July 29, 2024


4 Of A Kind

4 Of A Kind
Dj Blaze Radio Show Podcast
4 Of A Kind

Jul 29 2024 | 01:20:41


Show Notes

On this episode B-Eazy (@preacher_bp) is joined by Jones, Doogie, and Wallace of the Music Jones Podcast. They get into a few of the stories from the past 2 weeks and a couple of scammers from week's past.

Email: [email protected]

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Do you have a podcast that you're passionate about? Are you looking for a professional studio to help bring your vision to life? Then look no further than Crux Media Group Studios. Located at 903 West Evans street in Florence, South Carolina, Crux Media Group Studios is a full service podcast studio that offers recording, editing, consultation, live streaming, video recording, and more. We have state of the art equipment and a team of experienced professionals who can help you create a podcast that is professional, polished, and engaging. Whether you're a first time podcaster or a seasoned pro, Crux Media Group Studios can help you take your podcast to the next level. Contact us today at 407 1673 to learn more about our services and to schedule a consultation. Let's get it started in here. [00:01:03] Speaker B: Gossip, music, news, entertainment, and heated discussions. The DJ Blaze radio show starts now. [00:01:36] Speaker A: Yo, welcome back to another episode of the DJ Blaze radio show podcast. It's your boy, be easy. Um, it's just me this week. Well, it ain't just me. The first part of be just me, but, um, Amy was out this week, so, uh, I had. I sat down with the guys from, uh, music Jones podcast, and, you know what I'm saying? We chopped it up this week. As far as news and, you know, current events, it really wasn't too much. We missed a little bit last week, you know what I'm saying? I was out of. I had to go out of town for my family reunion. So I was there all weekend. Shout out to all my family, everybody that came. Some of the family was, like, affected by that. Was it a crowd strike outage for everybody or whatever. But, um. But, yeah, that's where we were last week. And then this week, you know what I'm saying? I didn't want to go two weeks without a show, so I called in the homies. They came through for me. We had a little. Little talking or whatever. Wasn't too much going on. But, you know, with them. I didn't want to get into the emails. Cause, you know, really had. We had a couple long emails. I didn't want them to sit through all of that. So I'll get into the emails that we got while we were out. The first one is from the homie, Andrea. Is it Andrea or Andrea how you pronounce it? Yeah, she sent a long one. So I get into it. She says, hey, Amy. Hey a be easy, yo. She says, andrea here. Yes, I'm a weekly listener. This is my third email. Shout out to three. I typically don't like to email because I like to clarify if I misunderstood. I can't clarify right away. Also, sometimes my perspective shifts and I try not to leave expired thoughts in history. Well, take it as somebody who's been leaving inspired thoughts in history for like twelve years on podcast waves. Don't feel too bad about it. Everybody perspective change with time, so. And plus, we just love the content, you know, it ain't always our thoughts, it's somebody else thoughts. So you give us a different perspective, too. She says our new social media cycle is so quick. It's already so much that has happened by the time I get to email. Yeah, true. I started doing, like, one of the shows I listen to or whatever, and I want to email. I started doing like, what the homie philly do. He'll like, make a note as he's listening to get all the points out or whatever. And, you know, whether or not it's old news, we get new new news from it or whatever. By the time the email comes, you know, we always enjoy the perspective. She says, I appreciate y'all so much over the summer. Y'all are in the book rooms with me. Testing rooms. Thank you. She says naming the past episode 45 at 45 is wild business. Yeah, I couldn't think of another name. I know he got shot at with a AR 15 or something, but, you know, 45, 45, y'all get it, you know, little corny joke, she says when I texted Amy about essence fest. The organizers definitely have the formula for success already. I'm sure they have it handled. But, buster, we grown and professional women pay good for our convenience, and we love a good show, but we are not the show. If the show is great, the energy will flow. Everyone likes a day party and day concert. Certainly would be welcome for a daytime turn up. Yeah, I talked to my cousin at the family reunion. He was like, it's all day, parties going on all the time and stuff. Maybe that's why they have the concerts. Cause they know people wouldn't go to the concerts in the daytime. Cause he was like, at his hotel. It's a big, big day, party going on. Maybe that's why they do it. Like you said, that's probably what they got it all. Got the formula already figured out. She said, I guess he wanted to date. She wanted to party hype to be convenient at his age, too. Sir, you can't microwave the vibe. Work that crowd. She says, okay, sexy red, so follow me. Before nineties, hip hop, black music largely showed love and appreciating the women, and vice versa. There was a good mix of love, breakups, cheating party, whatever. R and B talked heavily about swooning, courting, marriage, mamas, everything in the mid nineties, we saw shift. What was amplified, she said, mind you, I'm saying what was amplified or pushed by the industry was music that didn't necessarily celebrate women. It was heavy on the bitches, holes, everything. I'm not judging that because I'm a fan, but after a while, the former was like, that's what the people like, and that's what we'll give them. The variety slowed down. I think that's the only thing. Like, if people liked more variety as a whole and consumed more variety, that we would get more variety. But because the main people that getting the money and the main people that get the notoriety are the people that push that type of stuff that you talked about. I think more people try to make that type of music the copycat, and to just do it for the money, for the notoriety. They don't do it for the love of the music. And now we get it. A whole bunch of bitches and hoes music and a whole bunch of what people deem negative music or whatever. She says. So these young girls and young women didn't grow up on a variety of music that we had the pleasure of listening to. Most of them are born after 2000. These r and b fellas don't sing about love anymore. They are answering to the music they've been hearing instead of singing, crying over these guys. They're saying, I ain't got no nigger and ain't no nigga got me and fuck my baby daddy. I'm not sure if I agree that sexy is what's wrong with the music industry. I feel like sexy is a product of our music industry. I also kind of like that these girls are a little more fun, more free from men's rule of what they should be. If you ever had the pleasure of talking to your granny after she's much older. No, I didn't. She died. These women are way more free. Both of my grandmothers were preachers wives, and only one died well into her senior years. And the way she talked about. She talked around, talked around that time, babe, you know how y'all wouldn't be saying, baby, that how she wrote it? I don't know if these people are a product of the music industry or a product of the consumer. Cause if the consumer wouldn't want it, the people wouldn't make it. And the industry push whatever the people want, I guess. I don't know. She says balance is key. If we had more balance. We wouldn't worry so much about sexy because the girls would have so many other images to see. Charles Barkley said he wasn't the kid's role model. And same for her. I kind of agree with that for her. But she went to the kids. That's the only thing. Anyway, have fun. Sexy. If the people don't like it, offer and support more alternatives. Yeah, yeah, offer more alternatives. Like, if you don't like it, talk about some. Like, people talk about sex and red all the time in a negative, but then offer somebody who different. If you can't offer nobody who different, then you might be a little hater. As she ages with growth, she'll be more multifaceted. Yeah, I don't agree with her. I don't think she will. Cause everybody ain't switched up older, but we'll see. If not, she can be like J. Prince when she's 60. Yeah, and he ain't switched up either. She said, also, shout out to Angel Reese and the b ball girlies. It's so refreshing and cute to see young girls fan out over them in videos. Yeah. Cause you ain't really saw that up until recently, like, with the women basketball players and how the little girls, you know, want their autographs and, you know, I did see one a while ago. It was Angel Reese. Not Angel Reese, Asia Wilson. I think she was playing in Atlanta. It was somebody like, that was kind of local, too. Her daughter wanted to see her, and, you know, she met the little girl and signed her jersey. Little girl was crying. So we will see more of that with the visibility of the WNBA, you know what I'm saying? I like it, though. You know, everybody got to have somebody to look up to that. You know, they feel like they can be. Like they identify with, you know what I'm saying? Everybody want that. I remember when I first heard outkast for the first time when I was growing up, I was like, oh, shoot, them dudes sound like us. So I started liking them. You know what I'm saying? Real heavy. So everybody needs that. So shout out to the basketball. Like you said, the basketball girlies. She says, but hold on. Oh, no. She says, I'm with Amy. Some of our brothers talk too much. Their podcast hot takes are slow. I don't tune in unless it comes across my feed. And I hear a clip like my mace reference earlier. I'm not listening to them niggas. I understand. I might miss the context, but I don't care. I love y'all, but the black male demographics, opinion is amplified way too much while also being so loud and wrong on the mic and on social media. No, I'm talking about what's amplified because I know I need to reshift my algorithm. Yeah, it's a lot of. I always think about that too. Like when I start seeing a whole bunch of the same type of stuff or stuff I don't like, and I start, like, not trying. Not commenting on that stuff, for one, and then like, trying to take that stuff out of my feed however I can. Because you can kind of. You can curate your social media experience. It don't have to be stuff to make you upset or whatever. Cause a lot of that stuff, a lot of them guys be saying, making people upset, and then they be talking like it's fact. Like, I just saw a video of somebody basically debunking something. What's his name? Doctor Umar was saying about black people not sticking together with the hair market or whatever when they ain't really got nothing to do with it. But, you know, that kind of stuff, you gotta curate your experience to kind of make it pleasurable for you. Cause you're supposed to have fun or have, you know, it's supposed to be good for you to learn stuff or be on social media and shit like that. At least that's what I try to get out of it. When I find somebody, they getting on my nerves, I block them or I follow them and be done with it. He said, thank God, that in real life, the black men that we know and speak with don't communicate the way that these Internet discussions suggest. That's another thing. Like, when I start seeing like, whoever it is, men, women, whatever, I step back and be like, well, the people I know don't act like this or don't talk like that or whatever, whatever. And then I realized, you know what I'm saying? A certain set of people on the Internet, this just Internet niggas or this just Internet talk or whatever. She said, they may think like that, who knows? But I don't have to have these conversations with them. This brings up what I texted Amy about the Chris Brown meet and greet stuff. Why dudes care so much. The majority of the pics I've been seeing on his greets are so cute and innocent. I'm pretty sure the fellas that say they won't let their significant others have a great. I think she had a miss. She said, have a great. Have spent their share of. Oh, I guess she may have a great time. Has spent their share of a band at strip clubs on a much lesser known dancer. That might be true. Might not be true. I don't know. I ain't with it. I'm talking about me. I ain't with that grandma girl ass when she come to see you at the club. And I don't be spending money at the strip club. So she says, I'm convinced the formula to go on viral is to post silly ass opinion on relationships. So there's that. And social media knows how to feed you certain content. Now. That's definitely it. Yeah, that relationship shit. That's the way to go viral. Post a dumb ass opinion and then have people talk about it. She said, balloon pops. Amy, I'm sorry, girl. Those clips infiltrated my algorithm, and I find myself watching those cringy ass clips way more than I care for. When school starts, my algorithm and screen time will be back to normal. Yeah, them balloon pop videos, I don't know why, but they so intriguing. Cause I be wanting to see who they picked. And most of them, they ain't really, like, salacious. The people like, kinda like, yeah, I didn't like you because this, that, and the third. Whatever, whatever. And a lot of times, I don't know. I still haven't watched, like, a whole one. But I think they just be wanting to get to the next person to see what the next person look like. Only a couple of them been kind of wild, like the dude, the ninja turtle dude. And then the one the girl was talking about, the guy, pants was tight. There was one dude that. He was dressed funny, whatever. And he wound up getting like a. One of the guys wound up getting, like, a clothing endorsement or something. He got some free clothes for somebody or something like that. She says, I appreciate the content and the break from relationship talk. I know my email had way more of it than I like for it, too. Whew. That's it, though. Sorry, guys. Oh, no, she got some moto. That ain't it. She says imessages. Yep. At one point, my employer turned off our messages on our work phones. I'm pretty sure it was due to what Amy mentioned about encrypted messages and privacy. I was just an old email. Um. What's this from another email? I don't know. I'm gonna read it anyway. I think she might have said this last week. Um, she said, shows. I'm ready for, uh, the second season of hijacked. I never heard of that. On Max with Idris Elba. I'm gonna have to check that out. And it's two seasons. I'm gonna check that out. Oh, she said she loves supercell. Reminded me of black lightning. Both took the tuskegee, historically black, historically background to production and highlighted what maybe consider our weaknesses as our strengths. Oh, yeah. And we kind of talk about this a little later with the guys. I kind of. I didn't want to tell what it is, but, yeah, you had to have the sickle cell trait to be a supercell nigga in that show. I hope it's a limited series, though. That type of science fiction gets too ridiculous as they stretch out the series. Yeah, that's what happened with. I think that was gonna happen with Lovecraft country the second season. The lady that was over it, it was a rumor that she had some wild shit for the second season, and HBO didn't wanna put that out. So, yeah, that type of science fiction do get kinda kind of off the wall after a while. So, yeah, maybe one or two more seasons of that and then be done with it. But those british shows, though, they really don't run too long. They'll run like four, five seasons and they be short seasons, and then that'll be it. They don't really overdo it over there. She said she ready for track at the Olympics and can't wait to see what Ralph Lauren. Ralph Lauren designs for the opening parade. Well, she said long email. Sorry, man. Have a beautiful week. Thank you for that email. We appreciate it. I definitely appreciate it. Cause it give us a little bit more content and more shit for me to talk about. Cause sometimes I don't have shit to talk about. But, yeah, the opening ceremonies did come out already. I didn't like what the US had on compared to other people. Like, it's South Sudan. Their basketball team is going viral for what they had on. So all them niggas look like models or something. It's one country in Africa. I forgot what country it was. But their collars kind of looked like. It was kind of like in the shape of Africa. The US got to get somebody else that other than Ralph and polo. Well, that's the same company other than Ralph to damn do they shit. Get somebody else to do their shit for one year. Cause all I should be looking plain like they going to work at an office or something. It ain't no style to it, but, yeah, as I'm watching the Olympics right now, watching basketball, the USA men's basketball team take on. Well, I guess that's Serbia. [00:17:27] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:17:28] Speaker A: Then we got another email, y'all, from the homie B Mac. He says what up, family? Big peace and blessing to both of y'all. Damn, I miss y'all and cutting up with y'all. But the biggest salute to y'all on 600 episodes. 600 plus episodes. This is gonna be a very long email or a couple of emails. Lol. I decided to keep it simplified. Simplified with a few bullet points from my notes. DNC messes up the bet awards every election year. Well, except the first Obama term. I'm getting the word out. Just be more creative. Mm. I wonder what he mean, I guess. Was the DNC the same year or something? I mean, the same day that the BET awards came out or something? I don't know. DNC Democrat at national convention. Hmm. I wish he would have spawned it on that a little bit more. He says Usher's tribute was 75% trash. I'm convinced he might have only had 10% to do with the performances. The 25% of it that was good goes to Chloe Bailey, said Beyonce School of Performance and Miss Taylor with Victoria Monae. What you call it one good. Wasn't Coco. Didn't she perform too? I thought she did. I thought she did good. And we still don't know who. Who asked the people or whatever. He says assassination intent was a plan gone wrong. All right? Either way, he got Trump got sympathy from his voters. If the guy was succeeded in his shooting, I think that would have got whoever would have been the nominee for the republican party. They would have got that same sympathy or whatever. They would have went harder. So I don't know. He says Jonathan majors needs a new stylist. Instead of dressing like he. Instead of dressing like he run hoops from the north to the south. He should have checked Michael Lely, which makes me fully believe Miss Goode ain't his gal. Like, she like a beard or something, somebody. What was I listening to? Joe Budden. And he was like, jonathan Majors dressed like he spit shine shoes, nigga. I fell out laughing. I almost had to pull over Megan good, his girl, though. I think they just know each other and they were like. They was in the comments, and she called him Mikey in the comments, which is highly offensive. Yeah, you don't call no other nigga Mikey. He's Michael or Mike. Don't nobody call that nigga Mikey. It seemed funny to me. He said, jt new album is very good. Almost sound like some jeezy flow in some verses. Yeah, I heard a couple songs. It did sound a little better. He said, I like sexy red. Seeing her on the shop, it was a good watch. It was no, it was more than it was. How can I say it? It was better than I expected. But she's just so young compared to all them guys that was there. So much older than her, in their forties and shit, which probably made the, like, made the difference in them kind of, you know, stand out a little more. Just her age or whatever. He says. That's all for now. Take care. PS. New season of Black AF needs to hurry up. That was a very good show. They coming back with that. I didn't know that. That's the Kenya Barrett show, right? Black as fuck, he said. And another thing, they'll have to let Chris Brown back. Performing at all music award shows reset the standard of performance because it's a lot of weak performances. I spice can jiggle all she want on stage, though. Goddamn. I ain't really been seeing too many performances, but Chris Brown. When the last time I seen Chris Brown on a big. I think the last time was at bet when he cried. That might have been the last big one. He ain't been in no trouble yet, so, shit, let him back. And I spice, I turn. Cause her music is draining emotionally. But, yeah, man. That's all for the emails we had this week. I was Initially, I wasn't gonna read them. I was gonna wait for Amy to get back. But, you know, people send emails and they want to hear their emails read on the show early. So if y'all have an email about anything, we talk about [email protected]. let us know what you think. And you know what I'm saying. We'll be right back with this week's episode right after this little commercial break. As men, we carry a lot on our shoulders. Many of us suffer silently with no outlet. Of course, you can go to the gym or even self medicate. Through Kimme park, we provide a safe space for kings to take their crowns off and express themselves without judgment. We will discuss topics men usually don't talk about, such as abandonment, mental health struggles, etcetera. We'll be discussing all these topics on Kim E. Pie. Let's tap in of Music Jones podcast. I got Jones, Dougie, and for the first time on the show, Wallace, Wally, June, welcome. [00:23:03] Speaker B: Let Wallace talk over that beat. That sound like something he'll say? Yeah, go ahead. Why say something? [00:23:10] Speaker A: I keep telling niggas I got the best intro music on the network. [00:23:15] Speaker C: You know, I'm saying it's a Rick Ross. [00:23:19] Speaker D: There we go. [00:23:20] Speaker C: What you said is debatable unless he's now original score. Yeah. [00:23:24] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, yeah, cuz yours ain't. [00:23:26] Speaker C: Yeah, mine ain't. My shit. Yeah, my shit tough, though. [00:23:30] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:23:31] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:23:32] Speaker C: Come on. And investigative reports. [00:23:34] Speaker A: So, fellas, how are y'all? [00:23:37] Speaker C: Good, man. [00:23:38] Speaker B: All right in there? Chillin. [00:23:42] Speaker A: Ah, it's his first time. Your first this. I hate doing stuff on the. On the. [00:23:49] Speaker C: On the fly. [00:23:50] Speaker A: On the fly. I should have prepped you, but whenever somebody. First time on the show, I ask them five questions. So I start off with your favorite. Wallace, what's your favorite. Either favorite pair of shoes or your favorite, like, article of clothing. [00:24:11] Speaker C: Favorite pair of shoes of all time. [00:24:15] Speaker A: Of all time. [00:24:15] Speaker C: Oh, favorite pair of shoes of all time. Yeah, give me some shit you had when using the third grade. You know, favorite pair of shoes. [00:24:27] Speaker B: I wonder what I said. [00:24:30] Speaker A: I don't remember what I said. Well, I know what I said. My favorite pair of shoes is. Mine is the Jordan six. That's my favorite pair of shoes. [00:24:36] Speaker D: I like. If I could get my hands on any barclays shoe. [00:24:40] Speaker A: Any Barclays. Which one, though? All the Barclays, the whole line. [00:24:44] Speaker D: I take them. [00:24:45] Speaker B: That was your favorite player? [00:24:47] Speaker D: Yeah, that was my dude back in the day when I was like, in school, in high school, then it switched to Kevin Garnett. I was like a player dude instead of a team. Yeah, but then, you know, I ended up having a team. But like, them boys sneakers was just hard back then. [00:25:07] Speaker A: They did have some hard sneakers. [00:25:09] Speaker D: Boys shit was cold. Like, Bartlett just had some of the coldest shit to me. [00:25:14] Speaker A: How many pals he had? What? Like six? [00:25:16] Speaker D: At least. [00:25:16] Speaker A: He had like six shoes. [00:25:17] Speaker D: Yeah, and then they changed them colorways on them. [00:25:21] Speaker C: Yeah, and brought all them shit back. The 180, but that one. [00:25:24] Speaker D: Yeah, definitely. [00:25:25] Speaker C: It was 180. The air max 180. That one mid top joint. I think once the Fab five played. [00:25:31] Speaker B: In first, I couldn't really have to be like arrows. Cause when I'm junior, Seals came out. I just remember you had to have had them. [00:25:39] Speaker C: Shit, I usually wear them with these shorts. [00:25:43] Speaker D: A charge bar was just a comfortable sneaker to me. [00:25:47] Speaker A: They comfortable the well, damn it. They come to play ball now. [00:25:49] Speaker C: Yeah, they comfortable the. Well, those. [00:25:50] Speaker B: Junior say I was charged, was that 94? [00:25:53] Speaker D: That shit a bitch if you don't get the right side. I learned that the hard way. [00:25:57] Speaker A: What? Kids, who's your favorite actor or actress? [00:26:02] Speaker D: Favorite actor. Actress. Favorite actor. Anything with. I try to see, like, old school comics or like I say, Bernie Mac off top. [00:26:15] Speaker A: Bernie Mac, your favorite actor? [00:26:18] Speaker D: Kind of, yeah. [00:26:19] Speaker A: All right, we'll go with Bernie. [00:26:20] Speaker C: Bernie who? [00:26:21] Speaker A: Your favorite? [00:26:22] Speaker C: I think I said, don Cheadle. [00:26:24] Speaker A: Don Cheadle. You got a favorite actor? [00:26:26] Speaker B: Don? Cheetah head ass nigga. [00:26:32] Speaker C: Don Cheeto got that. Nigga got ranged. [00:26:34] Speaker B: I guess you have to say, like Denzel. Cause he just, you know, you can't. [00:26:38] Speaker A: Go wrong with saying you can't go wrong with Denzel. [00:26:39] Speaker D: Yeah, I agree with that. [00:26:40] Speaker C: She got that range. [00:26:42] Speaker A: And everybody knows who my favorite is. [00:26:44] Speaker B: Who? Jay Z actor. [00:26:49] Speaker A: Leo. [00:26:50] Speaker B: Who? Leo Dicaprio. [00:26:52] Speaker C: Dicaprio. [00:26:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:53] Speaker D: Okay. [00:26:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:54] Speaker B: Django just solidified it for you, probably. [00:26:58] Speaker A: So. [00:26:59] Speaker B: Senor Candy. [00:27:01] Speaker A: Miss your candy. Damn. What's the other ones? I do. Who is your favorite artist? I think there's a new one. You got a favorite artist? Like, favorite rapper, singer? [00:27:16] Speaker D: If I had to go favorite, it'd be probably outkast. Good. And marvel type shit. [00:27:22] Speaker A: Okay. All right. Southern Negro. [00:27:26] Speaker D: Very. [00:27:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:27:26] Speaker B: Mine definitely gonna be Dre. [00:27:27] Speaker A: Dre 3000. Will you remember yours? You remember you. You don't want to get Rick Flair. [00:27:34] Speaker B: I mean, I'm about to say Rick Flair. Slick Rick. [00:27:40] Speaker C: It might be Slick Rick. [00:27:42] Speaker A: And I think. I think we ain't got five. Yeah, we don't. [00:27:46] Speaker B: Okay. [00:27:47] Speaker A: And I think this the last one, your favorite episode of Martin. [00:27:52] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:27:53] Speaker D: Oh, shit, man. [00:27:56] Speaker B: It was a lot of. [00:27:57] Speaker D: Yes, a lot of them. But, like, the one that sticks out the most is probably the new Jack City. [00:28:05] Speaker A: Okay. That's. A lot of people say that suspicious. [00:28:07] Speaker B: Man, he made them break character. That's what I like that one. The one they had rented that jeep together. I mean, bought that jeep together. That shit was real funny. Cause it had Otis. It had dragonfly, all of them. [00:28:19] Speaker A: Dragonfly was in that one, too. [00:28:20] Speaker B: Remember he beat the dude. [00:28:21] Speaker A: Oh, he beat up the. [00:28:24] Speaker C: Hey, man, listen, y'all, I don't know if I talk about this on my show. Probably the oldest of people on your show. Do y'all remember Elroy Presley? [00:28:32] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:28:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:28:33] Speaker C: You ever noticed he had a belt buckle and no belt? [00:28:37] Speaker A: No. [00:28:38] Speaker C: Next time. [00:28:38] Speaker A: Cause he used to wear the overall. [00:28:40] Speaker C: But he had on a belt buckle. Next time, y'all. If you can pull that shit down, that shit is fucking hilarious, yo. [00:28:48] Speaker B: I was like, Miss Penny was Jersey. [00:28:54] Speaker C: Crazy shit, man. [00:28:55] Speaker B: Miss Pearl. What? Her name was Miss Minnie lady from 227. [00:28:58] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, she shrunk Martin jersey. [00:29:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:29:00] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:29:03] Speaker A: Oh, I forgot about that one. Yeah. [00:29:05] Speaker C: Somebody wrote all over his autograph. Great Hill jersey. [00:29:09] Speaker A: My favorite one is the reason why is because he make them break character. And it was Dragonfly Jones. [00:29:16] Speaker D: Yeah, that was another, too. [00:29:18] Speaker C: Gina House. Self defense. [00:29:20] Speaker B: When he went to fuck with Arnott Hill in California. Was hilarious. [00:29:23] Speaker A: That was when he was like, there's one part on that with Tommy Davidson. Made Martin break character when he was like, and I have a pool and the catfish is delicious. [00:29:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:29:37] Speaker C: When they was at the radio station. [00:29:39] Speaker A: And mom was like, what? He like, kind of bite his lip and shit. You say it's what? It's just swimming around in there, huh? [00:29:45] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:29:46] Speaker B: And Quebec, that one. Whenever they had the wreck when it was on. That was a good one, too. [00:29:50] Speaker A: Yeah. Chilligan's Island. [00:29:52] Speaker B: Keena wasn't really on that with them. [00:29:54] Speaker D: That uppercut on that little. [00:29:55] Speaker B: They played against the WNBA girls. [00:29:57] Speaker A: That was a good one, too. Yeah. Yeah. I do got a couple emails. They kind of long. Lord. Yeah, they kind of long. Let me see. I don't know if I'm getting to these emails. I'll wait till Amy come back to get into these emails. Cause they was talking to y'all. [00:30:13] Speaker D: Right. Right. [00:30:14] Speaker A: They talked about for us. Yeah, we get in that. Now, one of the early things I do is ask what you've been watching. So, Jones, you watch a little bit of tv? What you been watching? What's some recent stuff you watch? Maybe you can put somebody up on something. [00:30:33] Speaker C: Only thing new that I watched was that divorce in black. I ain't been watching no series or nothing. [00:30:40] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [00:30:41] Speaker C: Recently. [00:30:41] Speaker B: That's some reality tv show shit. [00:30:43] Speaker A: No, that's the Tyler Perry. [00:30:44] Speaker C: That Tyler Perry movie. [00:30:46] Speaker B: Having seen something like that. [00:30:48] Speaker C: Black or something. [00:30:49] Speaker A: No, it's a movie. It's stars Megan good. [00:30:53] Speaker C: Chad Hartwood. [00:30:55] Speaker A: Chad Hartwegan good. That's his name. [00:30:57] Speaker C: I think that's old girl. [00:30:59] Speaker D: What Megan was doing. [00:31:01] Speaker A: She was married. [00:31:02] Speaker C: Getting beat up by her husband. [00:31:04] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:31:05] Speaker B: He was black. [00:31:06] Speaker A: Of course. [00:31:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:31:07] Speaker A: You know the mama went to state. No, she a professor at state. [00:31:10] Speaker C: Yeah, she a professor. [00:31:11] Speaker A: She's a drama professor at the state. Don't tell the movie. I want y'all to see it. But, yeah, watch the first. The first five minutes, y'all would be like, what the fuck? Yeah. I was like, all right. [00:31:22] Speaker C: You know, that type of shit I was on, you know, I was watching it with my wife. Shout out my wife anniversary. Happy anniversary. And what happened? [00:31:29] Speaker B: I ain't gonna never watch it. So what happened? You can spoil it for me. [00:31:31] Speaker A: I don't wanna spoil it for Wally. Wally might watch it. [00:31:34] Speaker C: Everybody. [00:31:35] Speaker B: You seen the haves and the have nots? [00:31:36] Speaker C: It's some country shit. [00:31:37] Speaker A: It kinda country. [00:31:39] Speaker C: Yeah, the country. [00:31:40] Speaker B: Somebody fucking each other. [00:31:41] Speaker C: They make it. Nah, they make it. No, I put it to you like this. It like some niggas from Florence. Like a chick from Florence fuck with a nigga from Atlanta. [00:31:52] Speaker D: Damn. [00:31:53] Speaker A: No. [00:31:54] Speaker D: What kind of color? [00:31:54] Speaker A: Not Florence, Columbia. Cause she was from. No, it was. Yeah, yeah, it was close, but then they moved. Yeah, yeah. [00:32:03] Speaker C: You know what I'm saying? It was closed, then they moved to Atlanta. So it's something like that. Like a chick grew up in North Florence fucking with a nigga and fucking. No, I'm sorry. I grew up in fucking. Give me. [00:32:17] Speaker A: But they was from the same city, though. [00:32:18] Speaker C: They was. But her daddy was a preacher. [00:32:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:32:21] Speaker C: And his family was the gangster. [00:32:24] Speaker A: Dysfunctional. [00:32:25] Speaker C: Yeah, they were thugs and shit. [00:32:27] Speaker D: Swimming from South Florida. [00:32:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:32:28] Speaker A: Like. [00:32:32] Speaker C: The girl would have been from South Florence. [00:32:34] Speaker B: The boy in between black people. [00:32:36] Speaker C: Orlando somewhere. [00:32:37] Speaker B: Either we go to church or we. [00:32:39] Speaker A: Not necessarily. It's a lot in between. You gotta watch. You gotta watch the movie. [00:32:43] Speaker B: It's far. Like shows and shit. [00:32:46] Speaker A: There's a lot of other shows that ain't like. [00:32:47] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a whole lot in between. [00:32:49] Speaker A: What about you, Wallace? You watch anything interesting lately? You ain't no tv. You don't use no tv? [00:32:55] Speaker D: Little bit. Man, I fall asleep on Tubi, man. I'm on that tubey. There ain't no bullshit. I like Tubi. [00:33:03] Speaker A: What about you? [00:33:04] Speaker B: I ain't never watched Tubi. Like, I want to. Like, I don't know. It just seemed like b tier or something like that. If I see something about it. About movies by independent people and shit. [00:33:13] Speaker A: Yeah, but it's a lot of that on there. But then there's a lot of, like, other stuff on there, too. Like, it's real movies on there. [00:33:18] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:33:18] Speaker D: What made me start watching two behavior was. What's that? One of them biggie imitator niggas. [00:33:25] Speaker B: Oh, gravy. [00:33:26] Speaker A: Gravy. [00:33:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:33:27] Speaker D: What was it? It was a series, though, and he was messing with his boss man lady. [00:33:32] Speaker A: Gravy. The gravy nigga was. [00:33:34] Speaker D: Yeah. Messing with his boss man. Ended up dating his boss lady. His boss man's lady. Yeah, and it was a series. [00:33:44] Speaker A: So you just start going. Kept going back for series. [00:33:46] Speaker D: And after that, I just started. I got hooked on two because that was a nice little series. What was the name of that McGraw shit or something? [00:33:53] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:33:53] Speaker A: Oh, McGraw Ave. I don't know if that's McGraw Ave, though. It might be, though. I did watch that. That was. [00:33:59] Speaker B: That's a Detroit movie show. [00:34:01] Speaker D: They was banging over territory, basically. [00:34:03] Speaker A: Yeah, that came out, like, in 2017 or 18 or something like that. That show went out for a little minute. That was one of the early two b movies too. I mean, shows too. [00:34:12] Speaker D: Yeah, that was. I seen that. [00:34:14] Speaker A: But, like, it's a lot of series that, like. Like Martin. Before Martin got the Netflix, Martin was on Tubi, right? Shit like that. [00:34:20] Speaker D: That's why I stayed up on the. [00:34:22] Speaker B: Martins, Netflix and shit like that, helping a lot of them shows up. I heard somebody was like, I ain't know Jamie Foxx had a song. I ain't knew sex and Red Sanford, watching Jamie Foxx. [00:34:32] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I didn't either. Yeah, I didn't either. [00:34:34] Speaker C: Jamie Foxx was a good ass show. [00:34:36] Speaker A: Yeah. Now, Dougie, I know you be watching some me. You be watching some of the same stuff. [00:34:40] Speaker B: I forgot what I said. I said something, though, and you told me to save it. [00:34:43] Speaker A: Oh, you want the boys? I know you said you was watching the boys. [00:34:47] Speaker B: Yeah, it was something, though. I forgot. [00:34:51] Speaker C: Damn. [00:34:53] Speaker B: I need something new to watch, though, Mandy. So I've been trying to give me something new to watch. [00:34:57] Speaker C: Oh, he said he went back to the Wu Tang. [00:34:59] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, the Wu Tang. Yeah. [00:35:00] Speaker B: You went back watching that again? Cause I seen Raekwon did a interview with a dude with the blue couch. I think it ain't real life or something like that. [00:35:09] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:35:10] Speaker B: They interview nothing. They interview a lot of people. He was just saying how in the first beginning of the show, they was messing it up. Like, niggas don't act like that. He's like, I ain't never been homeless and shit like that. I'm like, damn, they did have Ray sleeping on the damn thing. Somebody had his daddy was on drugs. They had his daddy, like, something. But I just went back and watched after that shit. And, damn, you can kind of tell, too, like, when they start getting their influence, how the story kind of change. [00:35:32] Speaker A: Yeah, Ghost, I think Ghost said he ain't never watched it. [00:35:35] Speaker C: Yeah, he did. [00:35:36] Speaker A: Yeah, he said he ain't never watched it, but, man, that shit was good to me. So this your second time? [00:35:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:35:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:42] Speaker B: I think they could have had a better character for Arizona. [00:35:45] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I hate him. I hated his cat. [00:35:47] Speaker D: The way he sees you. [00:35:49] Speaker C: Uh huh. [00:35:49] Speaker A: You never watched it. You did that shit good. [00:35:52] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:35:52] Speaker B: You like it? [00:35:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:54] Speaker B: I told you, you start binge watching. [00:35:56] Speaker C: I told you the first episode. [00:35:58] Speaker B: How did. How it come on so good, man, that shit. [00:36:00] Speaker C: That, man. [00:36:01] Speaker B: And it kind of break it. [00:36:02] Speaker C: It takes the last season of that shit. That shit definitely had me in tears, man. [00:36:08] Speaker A: What season was it when they, like, did every song, they did the video. [00:36:11] Speaker C: That was the last that was the last season. Yeah. Cause they did investigative reports in the jizza episode. [00:36:19] Speaker A: Okay. [00:36:20] Speaker C: Yeah, they did. They had you. [00:36:22] Speaker B: God, and that, Will. [00:36:24] Speaker A: They got a little creative on the shit. [00:36:26] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what Ray was saying. He's like, in the first beginning, niggas wasn't fucking with him. He started seeing how they had him portrayed doing. He's like, man, I gotta tell. Ray was like, man, they should have had n from New York doing all them roles, bro. A nigga from UK, another nigga from this. He's like, no disrespect to him and shit. We talked to him. Yeah, you gotta have somebody from New. [00:36:44] Speaker A: York all just had the best. I mean, if them niggas was the best actors, though. Well, I know that Davies was what. [00:36:51] Speaker C: Probably Davies was cool, but he did. [00:36:53] Speaker B: A method man shit real good. It ain't far straight. [00:36:56] Speaker C: The nigga that played Raekwon did good. [00:36:58] Speaker B: Nah, he overdid Ray, son. [00:36:59] Speaker A: Nah, he sounded like Raekwon. [00:37:01] Speaker B: Yeah, he sounded like shine. He was saying stuff is mad sometimes. [00:37:05] Speaker A: He was saying, that's how Raek Quan talked. [00:37:06] Speaker B: You see how Ray talking about it? Ray like, man, certain shit he do. They had pillows all in money clothes and shit, trying to make them money clothes. But it revealed a lot of shit about the Wu. You ain't know, like, what's the light skin? The dude got killed early in the show, remember? He had all the money and shit. The police choked him out or whatever. I ain't never even heard of him before. [00:37:28] Speaker C: Oh, the homeboy met the man. Best friend. [00:37:29] Speaker B: Yeah, that dude. There's certain shit you ain't know about. [00:37:33] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:37:35] Speaker B: What you watching? [00:37:37] Speaker A: So a couple of shows I watched, they ended. I know you said you trying to. You catch up on the board on the boys. So that last season, I got four. [00:37:47] Speaker C: Okay. [00:37:47] Speaker B: I'm like, on two superheroes, but they like. [00:37:53] Speaker A: It's like, if superheroes, like. [00:37:55] Speaker B: No, I ain't gonna say assholes, but like. [00:37:57] Speaker A: Like, real shit. Like. Like, everybody gonna be super good. Like Superman all the time and shit. They gonna have their own issues. Mental and shit. And that's how it is. Like, they got some shit like that going on. [00:38:07] Speaker B: They're pretty good, though. [00:38:09] Speaker A: It just wild. So that season ended. [00:38:11] Speaker B: It definitely wild. [00:38:12] Speaker A: It's a show. It's like a Star wars show called an acolyte. [00:38:16] Speaker B: I heard about it. That whole season was, there's black people on there, right? [00:38:18] Speaker A: Uh huh. Yeah, some black people on there. The lead is a black girl. She playing two people. Then House of the dragon, you know, what I'm saying, I'm watching that shit. [00:38:28] Speaker B: That come out today, tomorrow. Okay. [00:38:32] Speaker A: Yeah, Sunday. And because I'm watching that, I'm rewatching Game of Thrones. So I started Game of Thrones over seeing if I missed some stuff or whatever. Game of Thrones was good though. [00:38:45] Speaker B: My lord. Your Grace. [00:38:46] Speaker A: Your Grace. There ain't really no new shows really came out. It's a new movie called Land of Bad that's on Netflix. It's like an army shoot em up movie. [00:38:57] Speaker B: You seen that super sales shit everybody talking about? [00:38:59] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, I saw that. [00:39:00] Speaker B: It's good. [00:39:01] Speaker A: Yeah, it's good. [00:39:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:02] Speaker A: What that's about, it's about people. It's a London show, so people in London, they got superpowers and everybody that do. I wanna tell you this. You gonna watch it? [00:39:14] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:15] Speaker A: I don't wanna tell you how they get their superpowers, but it's some black shit, so. And it's in the name. [00:39:23] Speaker C: I wanna see Deadpool, Wolverine. [00:39:26] Speaker A: I do want to see that. Came out this week. Yeah. [00:39:27] Speaker C: Came out yesterday. [00:39:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:39:28] Speaker B: Gujarat. [00:39:30] Speaker A: It's on there. You watched it? [00:39:32] Speaker B: No. [00:39:33] Speaker A: Are you going to? Yeah, I'm gonna see if it's on some stream. I. When movies like that, when they come out, I like to go on Thursday night. Cause a lot of people, like they say gonna come out Friday, but it normally come out Thursday night. It don't be a lot of people in there. A movie like that, that shit gonna be packed. So I might try to catch it on the stream and shit. They gonna make enough money from everybody else. Then I started watching this series called homicide. Two seasons. I started after the first season that came out, they did one in New York. Just talking about like, it was real, it was real life. Like how they been killing people in New York or whatever. Like Times Square and shit. And then they went to LA and it was some wild type of murders they had there or whatever, but ain't really too much, I guess. This the offseason. For tv? [00:40:17] Speaker C: For everything. [00:40:18] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:18] Speaker C: Football in a few weeks. [00:40:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:21] Speaker C: Amen. Won't be long though. [00:40:23] Speaker A: For what? Football? [00:40:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:40:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, I mean, in the meantime we got the Olympics. [00:40:27] Speaker C: Well, yeah. [00:40:28] Speaker A: Y'all watched the opening ceremony? [00:40:31] Speaker C: I watched part of it, yeah, I. [00:40:33] Speaker A: Seen pieces of it, yeah, I missed all of it. Was it. You say you watched it all? [00:40:39] Speaker D: I missed it all. [00:40:39] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, me too. [00:40:40] Speaker C: It was just a parade, so. Wasn't really nothing. [00:40:43] Speaker A: I know, I heard it was raining. [00:40:44] Speaker B: LeBron took the thing in him. And over here's the flag. [00:40:48] Speaker A: Coco golf. Yeah, I did hear that. I heard they. [00:40:52] Speaker B: LeBron's the first, I think, basketball athlete ever to do it. And she the youngest female ever was. [00:41:00] Speaker A: She ain't the first black to do it. [00:41:02] Speaker B: I know she the youngest female, youngest person, period, 14. [00:41:06] Speaker A: Yeah, I know they play on. Well, this come out. This show come out on Monday, but I know they play on Sunday. USA Basketball. [00:41:14] Speaker C: Yeah. Please don't. Please don't make that mistake. [00:41:16] Speaker A: No, I ain't gonna call them that. Call them the Dream team. [00:41:20] Speaker C: Please don't do. [00:41:21] Speaker D: That's a fuck, yeah. [00:41:23] Speaker C: Yeah, man. [00:41:24] Speaker B: Shit. They just as good. [00:41:25] Speaker A: They better. They better skill wise, they better. [00:41:29] Speaker B: I mean, everything wise, they was added that. Did they added shit or they added up championship, everything. Like that point for all that shit over. Look who they got. [00:41:37] Speaker A: But I'm saying, like, this is the thing. [00:41:39] Speaker B: What people don't realize when the dream team was out, nigga, the best nigga over there was deadlift rim, Tony Kuko. The only people they had to play now. Shit, Canada got ten. [00:41:50] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. That's why I say. [00:41:53] Speaker B: I'm saying, like, they'll watch that old dream team now. The dream team like that. Cause it wasn't that many good foreign motherfuckers. Fast forward to now. You gotta go against Luca. You gotta go. All these niggas like the world. I got better, bro. That's all that is. But they for sure with Wax Jordan now. [00:42:08] Speaker A: Who? [00:42:09] Speaker B: The new dream team. [00:42:10] Speaker A: I don't know if they'll wax. [00:42:11] Speaker B: They gonna beat them. That's a stupid ass lineup, bro. Look who your bench is. [00:42:16] Speaker A: It's a good lineup, but they shouldn't be. They still shouldn't be having a close. A close game against N who don't even got no place to play on the indoors. [00:42:25] Speaker B: They NBA players still. [00:42:26] Speaker A: Them n'ain't got no NBA players, Sudan. They got Thor. Yeah, they do. [00:42:29] Speaker B: They got Thor. JT. Thor is an NBA player, bro. They had, like eight niggas on South Sudan. Yeah, he played for Charlotte. Oh, Wendy Gabriel, the N who dunked on thing. He just played with the Lakers. [00:42:40] Speaker A: Tom who dunked on that putback. [00:42:42] Speaker B: Yep. They got hella NBA niggas. But the point guard play. They say he going back to the G League next year after high he balled and this shit. Like, they got niggas. Now. Luau Dean is building them the gym and shit. Like the niggas who on their team, like, think about it. They from a place where tall niggas come from. All them niggas pretty much on their team. All the niggas on their team played. [00:43:02] Speaker A: D. Oh, yeah, his son ain't even play. [00:43:04] Speaker C: I know, but that's where he from. [00:43:05] Speaker A: Yeah, where he from? But I'm saying his son should have played. Well, I don't know why his son ain't playing, but he was born over here, so that don't mean that you. [00:43:13] Speaker B: Seen RDC talking about the dream team shit I sent you. [00:43:17] Speaker A: Who is RDC? [00:43:18] Speaker B: You know, acting like. Acting like LeBron and all of them and shit. [00:43:22] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah. [00:43:23] Speaker B: He did a shit with the car thing. He said, them niggas got who on their team. Dude was like, all right, don't worry about it. [00:43:28] Speaker D: He said. [00:43:28] Speaker B: He said, lebron's starting. He said, such and such, such and such. You know, niggas starting. He said, all right, then we just get him tight. Who on they bench? That nigga was like, ad Anthony Edwards. Bam. [00:43:39] Speaker A: Out of body. [00:43:40] Speaker B: He said, who? He said, bam. That nigga ain't from here. Nigga, to my bam. [00:43:45] Speaker A: He ain't from here. Who else? [00:43:47] Speaker B: He said, lebron. He said, my Lebron. Lebron? Lebron. That nigga French Embiid. Some niggas ain't from here. [00:43:56] Speaker A: Didn't he play for somebody else before? Dlmb. Did he play for somebody? [00:44:00] Speaker B: I think he did Caribbean. [00:44:02] Speaker A: No, I don't think he caribbean. Did he play for France before? He wasn't. Yeah, I don't think he played. He ain't american. [00:44:11] Speaker B: Nah, he ain't named Bam. Attabaya. [00:44:15] Speaker C: The french team got that. [00:44:16] Speaker A: They got some. [00:44:18] Speaker B: They just ain't got no guard play. They got them two big niggas, Wendy Yama and my man. [00:44:24] Speaker C: Excellent. From over there, too, right? Yeah. [00:44:25] Speaker B: Ex will play for them. [00:44:26] Speaker A: Is there any other sports that y'all be watching during the olympics that you wouldn't normally watch? [00:44:31] Speaker C: Gymnastics. [00:44:32] Speaker A: Gymnastics is a good one. [00:44:33] Speaker C: I always watch gymnastics for some reason. [00:44:34] Speaker B: I like to watch that shit where they push that little thing on the ice. [00:44:37] Speaker A: I was thinking about that, too, but at the window, Jones, what's they call that shit? Where they push a little? [00:44:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I can't. [00:44:45] Speaker B: Y'all like to live for soccer? You know, I'm a big soccer fan. You are what I watch. [00:44:50] Speaker C: I watch the hot dive shit, too. I like the swimming in the high dive shit. [00:44:56] Speaker B: I watched so much soccer on that little thing we got. [00:44:58] Speaker A: Uh huh. Oh. Cause you can watch all over the world. I be watching kind of weird shit like the damn. The damn two man boat races and shit. [00:45:08] Speaker B: I like to watch other people. I like to watch other people news. I like to watch other states news. [00:45:14] Speaker A: Oh, yeah? I do. [00:45:15] Speaker B: Local shit. They be doing Florida. Hell, something going in Florida every day. [00:45:20] Speaker A: While you watch that Florida news, bike racing. [00:45:25] Speaker C: You watch that shit. [00:45:26] Speaker A: I'll be watching everything on the fast bike racing, you know, and they go around in the circle of the thing. Everything. Olympics, though, you fuck around, it'd be 03:00 in the morning. They have some. [00:45:37] Speaker C: And of course, the track. [00:45:38] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, track. Yeah. [00:45:41] Speaker C: I got to see a Shakaria. [00:45:43] Speaker A: When do she pull it off? [00:45:46] Speaker C: She smoked them jamaican girls. Goddamn. [00:45:48] Speaker B: No, we're not gonna say her smoking nothing. [00:45:50] Speaker C: Oh, I'm sorry. [00:45:52] Speaker B: She's not gonna do that. That's what we not gonna do. We ain't gonna put her in smoking in no Senate. [00:45:59] Speaker A: She bounce back real good, though. She got a lot of endorsements and shit. [00:46:02] Speaker C: Yeah, she doing good, man. [00:46:03] Speaker B: Winning. [00:46:04] Speaker A: Yeah. And shut the fuck up. Winning and shut the fuck up. [00:46:09] Speaker C: That shit gets a lot of confidence. [00:46:10] Speaker A: Shut up and play that. [00:46:12] Speaker C: She got her revenge on them jamaican girls smoked in the championship. Yeah. Mandy. [00:46:18] Speaker A: Yeah. Let's see what happened this week. It ain't too much happened. I might just do all scams this week. Let's see. [00:46:27] Speaker B: It's a scam going on now. They say somebody's flooding in Texas. You can get unemployment or some shit you just got. [00:46:34] Speaker A: Never did. I did see that. I did see that. [00:46:37] Speaker C: Never did. No. What? [00:46:38] Speaker B: Never did, like, id me. Did the unemployment shit before this. [00:46:43] Speaker A: What I. Yeah, I think I just do all the. Cause it's been. [00:46:45] Speaker B: Somebody said it on the Internet. [00:46:47] Speaker A: A few scams I missed. [00:46:49] Speaker B: A nigga want to be lazy now they don't want. [00:46:53] Speaker C: To. My papa victims. Oh, yeah, he did get victimized. My pop. [00:46:59] Speaker A: You want to tell that story? Yeah, man, warn all these people. Warn your family. Go ahead, tell your story. [00:47:04] Speaker C: This nigga, I told this dude to stop answering the goddamn phone. So some kind of way, Sharon Vue was calling him, he said it says Sharon Vue on his cell phone. [00:47:17] Speaker A: And for the listeners in all over the world, Sharon View is a bank. [00:47:20] Speaker C: Sharonview federal credit. [00:47:24] Speaker B: You. [00:47:26] Speaker C: So he answers it. They ask him a bunch of questions. Pretty much just get him to verify his information, and he does it. So he said this happened on Thursday. Say something. Said, just check your account. He went looking at the account. Damn near empty. They left him a couple dollars, left some crumbs. [00:47:49] Speaker B: Damn. [00:47:50] Speaker C: Yeah. But he. Then he calls the bank Friday. So he didn't tell me about it. Cause I saw him Saturday, but he ain't say a word to me about it ain't say shit about it. So he called me Monday and was like, man, motherfucker took $8,000. I said, what? [00:48:13] Speaker A: I said, how the fuck that happened? [00:48:16] Speaker C: They online banking. I said, no, nigga. I said, how did it happen? I said, what did you do? [00:48:23] Speaker A: I'm talking about online banking. [00:48:24] Speaker C: Yeah. No, no, nigga. Motherfucker say, well, somebody called me from the bank. I said, oh, my God, man. I said, first question I gotta ask you, what the fuck is the bank calling you for, man? [00:48:37] Speaker D: Right. [00:48:38] Speaker C: Like you gotta. I said, man, you gotta thank, man. I said, I been telling you, these motherfuckers is scamming bad. I said, I told you, don't answer the phone. I don't give a fuck who it is. If your bank calling you and you think that your bank, where they call. [00:48:49] Speaker B: The transaction, how they was doing it? [00:48:51] Speaker C: Little, small numbers, hundreds. [00:48:53] Speaker B: What, like shipping it, like sending it off somewhere. [00:48:56] Speaker C: Why? I don't know where it went. [00:48:57] Speaker B: It was somebody around here? [00:48:59] Speaker C: No, in India. All the transactions, most of the transactions was in Atlanta. [00:49:07] Speaker A: Oh, here? [00:49:10] Speaker B: Yeah. But I got nigga car named John, Bob and Tefa. Shout out shit. [00:49:21] Speaker A: Somebody. [00:49:22] Speaker B: What your name? Julian Jones. Y'all. [00:49:25] Speaker A: Somebody had got my car one time, you know, my car information. And they tested it out at like, a gas station in DC. And it was like $2 or something like that. And I saw it. I turned my card off. And then they went to a restaurant and tried to spend like 150 at the restaurant. But my car was off. So it came back to me and it was like, is this you? Whatever. So I said, no, but I had to get a new card and shit. But I don't know how they got my information. But yeah, you gotta be. Especially with the calls. And then now they sending out text messages like you. It's supposed to be the post office. Like, you know your package they got. [00:50:05] Speaker B: Yeah, nigga just sent me that shit. Talking about your Amazon. [00:50:08] Speaker C: I ain't ordered shit, motherfucker. Yeah, I ain't ordered shit. [00:50:13] Speaker A: Y'all ever saw a movie called a beekeeper? [00:50:15] Speaker C: Yes. [00:50:15] Speaker A: You saw the beekeeper? You ever saw the beekeeper? [00:50:18] Speaker C: You should watch Jason. [00:50:19] Speaker A: It's on prime now what that's about. So it start out where he. [00:50:23] Speaker B: You scamming? [00:50:24] Speaker A: Huh? [00:50:24] Speaker B: You scamming. [00:50:25] Speaker A: He not scamming, but Felicia Rashad. He like, stay with Felicia Rashad. And he do something, like, at her hustle. [00:50:32] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:50:33] Speaker B: Uh huh. [00:50:33] Speaker A: And something, I forgot how it happened with her trying to. [00:50:38] Speaker C: She was on her computer and some shit popped up. Said, um. [00:50:45] Speaker A: Somebody if you don't click. [00:50:46] Speaker C: This, your computer's gonna be infected. So she clicks it and they shut her computer. They made a computer screen go black or something. They did some shit and made. And she had to call. [00:50:57] Speaker A: She had to call in. [00:50:58] Speaker C: She had to call the number. And, boy, when she called that number, in less than five minutes, it took all money, $2 million from that label. [00:51:06] Speaker A: Yeah. So that's how the movie start off. And then it go for him trying to, you know, rectify that situation. I ain't wanna tell too much. [00:51:13] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:51:14] Speaker A: But it's a good movie, though. [00:51:16] Speaker C: Good fucking. [00:51:16] Speaker A: Especially if you like action. You know the Jason Statham? [00:51:20] Speaker D: I think I seen it. [00:51:21] Speaker C: That's a good ass movie, man. Yeah, I tried to make everybody watch it when it first came out. [00:51:25] Speaker A: Old people. [00:51:26] Speaker C: Cause I was waiting on it to come out. Cause I want. I just wanted to see some, you know. [00:51:30] Speaker B: I don't trust that interweb. [00:51:31] Speaker A: Anyway, now they get your ass on the phone. But that movie came out the same night, same week. What's the Jesus movie? Book of Clarence. Yeah, that came out the same week. So I went to see that niggas like, you going, you seen. You going to see the beekeeper, like, nah, nah. [00:51:46] Speaker B: You notice how the difference between how New York people say Internet and how we say it? We say Internet inner net and what they say Internet. Your son been on the Internet? So, yeah, it's got him Internet. [00:52:06] Speaker A: Speaking of scams, matter of fact, since I'm doing all of my scams, I'm a. I got to play my scamming music. I did fraud today okay. I did fraud today good job today okay, good. The blessings come from God cuz I'm committing fraud I did fraud today hey. Okay. I did, I did fraud today hey. I did fraud today I did fraud today okay. I did a good job today hey. Blessings come from God cause I'm committing fraud I did fraud today black people. [00:52:41] Speaker B: Make a song out of anything. [00:52:43] Speaker A: Anything. [00:52:44] Speaker B: Come on. For us. [00:52:45] Speaker A: Our first scam happened in Scottsdale, Arizona. These people, they lived a life of luxury in the shadow of Camelback Mountain. They had a home worth nearly $6 million backed up to a golf course, multiple high end Mercedes Benz's, along with gold bars and luxury that was worth more than half a million dollars. All of that came at the cost of the taxpayer. According to a federal indictment against Alexandra Gerkey and Jeffrey King, they're accused of being at the center of a nearly billion dollar fraud case. The indictment claims that the couple who own companies that tend to wound care would target elderly patients, typically in hospice care, it writes. They pressured nurse practitioners to apply wound grafts to patients who didn't need them, the documents write. Their procedures were unreasonable and unnecessary. Some patients died the day they received the grafts or within days, court papers say. Within two years, the suspect submitted $900 million of fraudulent claims to Medicare and other providers, with $330 million going to King and Gerkey and illegal kickbacks as part of the scene scheme. [00:53:53] Speaker D: That's big money. [00:53:56] Speaker A: It says. [00:53:58] Speaker D: Big scam. [00:53:59] Speaker A: Shit. [00:54:00] Speaker D: That's a big scam. [00:54:01] Speaker A: They used the money to buy the home in Scottsdale, another home worth close to $700,000 in Tempe, one Ferrari and three Mercedes Benz's. [00:54:10] Speaker D: That's what they did with the money. [00:54:11] Speaker A: I said they had $525,000 worth of jewelry, coins, and gold bars. [00:54:16] Speaker B: Definitely black. They got that much jury, not last name. [00:54:19] Speaker A: Gerky and kingdom. [00:54:20] Speaker B: King might be a Lamont king, bro. [00:54:24] Speaker A: There was also about $50 million in several bank accounts associated with Gerky and King. [00:54:29] Speaker D: Gerkie got a white daddy. [00:54:32] Speaker A: It's some gerkies that live around here. [00:54:34] Speaker B: They black? [00:54:34] Speaker A: Nah, they white. [00:54:35] Speaker C: One of my classmates. [00:54:36] Speaker B: Gurkies. [00:54:37] Speaker A: Gurkies. [00:54:38] Speaker C: Shout out to Brandon Gerkie. [00:54:39] Speaker A: All of it has been seized by authorities. They were arrested at Sky Harbor International Airport as they were about to board a flight to London. Um. [00:54:50] Speaker D: Wow. [00:54:50] Speaker B: How much time they gonna get? [00:54:52] Speaker A: I don't know. Well, hold up. It says, at their home, authorities found a book titled how to disappear. Erase your digital footprint, leave false trails, and vanish without a trace. In one of their bags packed for their flight, there was a book titled Criminal Law Handbook. Know your rights, survive the system. So they were playing. That's all you gotta do, though. You gotta read up on this shit. [00:55:14] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:55:16] Speaker A: So, yeah, that was our first scam, y'all. [00:55:18] Speaker D: Damn, it was heavy. [00:55:19] Speaker A: Almost a billion dollar scam. [00:55:20] Speaker B: I got a scam I saw the other day, and I didn't think it was true, but I looked it up and it is. What, before 911 with the twin Towers event or whatever. Uh huh. [00:55:31] Speaker A: Don't say no local names. [00:55:32] Speaker B: Nope. Oh, whatever the. No local name. [00:55:35] Speaker A: Cause I know somebody. [00:55:36] Speaker B: No, whatever the whatever thing was in that building or whatever, they lost $13.7 trillion the day before. Like, they don't know where it went. Like, they speaking on this shit. Next day, tower shit happened. [00:55:52] Speaker A: How they lose it? It was digital money. Yep. [00:55:56] Speaker B: 13.7 trillion. Not a billion trillion. [00:55:59] Speaker A: That's a lot of money. [00:56:00] Speaker B: It's like the next day when they wake up. That shit happens. And all the records are gone now because the building thing, whatever. [00:56:06] Speaker A: But where you think it went? [00:56:09] Speaker B: Whoever. Damn. They saying that's the leading. Damn. What happened? Why they did this shit? Well, but they dispersed that shit between, you know, they knew something. Like, if you took 13.7 trillion. I forget the dude name with the glass, though. He talking about it. They asked me, like, what do you mean? Same thing you saying, like, what do you mean it's missing? Just some kind of vanished some kind of way. Such and such. We're going to this and that. This and that. That shit vanished the next day. 20 tower. Shit they can't find no more. That shit is gone forever. [00:56:39] Speaker D: It vanished. [00:56:40] Speaker B: A lot of people had to get paid off that, though. $13 trillion. [00:56:44] Speaker A: Or did. Jesus. That's just a little bit. [00:56:48] Speaker C: They could've gave me 50. [00:56:49] Speaker B: That's a scam now. [00:56:51] Speaker A: That's more than a scam. [00:56:52] Speaker B: You made a $13 trillion jewel. [00:56:54] Speaker A: That ain't no damn jewel. [00:56:55] Speaker B: That is a jug. Ain't finna get it back. [00:56:58] Speaker A: This right here might be a jug, though. [00:56:59] Speaker B: What? [00:57:00] Speaker A: Investigators have arrested a state employee accused of using her position to steal thousands of dollars. On Friday, South Carolina's law enforcement division announced that it had arrested 22 year old Julia Harley Haley Baker for a crime that happened over roughly two weeks between May 1 and 16th. Baker, who was employed as a clerk at the South Carolina department of Motor vehicles office in Camden, use a state computer system to alter transactions to defraud the state or customers of more than $10,000. On Monday, Baker was charged with violating the computer crime act, with the value exceeding $10,000 in Bookman to Kershaw county detention center. All that for $10,000 they kept. Hell, no. [00:57:51] Speaker C: They got to get her. [00:57:52] Speaker A: Nah. Cause she ain't. [00:57:53] Speaker B: Haley Baker the third. [00:57:56] Speaker D: Yeah, especially. She didn't know what she was doing. [00:57:58] Speaker C: Gotta get her. [00:57:59] Speaker B: She probably just, like, VIN numbers and shit, you know what I'm saying? But if you'd add up $10,000 in the. In the DMV, she had been doing a lot of transactions. Boy, that's a lot, bro, at the DMV. [00:58:10] Speaker C: 10,000 in Camden. [00:58:12] Speaker B: What caused them 10,000? [00:58:13] Speaker D: How many of them cars in Camden? How many people in Camden? [00:58:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:58:17] Speaker A: Cause what? Yeah, a lot of $13. Cause you go to the DMV all the time. You ain't spending a lot of money. [00:58:25] Speaker B: No, no. [00:58:25] Speaker A: $12 here. [00:58:27] Speaker B: Can I get a license? Yeah, give me $3. [00:58:30] Speaker A: It took her two weeks to add up to $10,000. And she was stealing. [00:58:34] Speaker D: She was hitting me in motherfucking date. [00:58:36] Speaker A: Yeah, it was. It's one. It was one that. This lady, she was supposed to be booking people cruise, like a whole cruise for, like, a big group of people. And she just took the people money. [00:58:52] Speaker D: Oh, shit. [00:58:53] Speaker A: Yeah. And it was a whole bunch of people, like, from all over. And a few of the people were from, like, the beach area. [00:59:01] Speaker B: Can you take animals on cruise? [00:59:04] Speaker A: Maybe like a CNI dog? [00:59:07] Speaker B: What? A support dog? [00:59:08] Speaker A: I don't know about support animals. [00:59:10] Speaker B: Well, support animals can go anywhere, really, though. [00:59:12] Speaker A: Some places don't allow. [00:59:15] Speaker B: They can't really like you. It's a lawsuit. [00:59:19] Speaker A: No, but. Well, it ain't. [00:59:21] Speaker B: Cause if they ask you, like, you know, is that a. [00:59:23] Speaker A: Damn. [00:59:23] Speaker B: If they ask you, you got a dog with you? Like, is that a. You know what I'm saying? That's a lawsuit that you discriminate against. [00:59:29] Speaker A: I just saw something where they deny somebody support animal. Cause it wasn't like, it wasn't a service animal. So they, like, told them, nah, you can't have that dog in your head. Whatever. Whatever. I don't think it was a dog. It was something else. But all the support animals, they don't let them all come through or whatever. [00:59:47] Speaker B: Cause you can get that shit just cause, like, you can tell them, like, I got anxiety if I ain't around the dog or vice versa. The dog and anxiety if he ain't around me. [00:59:57] Speaker A: Yeah, they date them shit. [00:59:58] Speaker B: How they get them bullies and shit. Like, whatever. But I done took my dogs in Florence Mall, a lot of places, they ain't never say shit to me. [01:00:04] Speaker A: Yeah, places like that, they don't really say too much. But now people getting aggravated with it. Like, one lady had her dog on the counter and they was like, yeah, you got to take that shit out. This is my support. Nah, I get that shit outta here. [01:00:15] Speaker C: Support my ass. [01:00:17] Speaker B: I took one of my puppies in Walmart, put him in the buggy. Yep. As soon as I did that bitch shit, I walked right by. I came back, we was coming back out and started seeing the man in leather. I put a dog in my shirt like that, right? [01:00:31] Speaker A: Hold up your dog shit. And you didn't clean your dog shit? What I'm cleaning up with, ask for a bag or something. They got a whole bunch of bags. [01:00:37] Speaker B: Soon we walked in the thing, we grabbed a little bug, we put him in the shit. You know how you walk in Walmart? That little food shit right there, you. [01:00:44] Speaker A: Know, he pooped by the food. [01:00:47] Speaker B: Not by the food, but just walking straight in there. I said, oh, shit. I pushed the buggy to the side. Grab another buggy. Left a little shitty buggy right there. [01:00:54] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [01:00:56] Speaker B: So we was talking like, I heard the little shit to my buddy driving a little thing. [01:01:01] Speaker A: Oh, to clean it up. Are you a person? That's despicable. Do you at least put your buggy in the buggy cart thing outside, or do you just leave it? No. [01:01:11] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm pushing that bitch in. Yes, I'm pushing somewhere. I gotta be doing real good of that thing close by me for me to push it back there. [01:01:17] Speaker A: Yeah, I do. You the worst kind of human being. [01:01:20] Speaker B: I push it on your car just to make sure it don't roll and hit nobody else. [01:01:26] Speaker C: I have to put it up. [01:01:28] Speaker A: I put it up. [01:01:29] Speaker B: I don't litter, though. I'm big on our litter. Really? Yeah. Cause black people always have our neighborhood looking so fooled. [01:01:35] Speaker A: Why gotta be black people? [01:01:37] Speaker B: Cause that's who I see doing. Like, you don't see that shit in white neighborhoods like that. And niggas will buy a little styrofoam box, eat the chicken and all the fries and shit. [01:01:46] Speaker C: Throw them up. [01:01:47] Speaker B: Throw the box right out the window. Bang off, bro. [01:01:50] Speaker A: Why don't. Why do that? It happened in white neighborhoods where they don't got no money. [01:01:54] Speaker B: And then. Yeah, that too. But then white people neighborhoods and shit, they just see some trash on the road. I'm motherfucker. They kind of pick that shit up in their neighborhood. [01:02:02] Speaker A: That ain't all their neighborhoods. [01:02:04] Speaker B: Bring the property value down here, buddy. [01:02:06] Speaker A: That ain't all white people, though. [01:02:08] Speaker B: Them neighborhoods where like you, Charlotte and Atlanta, where that gas station don't be like, everything gotta be brick. You know what I'm talking about? [01:02:15] Speaker A: Everything in the same way. [01:02:16] Speaker B: You ain't gonna degrade the value money. [01:02:17] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:02:18] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:02:18] Speaker A: That's. Anybody. [01:02:19] Speaker B: Take your ass out there and throw a fillet cheesesteak box on the ground. You want to. I saw that, buster. [01:02:25] Speaker A: I got your tag number. Yeah. Now it should be everywhere. People be riding past this, throwing shit outside. Yeah. [01:02:30] Speaker B: And especially by your house. I know you probably get it. Like, bone em. They live off the main road now, man. Motherfuckers be throwing shit out there when they folks yard, bro. Like, I hate that shit. [01:02:40] Speaker A: It be black and white people, though. [01:02:43] Speaker B: Yeah, just country people like you say. [01:02:45] Speaker A: Yeah, people want. [01:02:46] Speaker C: I don't like littering no more. [01:02:47] Speaker A: I hate it. [01:02:48] Speaker C: I used to do it. [01:02:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:02:48] Speaker B: I hate littering. [01:02:50] Speaker C: I used to do that shit here. [01:02:51] Speaker A: Like you said, make it. Make where you at look bad and shit. [01:02:54] Speaker C: No, I wouldn't do it where I was at. [01:02:56] Speaker A: Of course you wouldn't. You fucking. [01:02:58] Speaker D: Exactly. [01:02:59] Speaker A: Piece of shit. [01:03:00] Speaker C: Yeah, I'll do it close to my career. [01:03:01] Speaker A: Shout out to. Oh, shout out to D. Dottie, too. I finally got an invite. He hit you up? [01:03:06] Speaker C: Yeah, for the bull fight. [01:03:07] Speaker A: When is that? The fourth or some shit? Yeah, yeah, that's next weekend. Shout out to D. Dot. It finally tried to cuss me out. [01:03:14] Speaker B: My buddy, we were talking about the one time who didn't invite you. [01:03:18] Speaker A: Not the one time. He ain't invited me to a whole bunch. I hope he here. [01:03:21] Speaker C: Oh, shit. [01:03:24] Speaker A: Hold up. He know where I stay. [01:03:25] Speaker C: Oh, shit. [01:03:26] Speaker A: I know you stay? [01:03:27] Speaker C: Yup. [01:03:29] Speaker B: Why? Sti. No, your mama stay. [01:03:31] Speaker C: I'm gonna go home, holler at him. [01:03:34] Speaker A: Watch that fire, listeners. I ain't really had shit to talk about today, man. I just wanted to get a show out, but I'm glad these guys came through and, you know, there wasn't too much going. Ain't nothing going on in the world. [01:03:45] Speaker B: I see. [01:03:46] Speaker A: I did want to talk about that crowdstrike shit, but that shit happened last week. That what crowdstrike, the shit with the airlines and shit. A whole bunch of stuff down last week. [01:03:53] Speaker B: No, I missed that. Whatever. [01:03:55] Speaker A: So it was a company that had. They kind of, like, do the cybersecurity type shit, and they sent out an update, but the update had a bug in it. So all of these. A whole bunch of companies use that service for their security or whatever. And that update shut down. Like, most of the airlines, they shut down a lot of jobs. Like, a lot of people that use, like, Microsoft last week. Okay. [01:04:22] Speaker C: Yeah, my company suffered and people just was getting back. Right? [01:04:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:04:30] Speaker B: You got off. You guys were days off? [01:04:31] Speaker A: No, it happened on a Friday. Thursday or Friday. [01:04:34] Speaker C: It happened on a Friday. [01:04:35] Speaker A: Yeah. So, like, last week was my family reunion. A lot of my family got stuck up, stuck in the airport and just couldn't make it. Like, people was in the airport for, like, some people, 40 hours stuck in the airport. And they were saying that. How much money? I think you said $5 billion was lost. Five point something billion dollars. $5.4 billion was lost. [01:04:59] Speaker C: Yeah, a whole lot of money, man. [01:05:01] Speaker A: A lot of people had to get, you know, got. They got refunds from the flights and shit. But, like, I didn't hear anybody that has spirit or southwest. [01:05:11] Speaker B: Cause they all ass blue spirit don't need that update. Cause they got an old ass plane shit. [01:05:15] Speaker A: Spirit got the newest planes. [01:05:17] Speaker B: I'm thinking about frontier in the motherfuckers. [01:05:19] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know about front. Frontier. [01:05:21] Speaker B: Not Frontier. What a little cheap shit. [01:05:23] Speaker A: Name is beer for cheap. But they got new planes. [01:05:26] Speaker B: There's another one, too, though. Yeah, I think frontier, too, with the fox on it. [01:05:29] Speaker A: Southwest. [01:05:29] Speaker B: No, frontier. Got the little fox on the right. [01:05:31] Speaker A: They got a whole bunch. Now they got a whole bunch of frontier do got a whole. [01:05:34] Speaker B: There ain't nothing but just the old planes that other people used to have, you know what I'm saying? [01:05:38] Speaker A: For who? [01:05:39] Speaker B: Spirit and little small, little cheaper flights and shit. How everybody like them planes raggedy, they say nothing. Just older model planes that the big dogs ain't sold. You know what I'm saying? [01:05:47] Speaker A: But some of spirit plans be new. [01:05:52] Speaker B: One of my homeboys want to tell me, he on flower spirit tomorrow. He flew on spirit and it made her have blood clots. [01:05:57] Speaker D: Damn. [01:05:57] Speaker B: Cause the air pressure wasn't right or something like that. I'm like, nigga, why you ain't sue? [01:06:03] Speaker A: It might just be him. It was. What's the. Remember Tamara used to be married to that dude that was kind of heavy set? [01:06:10] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [01:06:10] Speaker D: Vince. [01:06:11] Speaker A: Yeah. And he had something happen to him. Like, he was flying so much, and he would just fly. And they say if you fly, like, long distance, you supposed to get up and walk. And he almost died. He had like a blood clot from flying so much or whatever. [01:06:23] Speaker C: So. [01:06:24] Speaker A: So that probably. So your boy was in the hospital for a while. [01:06:28] Speaker B: Never went to the hospital. [01:06:30] Speaker A: How he knew he had a blood clot? [01:06:31] Speaker B: Someone asked me how. I ain't think no can. [01:06:34] Speaker A: You know, you can have a. Can, you know you have a blood clot. I sent my teeth. [01:06:38] Speaker B: I think if you jamaican. What the blood clot my rop with me. [01:06:54] Speaker C: Oh, no, I gotta do arm out for you. Go. Beloved. I wanna ask. I was driving. [01:07:01] Speaker A: Good. [01:07:02] Speaker B: What you wanna do to him? Don't hurt my homeboy, bro. [01:07:05] Speaker A: He want to ask me something. [01:07:07] Speaker B: Yeah, you gonna ask me, man, or. [01:07:08] Speaker C: To ask you a question? [01:07:09] Speaker D: Okay, there you go. [01:07:10] Speaker C: So I was riding and motherfucking baby d came on. I had my bluetooth shit. My apple music shit player that I had. I got baby d on one of my playlists. Bo his ass up. I looked down. I'm riding on twin. I'm just riding. [01:07:29] Speaker A: Oh, you said you got baby DjDeh, the rapper, decaded. [01:07:32] Speaker C: I was listening to it, right? [01:07:33] Speaker A: Oh, okay, okay. [01:07:33] Speaker C: Yeah. So I'm talking about bouncing my head, like 2000 in that motherfucker. I looked out, I'm doing about 100. [01:07:41] Speaker A: Oh, Lord. [01:07:42] Speaker C: Yeah. So my question is, what songs make you drive fat? I wanna ask all y'all that shit. Like, give me three songs. That future homicide that make you drive fast. [01:07:53] Speaker B: So you wanna take a ride, get. [01:07:56] Speaker C: In, you listen to it. You zone out so bad till you just be driving fast and don't even fucking know it. [01:08:04] Speaker A: I guess I'm too old, I ain't got nothing, so I ain't got no song like that. [01:08:08] Speaker B: Future homicide. [01:08:10] Speaker C: Jeezy, do it. [01:08:11] Speaker B: Project Pat, Project Pat. Definitely gonna make it. Speed. [01:08:15] Speaker C: Project Pat. [01:08:16] Speaker B: You can't do 20, listen to Project. [01:08:17] Speaker C: Pat like that shit. Make me drive fast. [01:08:20] Speaker A: I don't got nothing to make me drive fast. [01:08:22] Speaker B: Do it be that or do it be on Corona. [01:08:23] Speaker C: Pastor Troyennae, a little bit of both. [01:08:27] Speaker A: Passenger or what? [01:08:28] Speaker C: Make me drive fast. No more playing ga shit, riding big. [01:08:33] Speaker D: Ho crunk music, crimp music turning up. [01:08:37] Speaker A: Yeah, that shit happens. [01:08:38] Speaker C: Driving faster than the motherfucker, man. Or even some like some nah, shit like that. Poison that don't even like the dry fast. What goes around off of the stillmatic album. [01:08:51] Speaker A: Last time I was, that song made me drive, I was on the side of nah and then no music that made me drive fast. [01:09:01] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, I mean, but you're a professional driver, so I am, yeah. So maybe it's just me, I don't. [01:09:06] Speaker A: Maybe that is it. Maybe it's cause I'm a professional. [01:09:09] Speaker C: I know Wiley got some songs that make him drive fast. I mean. Cause you don't. You do it subconsciously. Like, you just start driving fast, not even thinking about it. [01:09:17] Speaker A: You know what, though? I put my shit on cruise. [01:09:18] Speaker B: Cause you ain't never about to, that's what. I had a couple of drinks or whatever. Or you done left the club, I tried to drink a and some shit jump on the radio. And you ain't never just hitting that bit through Florence. [01:09:27] Speaker D: Oh, that alcohol do that. Definitely. [01:09:29] Speaker A: The last time the times I'm going to the club, it was cause I had something to do with the club to make, you know what I'm saying? So my last memory, or I'm going so early. Cause my homeboy djing or whatever, I'm going so early just to get in and get out to holl at him. And you know what I'm saying? Like, well, when we go 20 years. [01:09:47] Speaker B: Of show in North Carolina that y'all going to, that I'm a crash. We gonna make sure you don't drive. We gonna get your ass drunk. We'll get that little bald head drunk. [01:09:54] Speaker A: I get drunk, I'm damn sure ain't driving. I catch a Uber or something. [01:09:59] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:10:02] Speaker B: No, I said when we go. I said, he ain't gonna be driving. [01:10:05] Speaker A: Oh, God. [01:10:06] Speaker B: I'm a drive drunk. [01:10:08] Speaker A: No, you won't. Not with me. Not around my niggas, you won't. [01:10:14] Speaker C: Doogie, you said future homicide make you drive fast? [01:10:17] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [01:10:18] Speaker A: How'd that go? [01:10:20] Speaker B: You say you want to take a ride? Get in him and Snoop Dogg telling it was a homicide. [01:10:26] Speaker C: Murder. [01:10:27] Speaker A: Murder. [01:10:27] Speaker B: That was on his album. Shit, too. But for some reason, that shit that made me drive fast as hell, boy. [01:10:32] Speaker A: They played it in the club. [01:10:33] Speaker B: Nah, I doubt they play that in the club. [01:10:35] Speaker C: That trapper died. Do it for me, too, bro. [01:10:37] Speaker A: Pause the song. [01:10:39] Speaker C: Jeez. Yeah. Smoke perk by the pie. [01:10:42] Speaker A: I be too laid back driving. [01:10:44] Speaker C: That should have me. I be laid back, too. [01:10:47] Speaker A: Only time I drive fast, though, like that is on the interstate a little bit, but that just gets that where. [01:10:52] Speaker C: I be at most of the time. [01:10:54] Speaker A: Then I get that bitch down to 79 or 80 and put on cruise. [01:10:58] Speaker B: Till they caught 100. [01:11:00] Speaker D: You said, get it? [01:11:01] Speaker A: 100. [01:11:01] Speaker B: 4140. [01:11:04] Speaker D: Hey, bro, when I came to Columbia the other day, I was wondering why I was getting run over. I was getting ran over, bro. [01:11:10] Speaker C: What happened? [01:11:11] Speaker D: Just coming. Everybody like, fuck. [01:11:13] Speaker C: What the fuck, man? They need to change the speed limits. [01:11:16] Speaker A: No, they don't. [01:11:17] Speaker B: Yeah, they do. [01:11:18] Speaker A: No, they don't. [01:11:18] Speaker C: Yeah, they do. [01:11:19] Speaker A: People can't handle it, bro. People can't handle it. [01:11:22] Speaker D: Cause they already. Hey, I did the speed limit. I had my cruise control. I needed about 77. [01:11:27] Speaker B: If the police ain't around, doing about nine's getting ran over now. And I'm looking for every time motherfuckers be flying, man. [01:11:33] Speaker A: People can't handle. [01:11:34] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't give a fuck, though. [01:11:35] Speaker B: And think about it. Every time you get to Atlanta, look how fast them motherfuckers drive. [01:11:39] Speaker C: They be fucking flying. [01:11:40] Speaker B: They be flying. Boy, if you live in Atlanta for a city for a while, you come back to Florida. [01:11:45] Speaker D: Made me speed up. [01:11:46] Speaker B: People don't hit dry like they ain't got nowhere to go, bro. Like, they really don't have nowhere to go. [01:11:50] Speaker A: Good, bro. [01:11:50] Speaker B: Why is you doing 20 white football. [01:11:53] Speaker C: Motherfuckers trying to chilling, man. [01:11:55] Speaker A: People drive too fast like driving. I see a wreck every day. [01:12:01] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I bet you do. [01:12:03] Speaker A: You see a wreck every day. And I'm talking about, like, ain't no I done seen shit where you like. [01:12:08] Speaker B: Nah, they did most rats, because niggas be on them phones. [01:12:12] Speaker A: Yeah, but see, they need to go. [01:12:14] Speaker B: Ahead and make it like Georgia. Where you can't have a phone in your hand or something. [01:12:16] Speaker A: It don't matter. It is like that. [01:12:18] Speaker B: It do help. [01:12:18] Speaker A: It's like that here. [01:12:19] Speaker B: You can have a phone in your hand out. [01:12:21] Speaker A: No, you can't. That's illegal. They just stopped that. They just stopped that last October. They supposed to. But I rode past the state trooper yesterday and I'm off. Had his phone in his hand. Yeah, but like I say, motherfuckers be on the interstate driving 9100 and run in the back of somebody. Cause they got. They got their phone in their hand. [01:12:42] Speaker B: Most wrecks happen, too. Cause motherfuckers rubber nicking everything be going good. Some be going on the side. So this motherfucker here gonna hit they brakes hard. You ain't looking or whatever. And you gotta hit your shit. You know what I'm saying? [01:12:55] Speaker D: Like, it's usually a fun. [01:13:01] Speaker B: That's the f word. I didn't say it this time. They the same box? [01:13:13] Speaker A: No, man, he sound like. He sound like them people. Like in them trucking groups and shit. And it be like a wreck or something. He's like, I bet he had on a turban. How them people be mad? Them wife was hated. Bro, your son don't want to drive trucks. Them foreigners coming over here want to. [01:13:30] Speaker B: Oh, man, that's a nice one. [01:13:33] Speaker D: I like that one. [01:13:34] Speaker A: You gonna use that? [01:13:35] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [01:13:36] Speaker A: I had a home girl to live in Charlotte. And she was like. That lady about ran in the back of me and, you know, she was mexican. I said, dale, she's like, you know they can't drive. I don't know that. I'm telling you, some of them can drive. You know what I'm saying? [01:13:58] Speaker B: It's crazy. You don't really see too many Mexicans driving. [01:14:01] Speaker A: Shit. [01:14:02] Speaker C: I see them working around here. [01:14:04] Speaker B: I see them working. [01:14:05] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, but they drive. They drive. [01:14:06] Speaker A: You probably. [01:14:07] Speaker B: When you ever look to your left on the interstate and see the mexican. [01:14:09] Speaker A: Driver on the interstate. Yeah, you probably paid no attention. You ever seen. Hold on, hold on. You ever seen an expedition with a whole bunch of extra chrome on that motherfucker? [01:14:18] Speaker D: There you go. [01:14:19] Speaker A: And flame. [01:14:19] Speaker B: But I might see that through. Like, you might see that in like in a little town. [01:14:22] Speaker A: Weird ass stickers. That was a mess in this truck. They get the most goofy shit. [01:14:32] Speaker C: They have crow all over that bitch. [01:14:35] Speaker A: Why do your expedition got a spoiler? [01:14:37] Speaker D: Why I got them flames. [01:14:38] Speaker A: They nice as hell. Nice as hell. Them. [01:14:41] Speaker C: They just put the crow bars on the front. [01:14:43] Speaker D: Put flames on the nose. [01:14:44] Speaker C: Flames at all. [01:14:45] Speaker B: When have you ever seen a Mexican on the interstate? He just told you he seen that in town all the time. I ain't never seen no Mexican on the inner side. I ain't never seen a Hispanic. [01:14:57] Speaker C: I don't really look, though, tell you the truth. Look, when I'm driving, I don't be looking at motherfuckers. [01:15:02] Speaker B: I know motherfuckers are looking every car like it's a game or something. Would you do that? I do, yeah, like niggas. [01:15:08] Speaker A: I wonder where they going. [01:15:09] Speaker D: I don't do that. [01:15:10] Speaker A: Hey, I be looking at the tags, I'd be like, Florida. Oh, they on 95 north. I wonder where they going. Florida, they on 95 south. They heading home. Where was that? It's real. For a content clue, it'd be a Thursday and they headed south and they for Florida. I'm like, well, damn, but they been up here all week. [01:15:28] Speaker B: I think I might need to get that joke to a comedian for real, though. How do Mexicans travel state to state back rows? [01:15:34] Speaker A: Cause they ain't got no insurance, bro. Highway one. [01:15:38] Speaker B: I never seen a hispanic person on the interstate. [01:15:41] Speaker A: You don't got to go to interstate. I don't know if you wanna go north. You go route one. [01:15:45] Speaker C: I see it's Mexicans that live in my cul de sac, so. [01:15:50] Speaker B: Pause, dude, it's a cul de sac. There ain't no english word. [01:15:54] Speaker D: I see him, buddy. [01:15:56] Speaker A: What is cul de sac? French? [01:15:57] Speaker C: Cul de sac. [01:15:58] Speaker A: That's French, honey. [01:15:59] Speaker B: El C. [01:16:04] Speaker C: But yeah, it's. [01:16:05] Speaker B: Is that French? [01:16:06] Speaker C: It's what? [01:16:07] Speaker B: Cul de sac. I think I learned that shit from one of the games back in the day. [01:16:10] Speaker C: They just. They for work. It's an airbnb. Oh, so they stay there while they work? Some niggas be walking around the neighborhood. [01:16:18] Speaker A: And all drinking beer. Shit. Yeah, but they whole bunch of them rent a house. [01:16:25] Speaker B: You ever seen a Mexican in a nice car? Like some new shit? It's like BMW or some shit like that. [01:16:32] Speaker A: Not that nice, but like a nice home. [01:16:33] Speaker B: I bet you ain't never seen a Mexican in a scat pack. [01:16:37] Speaker A: Nah, they ain't waste their money. [01:16:38] Speaker C: They ain't waste their money with my. [01:16:39] Speaker B: Own eyes, probably la. You'll see that shit. [01:16:42] Speaker A: Not no one. Who? First generation. It might be like a second 3rd generation. [01:16:47] Speaker D: Yeah, one of them young bucks. [01:16:48] Speaker A: Yeah, that's capicho. They gonna get something. You get your bang for your buck, boy. They have a nice civic. [01:16:54] Speaker B: They gonna have that van nah, they be. I be seeing the older man with chrome everywhere. With the ladder on the back. Excuse me, the little chrome ladder. [01:17:03] Speaker C: Yep. Ty's boy. They gonna have the neon lights or whatever. [01:17:06] Speaker A: They get practical shit. Yeah, I think Fortis. So his. Remember he had the danger Ranger? Remember he had a little Ranger truck? [01:17:14] Speaker C: Mm mm. [01:17:14] Speaker A: He used to have a little Ford Ranger. He called it the danger Ranger. I think he sold it to Mexican. [01:17:19] Speaker B: What's the car you don't see white people in it? [01:17:22] Speaker A: Ain't one I can't think of when. [01:17:27] Speaker C: Put them together, man. [01:17:28] Speaker B: What's the car you don't see black people in? Niggas drive everything too. [01:17:32] Speaker A: They do, yeah. I get surprised, though, when I see black white people driving for some reason. Cadillacs that used to be their shit. It did. But I just get Mary Kay. [01:17:46] Speaker B: Mary Kay days and shit like that. [01:17:47] Speaker A: I don't know. [01:17:48] Speaker B: Cause niggas stole it. [01:17:49] Speaker A: I just. [01:17:51] Speaker C: That's what they was buying for the niggas with their record labels. [01:17:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Back in the day. But I'm talking about like now, like a new, new Cadillac. Like, if I see a new, like a new, new Escalade before I see who wins too. Yeah, them shit's high, too. [01:18:06] Speaker D: Yeah, them bitches high. [01:18:07] Speaker A: I think a black person to be driving it before a white person shit. Cause I like white people. They won't get the Escalade. They won't go all the way. Cadillac. They'll get a Yukon denali. It's the same truck. [01:18:19] Speaker C: They gonna get the Escalade. [01:18:21] Speaker A: Yeah, but you do see them, though. I'm trying to think of a. [01:18:23] Speaker D: Then they don't get the short. When they get the long. [01:18:25] Speaker A: Yeah, they get the big john. [01:18:26] Speaker D: That long sleeve. [01:18:31] Speaker A: The long sleeve cheek of the road, man. Think of a car that I don't see black, white people or black people driving. [01:18:39] Speaker C: It ain't me. [01:18:40] Speaker A: You see more black, more white people driving subarus. [01:18:43] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [01:18:44] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [01:18:45] Speaker A: And the little, you know, the little sport one, the racing kind, I think. [01:18:47] Speaker B: The less drove one caused by white people and black people is Toyota for sure. [01:18:51] Speaker A: Oh, hell no. My cousin, I ain't gonna say how much he made, but he made himself wealthy selling toyotas to white and black people. [01:18:59] Speaker C: Yeah, Toyota. Gon be. [01:19:01] Speaker A: I'm driving a Toyota right now. [01:19:03] Speaker C: Toyota and Honda. [01:19:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:19:05] Speaker C: They gonna. [01:19:05] Speaker B: All camera is a Toyota. Honda. You tripping, tripping. [01:19:09] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [01:19:11] Speaker A: You got one. You talking about. I can't think of one other than subaruz. [01:19:18] Speaker D: Yeah, that's Subarus. [01:19:20] Speaker C: That about it. [01:19:21] Speaker A: Yeah, that is about it. Guys, I want to thank y'all for joining me on this week's episode. Doogie working. Everybody find you on social media. [01:19:34] Speaker B: SBN Frenchie Doogie on IG. Dwayne Gamble on Facebook. [01:19:38] Speaker A: Got the government out. That nigga. [01:19:41] Speaker B: I ain't doing nothing. [01:19:42] Speaker A: Wallace. Where can people find yours? You want to be found on social media? [01:19:45] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, why not? [01:19:46] Speaker A: Where you at, man? [01:19:47] Speaker D: I was just hanging Mister Wilde 704 last year. That's Jackie Jackson on Facebook. [01:19:53] Speaker A: What was the other one on Instagram? Yeah, what was that, Mr. Wale 704? [01:19:57] Speaker C: Word Jones, JP Jones 81. Every Tuesday on the Music Jones podcast on all platforms. All three of us will be on there. [01:20:08] Speaker B: Check us out. [01:20:09] Speaker A: Yeah. I appreciate y'all again. You can find me on social media at Preacher BP. You can find the show at DJ Bladeshow on Instagram. Thank you all for listening. We'll be back next week. At any rate, it's your boy. Be easy. And we out. [01:20:25] Speaker B: Let those who have ears listen. This is the DJ Blaze show.

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