would. Speaking of having that stuff over there, there were some meth was found. Nearly $6 million worth of meth was found, and fake watermelon and celery shipments in California. [00:54:52] Speaker A: Fake watermelon? [00:54:53] Speaker B: Yeah. They made the stuff look like watermelon. It was seized less than two weeks at the United States Mexico border. That's what border protection and customs said. They said the first seizure happened on the evening of August 9 when border agents at the Otay Mesa commercial facility, it's an inspection port just over the southern border in San Diego, found 629 pounds of methamphetamine in a grocery shipping crate filled with celery. Say they found this while performing an inspection of a tractor trailer driven by. Well, it don't matter how old this nigga. Why would you put that in there? Let's see. [00:55:39] Speaker A: That's something I would never try. [00:55:40] Speaker B: What? [00:55:41] Speaker A: Meth. [00:55:41] Speaker B: Me either. And then another tractor trailer was found less than two weeks later in the shipment that they said it was watermelon, but it was 1220 packages of methamphetamine. They're wrapped inside packaging that might be mistaken for watermelon from a distance. But close inspection revealed that the packages were actually filled with 4587 pounds of meth. [00:56:08] Speaker C: Jesus. [00:56:08] Speaker A: Wow. [00:56:09] Speaker B: Yeah. $5 million worth of meth. [00:56:10] Speaker A: If they give you meth for something to detox off of something. [00:56:14] Speaker B: No, they give methadone. Methadone for people to their home, to wean you off. But it's another thing, too, that they give you that people can get. But it's not necessarily somebody who is somebody works at one of them clinics. [00:56:32] Speaker A: And they told me I'm gonna find out. [00:56:35] Speaker B: Yeah, they told me to. It's a doctor too? No. Oh, my sister, she's a nurse practitioner. [00:56:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:56:43] Speaker B: And she works at one of them clinics. Well, a couple of them, she'll go to different ones. And they give them the stuff. She said what it was, you know, one of them long words, what the thing is. But, yeah, let's see what else happened before we get out of here. Now, this is something. Well, it's kind of drug related, but a self proclaimed member of the Santa Loa drug cartel, he filed a lawsuit against Diddy. You saw this? [00:57:10] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:57:11] Speaker B: Mm hmm. I was gonna ask y'all to guess, but thanks, Nick, for bearing the lead. The case, filed in the southern district of New York, was swiftly dismissed by oil. It was dismissed. God damn it. Alfredo P. Gonzalez is currently incarcerated in Colorado. Sought $666,000 in damages, asserting that combs and his associates had tarnished his reputation in New York's criminal underworld. The trouble began when he refused to assist combs alleged request to traffic minors for parties. Diddy party footage. Keeping people quiet. Oh, no. Hold on. No. Why did they put that right there? The plaintiff claimed that after declining the purported offers, he was told his life would be made hell due to the power combs has in the streets. Gonzalez further alleged that this led to the loss of his New York based drug business contacts. But it was like I said earlier, it was dismissed. I think a lot of the stuff, because Diddy name is popular for, like, nefarious stuff right now. A lot of frivolous stuff, like, will come out, and it'll like, stupid stuff. Yeah. Cause, like, this guy was like, oh, diddy. They said diddy was trafficking people. I'm gonna put his name out there and see. You know what I'm saying? [00:58:30] Speaker A: So what do y'all think about young Miami's interview? [00:58:34] Speaker B: I didn't see it. [00:58:35] Speaker C: I haven't seen it. I heard about it, but I haven't seen it. [00:58:38] Speaker B: Did she say anything? [00:58:39] Speaker A: Nothing. She said nothing. And just to sum it up, she basically was like, she feels like she was with Diddy when we were celebrating him and where everybody loved him. She never experienced that out of Diddy. So she doesn't know the man that we speak of because she's never experienced him. [00:58:59] Speaker B: But didn't she have pink cocaine? [00:59:00] Speaker A: That part. And she also told one of the other girls, I think her name was Gina, that, you know, if she wanted her to get on her knees and give her oral, Diddy will make her do it. Cause she knows. [00:59:12] Speaker B: She said that on the show. [00:59:14] Speaker A: No, she said on Twitter, she told the girl. Cause her and the girl were going back and forth. [00:59:18] Speaker B: Oh. She said if Diddy. Uh huh. [00:59:20] Speaker A: If she wanted. She wanted her to do that, diddy would make her do that. And she knows that. [00:59:24] Speaker B: She don't realize how that sounds. [00:59:26] Speaker C: Mm mm. [00:59:27] Speaker A: So to say, like, you've never experienced that and to have that on Twitter. [00:59:32] Speaker B: Yeah. Is, like, that kind of confirming the stuff people say about them, saying about. [00:59:36] Speaker A: Them, and I don't. Well, I'll say this. I can believe when she says she never experienced that out of him, but I believe she does know that of him because she probably participated, but she probably was on the other end, the good end of it. [00:59:50] Speaker B: Mm hmm. She probably ain't got to the part. [00:59:52] Speaker A: To where he knocking around. [00:59:55] Speaker B: Yeah, the alleged. Well, we know the knock around, but some of the stuff we do, some of the stuff is just he say, she say, and still ain't been to court yet. [01:00:05] Speaker C: That's my thing, I think. And there's no defense of anything. Cause he's wrong of a lot of stuff. But it just seems as whatever it is, they're just piling on at this point. Like, it's just like, oh, let me just see if I could get something off of this. And everybody's putting a story out there, and I think when that happens, it. [01:00:25] Speaker A: Convolutes what actually happened. [01:00:27] Speaker C: What's actually happened. Yeah. [01:00:28] Speaker A: What's real and what's fake. [01:00:30] Speaker C: And then it ends up, I think, diminishing. And I. The credibility of the actual victims. [01:00:39] Speaker A: I agree with that. [01:00:40] Speaker C: Whoever they are. [01:00:41] Speaker B: The only one we know of for sure is cash. Cause we saw it. [01:00:44] Speaker A: I feel the same way about Chris Brown, because the only proof that we have that he hits on women is Rihanna. [01:00:53] Speaker B: Well, no, we got another proof, too. [01:00:55] Speaker A: Where? Who? [01:00:56] Speaker B: Karrueche. [01:00:57] Speaker A: We seen him hit her. [01:00:58] Speaker B: Well, no, she went to court. Yeah, she went to court, um, in, like, the documents or something. It was like she. He. I don't know if he punched in the stomach, but it was something like he pushed it down the stairs. [01:01:08] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:01:08] Speaker B: And so she had, like, a restraining order against him. [01:01:10] Speaker A: So. [01:01:10] Speaker B: And that. [01:01:11] Speaker A: And again, I will still say, just like with Rihanna, everybody is like, oh, Rihanna spit in his face and was hitting on him first. Like, I hate to feel like that, but a lot of times women jump on Mendez, and then we're shocked once he hit us back. [01:01:30] Speaker B: I mean, that's. All of that is fair. But, like. [01:01:33] Speaker A: So maybe she got knocked down the stairs because we're never gonna hear the other side of the story. Cause no one cares. [01:01:41] Speaker B: Well, I mean, if he would tell it, people would care, but. [01:01:44] Speaker A: And he's not the type to tell his side, either. [01:01:46] Speaker B: That's cool, too. But I mean, like, these two incidences, you know what I'm saying? That's documented that he did, whether or not Rihanna jumped on him or nothing, that still don't negate the fact that he beat up, you know what I'm saying? [01:01:58] Speaker C: And left proof that. [01:02:01] Speaker B: You know what I'm saying? And he apologized. She forgave him. Cause they did work together later on and stuff. Like that. But I don't think the Karrueche thing, like, I don't think she ever like. Cause after they split up, like, they would never get together again. He kind of harassed dudes she was dating. It's that one picture where he standing. Like, I think they just happened to be at the same bar or something like that. And he was, like, standing outside. He had his hands behind his back, like, kind of in her face a little bit. Like, it just looked weird. And I didn't know about the. I didn't remember, like, the thing where the little court thing with them that really didn't make a lot of noise, but it's documented, you know what I'm saying? So I don't think. [01:02:43] Speaker A: Read that, too. Cause I like. [01:02:44] Speaker B: Yeah, I'll try to find. [01:02:46] Speaker A: If I found out that she had, like, a five year restraining order on. [01:02:49] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [01:02:50] Speaker A: So a restraining order is not just easy to get. [01:02:54] Speaker B: No, it ain't. Like, you gotta. I think with them, you gotta show proof that they did something to you. [01:02:58] Speaker A: But still, like, I can show proof that somebody did something to me, too, and I could have played a part in it. And, like, she fell down the stairs. Who's to say he wasn't trying to get her off of him? And that knocked her down the stairs? And now she has proof. Like, yes, he's hitting, and he has a history of this. So that could have been easy for her to get a restraining order. [01:03:18] Speaker B: Have you seen this nigga in person before? Yeah, this nigga tried to dunk on me one time first. [01:03:23] Speaker C: For real. [01:03:26] Speaker B: He ain't small. And he. You know what I'm saying? [01:03:28] Speaker A: Like, but he may not know his own, you know, like, in that moment, like, as a small. As a short person, if I'm pushing on somebody, they could just move their arm, and that can knock me over. [01:03:42] Speaker B: He got a weird case. Why is he around? This nigga be like, you know the song with him and usher. He just yell out her name in the middle of the song. Come on, Chris. This ain't healthy. Your case. [01:03:51] Speaker A: But I think he really, truly loved her, though. [01:03:54] Speaker B: And I think he loved her to death. [01:03:55] Speaker A: Yeah, well, no, and I don't think that. I think what it was is. And again, like, women hate when I say this, but, like, I feel like Carushi used him to jump off her career. Listen to me. Follow me. [01:04:12] Speaker B: That's a stretch. [01:04:12] Speaker A: No, follow me. Follow me. Because who was she before him? Like, really? And speaking from a woman's point of, like, I know her now from Claus. [01:04:23] Speaker B: But she was just. I don't know what she did before, but the thing that made her, like. It wasn't like she was trying to be famous. [01:04:30] Speaker A: No, no, no. However, if you have a good pr that knows how to do scandals really well, say, okay, he pushed you. If you no like. Cause no one knows what goes on in Chris Brown's camp. We hear rumors, we hear this, we hear that, but no one really knows what goes on. So he's not the type to have everybody in his business. If you don't know that this is going on between the two of them, you don't even know this is the type of woman she is. Like, she's feisty, she's this. There's no rumors. There's no evidence of this. All you hear is that he pushed her down. She has the proof. Okay, so now she's a victim. Also. She's a victim. Like Rihanna. Cause Rihanna's career took off. Once we found out it took off. [01:05:09] Speaker B: Her career was on. She was. [01:05:10] Speaker A: It was already there, but she was. [01:05:12] Speaker C: Already on whatever stage. [01:05:13] Speaker A: No, no, I'm not saying she wasn't already popular and she wasn't already there, but she was now a victim of domestic violence. [01:05:21] Speaker B: Domestic violence wasn't even out back then. [01:05:23] Speaker A: No, she was. No. Yes, it was. [01:05:25] Speaker B: It wasn't even out. [01:05:26] Speaker A: So now she was the face of a woman that was a survivor of domestic violence. [01:05:32] Speaker C: She. [01:05:33] Speaker A: And even somebody else even said, like, you know, like, she really did. She went and did Oprah. She went and did 2020. Like, she went on this whole tour of talking about Chris. [01:05:47] Speaker B: Yeah, but they. [01:05:49] Speaker C: I don't know if. [01:05:51] Speaker A: And then she turned around and did a record with them. [01:05:53] Speaker B: They didn't buy pond the replay. Cause she got beat up by Chris. [01:05:56] Speaker A: You know, like, no, no, no. But they were both young. This is early in her. It was still early in her career, I think. And I think. I think prs took that and was. [01:06:06] Speaker B: Like, yes, but I don't think her career would have been any different had that not happened to her. [01:06:14] Speaker C: No. [01:06:15] Speaker B: Uh oh. That nigga sent a dick pic. [01:06:17] Speaker A: No, no, no. [01:06:18] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't think her career would be any different. [01:06:22] Speaker A: I mean, I don't either. But I think they like to use, like, everybody likes to use opportunities. When you are most in the eye of everybody of the audience, you're going to use that opportunity to. What? [01:06:34] Speaker B: But, I mean, put yourself out. [01:06:35] Speaker C: There's my thing where I think that's a little bit of a stretch. I get what you're saying. [01:06:40] Speaker A: It may not seem so much rihanna. But I do feel like Karushi, like, with Chris. Like, we would not be talking about her if she wasn't going through anything with Chris. [01:06:50] Speaker B: I don't think we would be talking about her if she hadn't dated Chris. I don't think whatever happened with them. Cause that really wasn't out like that. Like you just said, you just heard about the five year restraining order. Yeah, that really wasn't big, big news. [01:07:08] Speaker A: But when you hear about Chris and Karushi, you see him trying to talk to her. You see him trying to, like, you know, fix their relationship. And she going back and forth. The whole beef between her and her and Rihanna, at one point, there wasn't no business. Do you see Rihanna's instagram? That's Karushi. The thing with the long ear, the earrings, that's Karushi. [01:07:35] Speaker B: No, I don't think I follow her. [01:07:37] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. She at one point put a rice. A rice cake with some earrings on it. [01:07:42] Speaker B: Like, yeah, but is that Karrueche beef? What did Karrueche. [01:07:46] Speaker A: They were beefing. They were beefing with each other over Chris. [01:07:49] Speaker B: But I'm saying, what did Karrueche do toward Rihanna? [01:07:51] Speaker A: Like, like they were just fighting over Chris. [01:07:54] Speaker B: No, I'm saying what specific. Cuz like, that's a specific thing that Rihanna did. [01:07:58] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Cuz she was big. I will say Rihanna was a big bully. [01:08:01] Speaker B: But, like, I'm saying, like, did Karrueche, like, do something like that was. [01:08:05] Speaker A: She would say, like, that wanted that. [01:08:07] Speaker B: Cuz like a rice cake is very racist. [01:08:10] Speaker A: Very. [01:08:10] Speaker B: With earrings on. So what I wondered, did. [01:08:15] Speaker A: I think it was more on the cause even in music, I think Rihanna came after her, made songs. [01:08:22] Speaker B: Yeah, like, but so my thing, like. [01:08:25] Speaker A: She would do, like, we would see her with Chris Brown's clothes. I think there is a photo that the paparazzi got of crucia in her clothes, in his clothes that he wore the day before. [01:08:35] Speaker B: But I mean, were they together? [01:08:37] Speaker A: That was the. Wearing the clothes that they had just been together. [01:08:41] Speaker C: No, I'm saying. [01:08:42] Speaker B: What a day. Were they dating, though? That was why they were dating. Yeah, I mean, that's my thing. But I so, like, with Karuchi and her career, whatever. Like, it's not like she's been like, a negative person. Like, she don't be bullying people. Like, she. [01:08:57] Speaker A: Sometimes the people that we see. [01:09:00] Speaker B: Look, she dated Chris Brown. They broke up, she dated other people. And whoever she dated, Chris Brown made an issue about it, whether or not they were cool or not. Like, she dated the football player. I don't know if they still together, but he had an issue with dad. I think she might have dated, like, one of the migos. He had an issue with that or whatever. Whatever. She got her acting career, and I'm a woman. [01:09:26] Speaker A: I know when to piss a man off. [01:09:28] Speaker B: But I'm just saying, like, she doesn't do anything outwardly. That's like, she's looking for super attention. She's just a regular person who's going about her life. You know what I'm saying? [01:09:38] Speaker C: It doesn't seem staged or, like, well, like, she's seeking. [01:09:42] Speaker A: Y'all are such men. [01:09:42] Speaker C: The attention. No, I'm just saying it doesn't. I get what you. I get what you're trying to say. [01:09:47] Speaker A: I mean, and then I say, like this, it's not happening to you, so you probably wouldn't see it like that. [01:09:52] Speaker B: But I mean, like, for this show, I go and look, I'm on the sites and stuff like that, and I listen to other podcasts that, like, talk about this type of thing or whatever. And, like, she even took, like. Like, people weren't calling her by her name. They was calling her carrot cake and cockarod and all that. [01:10:10] Speaker A: And I would say, I like her. I do. [01:10:12] Speaker B: You know, like, they was disrespecting her like that. Even from when she first started talking to Chris, and I never really seen her come back or nothing like that. She was just kind of, like, living her life. [01:10:21] Speaker A: Yeah. She was always quiet, you know what I'm saying? [01:10:23] Speaker B: Like, that's why I don't really feel like she that type of person. But how do we start talking about Chris Brown and Rihanna? [01:10:28] Speaker A: I say I compared him to the situation with Diddy. Oh, yeah, but of how we viewed everything. [01:10:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:10:39] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't know. I don't. Back to the diddy stuff. Oh. Cause you were talking about old girl. [01:10:46] Speaker A: Young Miami, and her and JT, too. [01:10:50] Speaker B: Oh, they beefing, too, ain't it? Did she mention that? [01:10:53] Speaker A: Yeah, she mentioned it. [01:10:54] Speaker B: Are they back cool or they still not together? [01:10:56] Speaker A: She said it's no beef, but it's not all good. So she didn't say nothing. That's her sister. She said that's still her sister, but. [01:11:07] Speaker B: So she wasted. She wasted y'all time, y'all, and wasted everything. You watched it. You wouldn't know if you didn't watch it. [01:11:13] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:11:14] Speaker A: Yeah, I had it. Cause I couldn't give my. I couldn't give my take on it and not watch it in full. I had to give her a chance. Cause a lot of people, before I watched it were like, yeah, she didn't say anything. She wasted her time, but I wanted to watch it just because I think sometimes people are expecting more when she can't give more. [01:11:30] Speaker B: What do you mean she can't give more? [01:11:32] Speaker A: Like, more, like, if it's an ongoing investigation, like, she may not be able to talk about certain things. [01:11:39] Speaker B: Well, why have a damn show? [01:11:40] Speaker A: But, you know, like, she probably could speak on a lot more than what they're, you know, sometimes people get a lot and still want more. [01:11:51] Speaker B: But she gave nothing. [01:11:52] Speaker A: She gave absolutely nothing. [01:11:53] Speaker B: Yeah, she gave. [01:11:56] Speaker A: She's still wearing that necklace that all the other girls that dated diddy. [01:12:00] Speaker B: I saw that. [01:12:01] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Still have one. [01:12:03] Speaker B: I saw that too. In a meme. I wonder what. [01:12:06] Speaker A: I wonder what it means. Yeah, that's very interesting. [01:12:11] Speaker B: Email us let us know what you think about this diddy shit. I don't have a scammer of the week this week, y'all. [01:12:19] Speaker A: But I want to become a scammer. [01:12:22] Speaker B: No, you don't. [01:12:23] Speaker A: You might get caught. [01:12:23] Speaker C: You might get caught and not get caught. [01:12:26] Speaker A: That's why I say I'm God favorite. I. [01:12:28] Speaker B: You sound like a rapper. [01:12:30] Speaker A: I am. I am God's favorite. That's why he always, you know, makes me the example. [01:12:37] Speaker B: You don't. You could be a bad example. You know that, right? Yeah. [01:12:43] Speaker A: I get the lesson. [01:12:45] Speaker B: Like, learn from her. [01:12:47] Speaker A: Yeah. That's why I don't scam. [01:12:49] Speaker B: I do got a couple quick hits, though, before we get out of here. Well, one quick hit, Beyonce is launching a whiskey. [01:12:56] Speaker C: I saw that. Yeah, I saw that. [01:12:58] Speaker B: I know that. I think it's already pre sold out. So it's a joint venture between her and Moet Hennessy. And I guess it's gonna be like a luxury whiskey. Cause I heard somebody say it's gonna be like $90, which ain't too bad. [01:13:13] Speaker C: That ain't none. [01:13:14] Speaker A: Cause I just tasted one that was dollar 200. [01:13:16] Speaker B: For real? [01:13:17] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:13:17] Speaker C: Whiskey? [01:13:18] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:13:20] Speaker B: I just bought somebody some whiskey and it was like $60. [01:13:23] Speaker C: Which one you bought? [01:13:24] Speaker B: I don't even know the name of it. It was like the staff pick at Mickey Finn's, and I knew the person liked whiskey, so I bought it for her. [01:13:34] Speaker C: But there's a famous one. Well, there's a lot of famous whiskeys, but there's one, I think you might have mentioned it on the show. [01:13:42] Speaker B: Not uncle nearest. [01:13:43] Speaker C: Uncle nearest. [01:13:45] Speaker B: That shit could start a car. [01:13:46] Speaker C: They talked about animate in Tennessee. [01:13:50] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:13:50] Speaker C: Yeah. I think somebody went and visited there. [01:13:53] Speaker B: Yeah. They got a distillery. Distillery and stuff. But it's the. [01:13:56] Speaker C: So that was a good experience. [01:13:57] Speaker B: Yeah. The experience is not the whiskey. Uncle Nearest is the guy that had. That created Jack Daniels. [01:14:03] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:14:04] Speaker B: Okay. But then, you know, they say that the family, like, took the recipe or whatever, but it's a story behind that. I was listening to pockets. But anyway. Yeah, it's probably uncle nearest, what you're talking about. [01:14:12] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:14:13] Speaker A: That $200.01 tastes like pure alcohol. [01:14:16] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:14:16] Speaker A: All of these tastes like pure alcohol. [01:14:18] Speaker B: I ain't. [01:14:18] Speaker A: No taste. Real smooth. No, that thing burnt my chest like. [01:14:22] Speaker B: That Michael Jordan tequila. It's good. [01:14:25] Speaker C: The Michael Jordan. Is it better than the Cran Camino? [01:14:29] Speaker B: Yeah, it's smoother than that. And it got, like, a little sweeter. But I only had the cheapest Michael Jordan tequila, which was like, I think that shit, like $80 or something like that. 90. But my homeboy had it, so I'm. [01:14:41] Speaker C: Gonna check it out. [01:14:42] Speaker B: Yeah, the drinkers. [01:14:43] Speaker C: Well, I mean, I like a good white tequila. [01:14:46] Speaker B: Yeah, it's good. It got, like, a little sweet hint on the back end. [01:14:50] Speaker C: Okay. 1942. It's better than 1942. [01:14:53] Speaker B: Have I had 1942? I have had 1942. [01:14:56] Speaker C: Cause that's probably. That's the best I've had tequila wise. [01:15:03] Speaker B: It might be. [01:15:04] Speaker C: This might be 1942. [01:15:06] Speaker B: It might be better than 1942. [01:15:07] Speaker C: Okay. I might have to try it out. Well, you know, they got it in. You see, I like Jordan. Mickey fins. It's a Mickey fan. Uh huh. [01:15:14] Speaker B: It's. What's it called? I forgot what it's called. Sororka. It start with a c. Anyway. [01:15:21] Speaker A: So y'all still supporting Sarak? [01:15:23] Speaker B: No, I didn't stop drinking. I don't drink vodka. [01:15:26] Speaker C: I don't drink vodka at all. I haven't drank vodka since my sophomore year in California. [01:15:30] Speaker A: I like gin. Like I said before, I don't know what's up. [01:15:32] Speaker C: I'm starting to see a lot of women drinking gin. [01:15:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:15:35] Speaker A: I like Tom Collins. [01:15:37] Speaker B: I like. Didn't he play in the NBA? Drink my mom puts in. [01:15:45] Speaker A: That is gin, lemonade, and club soda. [01:15:51] Speaker C: Yeah. A stomachache is what's in it. That's all gin gonna do. Dog on headache. I haven't drank gin since high school, and I haven't drank vodka since. [01:16:02] Speaker B: I think the gin that most of us were drunk back then was, like, seagrams, but I think it's, like, some high quality gin that tastes good or whatever, but I don't. [01:16:12] Speaker C: I just. I don't know what and seagrams. [01:16:16] Speaker B: Like, dry, extra dry gin too. [01:16:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:16:18] Speaker B: Seagrams is some seagrams. [01:16:20] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Somebody gave me some for my birthday. [01:16:22] Speaker B: They don't like you. [01:16:24] Speaker A: It was a joke. [01:16:24] Speaker C: They're not your friend. [01:16:25] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Cause they. I'm pretty sure some high quality gin they could have bought you. Seems just. [01:16:31] Speaker A: They put my name on it. [01:16:33] Speaker B: Oh, well, Nick, I want you to put your name on your social media. Let everybody know where they can find you. [01:16:38] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Yeah. Y'all can now find me. Cause I, um. They pay me now. [01:16:41] Speaker B: Oh. [01:16:42] Speaker A: Everywhere. All social media platforms. You can find me neat, Cruz. I'm the most popular. [01:16:49] Speaker B: You the most popular. Neat cruise? [01:16:51] Speaker A: Yes. Oh, I'm the only neat cruise. Okay, guys, favorite. [01:16:54] Speaker C: That's what she says she needs. Better go ahead and trademark it now. [01:16:56] Speaker A: Youssef. [01:16:57] Speaker C: Yeah, Youssef in the building here, Yoshi. But, yeah, you can find me on Facebook, Yoshi, English, Instagram, and Snapchat. You can find me at the 9th wonder. And on Snapchat. I'm sorry. And on TikTok at R E l s t a T podcast. And you catch the show every Monday after you finish with the DJ blade show they play on ours and Wednesdays. Yep. [01:17:23] Speaker B: I gotta give a shout out to the homie Britton. I hope she listened this far. She know about that battle being smooth? Shout out to her. She was over there snickering last night. Anyway, catch me on social media, preacher BP, and you can email us let us know what you think. Once again, thanks to Nick and Youssef for joining me today. [01:17:49] Speaker C: You're welcome, brother. You're welcome. [01:17:52] Speaker B: Yeah, that's all I got, y'all. Oh, yeah. Check me out on that show after you listen to this. And only when I'm on there. Nah, at any rate, it's your boy. Be easy and I'm out. [01:18:06] Speaker C: Let those who have ears listen j blessed.

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