July 15, 2024


Shootin the .45 at 45

Shootin the .45 at 45
Dj Blaze Radio Show Podcast
Shootin the .45 at 45

Jul 15 2024 | 01:31:26


Show Notes

On this episode Amy (@amys22cents) and B-Eazy (@preacher_bp) are joined by none other that Dj Highstar from the Carolina Sports Talk Podcast. They get into what they've been watching, read some emails, talk about the recent attempt on Trump's life, Sexxy Redd ticket sales, and more.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:02] Speaker A: Let's get it started in here. [00:00:09] Speaker B: Gossip, music, news, entertainment, and heated discussions. The DJ Blaze radio show starts now. [00:00:40] Speaker C: Ah. Welcome back to another episode of the DJ Blaze radio show podcast. It's your boy. Be easy. [00:00:47] Speaker A: And I am. My glasses. I left them at home, but I'm here. [00:00:53] Speaker C: You left. Okay. [00:00:54] Speaker A: My glasses. Yeah. We gonna make it through. [00:00:56] Speaker C: Oh, you will. [00:00:57] Speaker A: We gonna pull through. [00:00:58] Speaker C: You can hold that tablet close to your eyes. Amy, how you doing? [00:01:02] Speaker A: I'm good. [00:01:04] Speaker C: Wonderful. [00:01:04] Speaker A: My break is coming to an end. [00:01:06] Speaker C: You can see your break ending. [00:01:07] Speaker A: I can see it. You can literally see it heading down our 20. [00:01:12] Speaker C: Shout out to you and your break. How was your week? Your break week? [00:01:16] Speaker A: It was. It wasn't as lit as I thought it was gonna be. [00:01:20] Speaker C: Okay. [00:01:21] Speaker A: Cause I didn't do much. I didn't do anything. I just. I actually worked overtime. Like, I didn't do nothing. I just went to work. [00:01:28] Speaker C: And I think in breaks, you need two weeks. Cause you need a week to, like, just chill. [00:01:34] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:01:35] Speaker C: And then you need another week to do what you really tell my baby daddy that need to do. [00:01:41] Speaker A: I was on the phone with my brother on the way here, and he was like, what do you mean one week? Being a parent is a full time job. I was like, well, he get 51 weeks. [00:01:50] Speaker C: 51? [00:01:51] Speaker A: Yeah, 51. [00:01:53] Speaker C: What do you mean, maybe 50? If he's feeling good, shout out to the shade of your son's father. Maybe 52 and a half. I mean, 49 and a half. If you feeling. [00:02:05] Speaker A: I'm two Thanksgiving days. Thanksgiving, Black Friday. [00:02:08] Speaker C: Yeah. So your break coming to an end, it was relaxing. Word. Word. My week was regular yesterday. I got off work yesterday morning, and I had plans. I was like, well, I'm gonna take me a little nap, get up, go to the gym, do a little meeting. I woke up. You probably did this before. Everybody's done it. One time you wake up and you feel too well rested. [00:02:36] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:02:36] Speaker C: I woke up feeling very rested. [00:02:38] Speaker A: What time was it? [00:02:40] Speaker C: And, well, first I was like, well, damn, it's mighty dark to be 05:00, you know? And I was like, hold up. And I looked at my phone. It was 1047. [00:02:50] Speaker A: Damn. [00:02:51] Speaker C: I slept the whole day away. And then I woke up to some news that I was not expecting. The first thing I saw looking at my phone, which I thought had to be a joke, but it wasn't. But we'll get into that later. The first thing we'll get into, though, here today is some of these emails. Now, we don't have an email. By one of our most frequent emails I know. [00:03:17] Speaker A: He didn't. [00:03:17] Speaker C: He didn't see him. Wow. [00:03:19] Speaker A: He sends an email every week. [00:03:21] Speaker C: He does. [00:03:21] Speaker A: Wow. [00:03:22] Speaker C: He does. But he decided to do one better. Hold on 1 second. Okay, there we go. We got it. Coming. All the way from the big city of shalop. Like they say around here, shallop. [00:03:34] Speaker A: By way of queens. [00:03:35] Speaker C: By way of queens. By way of Charleston, too, right? [00:03:39] Speaker A: A little bit of Charleston. [00:03:40] Speaker C: Charleston, Orangeburg. The homie from Carolina sports talk, DJ Hostar. How you doing? [00:03:48] Speaker B: What's happening? I'm blessed. Too blessed to be stressed. Yeah. [00:03:53] Speaker C: And you decided to bless us with. [00:03:55] Speaker B: Too anointed to be disappointed. [00:03:56] Speaker C: Okay. Oh, and he wrapped. He rapped, too. What else? Give. You got one more. [00:04:00] Speaker B: I can't call it. I m ice ball it. [00:04:02] Speaker C: Ooh, yeah, I like that. You know, I like a good pimp, Ryan. You know what I'm saying? Somebody asked me how was I doing? I said, no, how was my day? I said, same old soup, just reheated. You know, I got that from a pimp. [00:04:13] Speaker B: And my man told me yesterday, he said, jesus kissed it and the devil missed it. [00:04:20] Speaker C: Well, yeah, man. Thank you. Now, you brought us some stuff from a Carolina staple. [00:04:25] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:04:26] Speaker C: Fitting. From Carolina. Sports talk from bojangles. [00:04:31] Speaker B: Bohangles. [00:04:33] Speaker C: What all we got in this, like. [00:04:36] Speaker B: I described to you as a kind of a mukbang, if you will, of sorts, a cornucopia. Yeah, I think we got. There was a bacon, egg, and cheese special going on. Like, buy one, get one on doordash or ubereats. [00:04:49] Speaker C: Shout out to the pork. [00:04:50] Speaker B: Got a family size shareable french fries. [00:04:53] Speaker C: Okay. All right, what else we got in here? [00:04:55] Speaker B: Some Cajun filet biscuits for the grown folks. Cause, okay. Yeah, some people, they just. They go for the extra gusto. [00:05:00] Speaker C: I put the bread to the side and just. Yeah, I can't eat that many biscuits. [00:05:04] Speaker B: Okay. And then we got the sweets. So you got your sweet potato pie. [00:05:09] Speaker A: Two. [00:05:10] Speaker B: And then there's some peach cobbler there as well. [00:05:12] Speaker C: We can sample that live. [00:05:13] Speaker A: Y'all never had the sweet potato pie. [00:05:15] Speaker C: Oh, the sweet potato pie bussing. Yeah. And they bought it back, too, because it was gone. [00:05:20] Speaker A: It was seasonal. They used to only do it seasonal. [00:05:23] Speaker C: Well, they had it. Well, I didn't know it was seasonal. They had it, and then they let it go away. And they bought those cinnamon pecan twists. [00:05:31] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:05:33] Speaker C: And I didn't. But then. But I guess now it's not seasonal, so, yeah, we about to get to it. [00:05:38] Speaker B: Yeah. Like I expressed with you yesterday, I wanted to celebrate with you. I know. Again, if this is between 599.5 and whatever, but I wanted to. [00:05:50] Speaker C: Well, this can be officially 600. Yeah. Because we had plans of people emailing, people leaving voice messages and things of that nature. People coming. Pause. And apparently none of that happened except you. [00:06:05] Speaker A: I'm gonna get up on one of these pies while y'all. [00:06:07] Speaker B: Now. Yeah, please do. [00:06:08] Speaker C: Let me get that pork sandwich. [00:06:10] Speaker B: Okay, which one? The sausage situation? [00:06:12] Speaker C: No, the bacon. The bacon. [00:06:13] Speaker B: Okay, so, like, in the words of, uh. Who was that? Marlon. But wait, there's more. [00:06:18] Speaker C: Okay, so while you just playing that, go ahead. [00:06:22] Speaker B: For, like, six or probably six months more, we've been promising the queen Amy 22. [00:06:32] Speaker A: You got my stuff? [00:06:33] Speaker B: Swag pack from. [00:06:34] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:06:35] Speaker B: Carolina sports time. [00:06:36] Speaker A: I wouldn't get no sports. [00:06:37] Speaker B: And I think, like. So, yeah, first and foremost. Cause I think Cliff is probably gonna owe you some stuff. Cause I got a lot of DJ hotstar swag in there, but. [00:06:47] Speaker A: Well, I'm a DJ hot star fan. [00:06:48] Speaker B: As a hoodie lover. Wanted to go ahead and. [00:06:52] Speaker A: Oh, you know I love it. Put some of your cologne on this. [00:06:56] Speaker B: So it smells like the ride. And it smells like. Yeah. So you know that now. [00:07:05] Speaker C: Exactly. [00:07:06] Speaker B: So, you know, I wanted to actually deliver that at the home. [00:07:12] Speaker A: It's cold in my place of business. [00:07:15] Speaker B: And then I think I've got some, like, I've got to decipher what is crux media equipment and what's Cliff's equipment. But I wanted to, like, bring that as well. Some of the older stuff that I've. That I've borrowed on the long term. You know what I mean? Agreement. Cause there's a lot of cds and stuff from back in the day that. And I heard y'all on. On music Jones. But there's a lot of cds and stuff from back in the day that I never got back. You know what I'm saying? [00:07:41] Speaker C: What do you mean? Like, you always. [00:07:44] Speaker B: You let people bar Quentin. Yeah. Quinton Davis. [00:07:48] Speaker C: Only thing crux is the. [00:07:52] Speaker B: Road. [00:07:53] Speaker C: Yeah, that. [00:07:54] Speaker B: Okay. [00:07:54] Speaker C: Everything else is going to be shout out to big cliff. He's probably on his way to the shot right now. So. [00:07:59] Speaker B: Yeah. So, yeah. Mm. You doing all right? [00:08:05] Speaker C: I'm wonderful. I woke up this morning and went to the gym and talked to you on the way. So I was like, well, I'm not eating. Cause I know he gonna bring some goodness, so I'm hungry right now. Hold on. [00:08:19] Speaker A: Got a shout out my girl last week. [00:08:21] Speaker C: Yeah. Oh, my God. [00:08:23] Speaker A: Got a shout out. Shatara. [00:08:24] Speaker C: Shout out. [00:08:24] Speaker B: Shatara. [00:08:25] Speaker A: Oh, Shatara. [00:08:26] Speaker B: Sweets, that was one week late. [00:08:29] Speaker C: What was in the, it was a. [00:08:31] Speaker A: Put in sampler, which was, it was like the whatcha called the cookies you get on the airplane, this car. Mm hmm. So it was one of those strawberry. Strawberry shortcake pudding, oreo pudding, and banana pudding in the sampler. [00:08:50] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:08:50] Speaker A: What you did with that cookie? [00:08:52] Speaker C: What cookie? [00:08:53] Speaker A: You didn't get a cookie? [00:08:54] Speaker C: Oh, that cookie. [00:08:55] Speaker A: That cookie. [00:08:56] Speaker C: The Angela Simmons. Oh, I ate it. It was an Angela Simmons cookie. [00:09:02] Speaker A: I had some butter pecan ice cream in the freezer. [00:09:05] Speaker C: Uh huh. [00:09:05] Speaker A: And I melt, I put that cookie in the microwave for a little while and throw some of that butter pecan on it. [00:09:11] Speaker C: Yeah, I felt bad eating all of that. [00:09:13] Speaker A: I know. I didn't eat y'all in one day. [00:09:15] Speaker C: Cause I got a goal. I didn't eat it all in one day, too. Oh, and she gave us cupcakes, too, with the cupcakes logo on one of them. I kept the logo. Could I eat the logo? [00:09:23] Speaker A: You could have ate that logo. [00:09:24] Speaker C: I sure could. Ate the logo. But, yeah, I kept the logo. It's in the fridge. Yeah. We appreciate it, though, you know, I love em. Well, like, when you're a person that, like, do stuff for people and you really do it to, like, not for no accolades, just to do it for people or whatever, and then when people do stuff for you, it feel weird. [00:09:43] Speaker A: It does. I have a hard time, as you can tell how I'm chewing this, I have a hard time accepting appreciation and just gifts and accolades. Like, I really do have a hard time with it. [00:09:55] Speaker C: But then, like, as a person that, like, listen to so much, so many podcasts or consume so much, like, entertainment or whatever, like, other than the people that's already rich. But, like, if you do it from, like, regular people that do podcasts and stuff, you want to, like, support them however you can, especially if they give it away for free. So, like, if they have a show, you try to go to the show or buy a ticket to the show anyway and stuff like that. So, you know, we appreciate it, being. Receiving it and shit like that. So. [00:10:24] Speaker B: Yeah, on that, though, what you were saying, amy, in that same lane, I have, like, do you express to people like, yo, maybe it'd be around, like, your birthday or like, whatever, and you'd be like, yo, no, I'm good. We don't gotta do. And then niggas do not listen. Like, now it's like, no, I really don't. I don't want to look like a jerk or nothing, but I really did not want nothing. Like, you know what I'm saying? Or something like that. Ah, buy humbug. And it's like, no, but you just didn't listen to my. [00:10:56] Speaker A: And then you got a birthday in, like, two weeks, right? [00:10:59] Speaker B: I do. Kava kava. Last year, she, like, asked me, yo, what is a nice, you know, that nice restaurant that you. That you would just, you know, love to go to? And I. [00:11:10] Speaker C: She got you a gift card, but. [00:11:11] Speaker B: It felt like the possibilities would have been endless. I could have just selected anything, and I was like, kava, that's just my go to. Yeah, yeah. $15 to $16 to get it done with DJ Hotstar. Yep. [00:11:28] Speaker C: Between twelve and 15 for me. [00:11:31] Speaker B: I'm hot to please. [00:11:34] Speaker A: No, I was joking. On what. You know, $40 ain't enough for lunch conversation. [00:11:40] Speaker C: You can get a nice bowl. That coffee, like, $1213, ain't it? Mm hmm, mm hmm. [00:11:44] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:11:45] Speaker C: Chipotle. Nice bowl. Good. You know, I don't know how much. Like, maybe. Yeah, $12 with double meat. And if you want chips, too, gotta. [00:11:56] Speaker A: Have that double meat now. [00:11:57] Speaker C: It depends on. I get. Go ahead. I'm sorry, I almost missed the joke. [00:12:04] Speaker B: Gotta let it breathe. No? So in Charlotte, every year around my birthday, they have restaurant week. I've just. Just started to take advantage. Maybe the last two or three years, like, you know, of it, but, like, is it worth. Depends on where you're going if I haven't been there before. So last year, there's a place, it's called sea level. And I went for the first time with restaurant week, so I was able to get a full. Whatever, three courses or whatever, so. And then we still was able to order off of the menu, the regular menu as well. [00:12:42] Speaker C: Oh. [00:12:42] Speaker B: So. But they had the restaurant week menu, you know, available. I think it might have been like $25 or something, $30 or something like that for the three courses, you know, that probably would have normally been like $70 or something. [00:12:56] Speaker C: That's good. [00:12:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:12:57] Speaker C: Yeah. Well, DJ Hotstar, thank you, fellow foodie. [00:13:02] Speaker B: Talk is always good. [00:13:03] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. We need a food show. We need a food show on this network. But anyway, thank you for the breakfast. [00:13:10] Speaker B: Sure thing. [00:13:13] Speaker C: Definitely needed it. Now I feel energized to give you all the best show that I can. [00:13:16] Speaker A: Cause I did not eat this morning. [00:13:20] Speaker C: I guess we'll get into our emails. Starting off with the homie Wally June from. I guess now he's a official member of the music Jones podcast. Okay. [00:13:31] Speaker A: All right. [00:13:31] Speaker C: Shout out to them. And shout out to Jones, too. I wonder how it is to have, like, somebody. Cause in my mind, Wallace is somebody that Jones looked up to growing up. So to have him on his show, I wonder how that feels. But, yeah, shout out to them, too. Shout out to Wallace. He says, kind of short and sweet. Amen. Say, man, first of all, man, shout out to the DJ blade show, bees and Amy, I appreciate the love, bro. And sis, I call it dedication, too. Nah, for real, it is. I'm trying to get, like y'all, Jones, Dougie, yourself and Amy, I mean, you on your way. And he drive from Charlotte every week. [00:14:12] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:14:13] Speaker C: Yeah. So I don't. When people say, well, I ain't had time to do my show or this, that, and the third, and it's in they city, I be like, I look at him sideways, like I know somebody who come 2 hours every week to do an hour and a half show religiously and be on time and all. [00:14:28] Speaker B: Of that family, man. [00:14:29] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:14:31] Speaker A: He do be on time, too. [00:14:32] Speaker C: Yeah. He said, I gotta catch up so I can shoot my little opinion. That music list for June was real dope as well. Gotta listen to a few more episodes, so I'll be back. Peace out in my. Oh, peace out in my smokey voice. Shout out to you, Wallace. And then he sent another email and he said, also, big congrats on our 599.5 episodes, too. [00:14:56] Speaker A: Thank you. [00:14:57] Speaker C: I was doing the math, like, how many episodes? Cause we've been doing it since 2011. Like, how many episodes per year was that? And it's almost an episode a week before. A time back in, like 2014, 2015, we had stopped for, like five, six months. And then we started back. So we could have. We really should have, like, more episodes, but you get to 600 is cool. And then one time we had to. So we were on this one plan, like, with this service called Pie Bean, and it was. I didn't know they had a data limit on the uploads. So we had uploaded, like, a couple of long shows or whatever. So I went to upload and I thought maybe I had too many episodes, period. So I was like, man, I gotta delete episodes or whatever. But what happened was I went over the data for the month, so I went and deleted a couple, like, episodes where it was just like music or something like that, not realizing that it was just data for the month. So we really got more episodes than that that we've done. Then we had, like, a lost episode with DJ phenom where we recorded the episode and we went to save it, and it was just gone. So stuff like that happen but feel good to be doing something a long time. [00:16:10] Speaker B: Consistency. [00:16:11] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. This one is from the homie Britton. We kinda alluded to her last week when we were talking about Essence Fest. [00:16:20] Speaker A: What's up, B? [00:16:22] Speaker C: We knew some people that were there. She's one of them. So this is her Auntie Khan review. She said, hey, y'all. Hey, it's been a while since I wrote, so thought I, yeah, it has been. And now you wanna come in and talk about yourself? So, thought I'd drop in and follow up on your discussion about essence on last week's episode. This is my first time attending, and I must say, all in all, it was a good experience. It was the perfect blend of black folks having fun, good food, and plenty of drinks. I had an amazing time, and the turnup was memorable. Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about the performances. I'll keep this short and sweet. The talent was all over the place. I enjoyed the headliners cash money reunion, Usher, janet, and enjoyed some of the openers. Overall, the concert, I wonder who she didn't enjoy. Overall, the concerts themselves were unorganized and didn't flow. I traveled with some essence vets, and their major complaint was that was the openness doesn't really fit the audience. Pretty much what y'all said on the show. It dawned on me to ask our specific age group and essence target demographic are starting to retire out and not perform anymore. I think that leads essence to try to bring in these performers that don't belong. During our discussion, we called out some folks we, our group was early thirties, early forties, would like to see Raheem Devon, babyface, who could perform all his produce hits. Jill Scott, Floetry, Erica Badu, Fantasia, Tony Braxton, Brandi, Monica, Patti Labelle, and Earth, wind and fire, just to name a few. And how dope it would be to have a night with nineties groups like after seven met condition. The Tonys. Tonys. [00:17:59] Speaker A: Tony. [00:17:59] Speaker C: Tony, I guess Tony. Tony. 702, SWV, Brownstone and Vogue drama, side Boyz, the man, Jodeci, and all those others we used to love. I said, all I'm gonna say. I don't really care. I'm going back. Can't wait to go back. Keep doing what you do. Some of them people, though, I wonder why they went. Well, like she said, raheem Devon. I don't know how big he gonna brandy cry. I was about to say I won. Okay. [00:18:26] Speaker B: There was somebody else that I thought of while she was saying that. Cause again, it's about bringing the crowd. But kem, you know, I think he got, like, an audience that he loved to wear. [00:18:33] Speaker A: White linen fit right in. [00:18:35] Speaker B: Exactly. Somebody like Kem, he got timeless music or a good catalog. [00:18:42] Speaker C: Is his crowd our age, or is it a little older? [00:18:46] Speaker B: I think it blends in a little bit older. But it's the, like, mid forties on up, right? So what do they call us? The Silver Foxes? Real, real. [00:18:54] Speaker C: Not us. That's them niggas. [00:18:56] Speaker B: Okay, don't sit. [00:18:58] Speaker C: Box me out. [00:18:59] Speaker B: But that group or whatever is still going to sness. Still patronizing as well. [00:19:06] Speaker A: I want to also interject this shout out to my homegirl, Drea, who should have sent the email like I asked her to. [00:19:12] Speaker C: She listened every week. [00:19:13] Speaker A: Yeah, which one? She a teacher? The principal. [00:19:16] Speaker C: Okay. [00:19:16] Speaker A: She sent me a message offline and was like, the time these concerts should be. [00:19:23] Speaker C: No, the time. [00:19:23] Speaker B: That's what I thought. [00:19:24] Speaker A: The concert should be early in the afternoon and leading into the evening, and they shouldn't be somebody still on stage at, like, 01:00 a.m. cause by that time, the aunties are tired. [00:19:35] Speaker C: And if it's 01:00 a.m. it's really 02:00 a.m. here. Cause they're out behind, so that's real. [00:19:40] Speaker B: And then it don't give you no opportunity. I mean, granted, like with Dreamville, you on your feet all day, so you don't wanna do nothing, but you don't wanna be out and about in traffic at no 12 30 01:00 in the morning. [00:19:50] Speaker A: Not when you done been drinking hand grenades and eating beignets all day. [00:19:54] Speaker C: All damn day and gumbo and shit. I wonder how, like, I wonder what it is that why they maybe they have to start so late for cleaning the venue for the next day or something like that. Maybe that, you know, having to do that. Cause I think a lot of the stuff happens at the Superdome, like the big concerts, but I don't know. I don't know the layout. I've never been. So I would like to know that. Like, I remember seeing the video, the clips of busta rhymes when he performed. He performed earlier in the day, and there was barely nobody there. So maybe that's why they don't have it earlier, too. [00:20:27] Speaker B: Cause, you know, we've been going through what y'all call it, the heat cap durag. [00:20:32] Speaker A: The don't help. [00:20:34] Speaker B: Yeah, the heat dome. [00:20:35] Speaker C: The heat durag. Yeah. So maybe that's a. And then down there, it's more muggy than here. A little more swampy as far as the. So I wonder why the reason would be why they wouldn't have the concerts earlier, maybe, like, spread out throughout the day. That is a good idea. But some of these people, though, I wonder if they got, like, a small. Well, they can have it at, like, the. Where they play basketball at, instead of having everything at the superdome. Cause that's a big venue to feel. And it's the potential to have, like, a lot of empty seats. So they could have, like, a Kim. I don't see a Kim filling up the superdome. But maybe that weekend. [00:21:16] Speaker B: But I wouldn't want him. The headline necessarily. But it's opener, right? Not even. But just throughout the day, like. All right, I know. Kemp going on at six. [00:21:25] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:26] Speaker B: You know, I wonder if they have. Cheryl and Uncle Lonnie gonna make sure they get there. [00:21:29] Speaker C: Yeah, I wonder if they have stuff where the pelicans play, too, or is that just too far from everything else? Cause like I say, I don't know the layout. [00:21:36] Speaker A: Well, the stuff that happens during the day, that's probably there. I'm not sure. Like, where the companies like the hair care lines and then your fraternities and sororities, they have their little boots and stuff. [00:21:49] Speaker C: And I wonder if the concerts really just started to be a big thing. Because I want to say, essence fest supposed to be more about panels and showing off products for black people. [00:21:59] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Them niggas gotta get on stage and talk, too. You gotta have your Lorenz Tate. [00:22:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:22:04] Speaker A: Taraji on stage. [00:22:06] Speaker C: So I wonder if that's really the main focus. And the concert just kind of became a draw afterwards. [00:22:12] Speaker B: So you know how, like, south by southwest, you'll hear, like, it'll be artists. They might post on their social media. Yo, I'm doing south by Southwest. I'm doing south by southwest. And it's like, all right, you're doing a bar in the area during the time of south by southwest or something like, we used to say that for CiAA, you know, when my man was trying to rap and all of that stuff back in. I'm performing in, like, 2008. Yeah. We'd be like, yeah, we performed at CIAA. [00:22:39] Speaker C: You performing Raheel. [00:22:42] Speaker B: So my neo, he has this thing called aux chord Live, oxcord wars live or whatever, like that J. Dukes. And they. Every year they got a relationship with, like, Steve Harvey and all of them, and they've been, what. What's the revolt fest thing that they got? [00:22:58] Speaker C: Revolt. [00:22:59] Speaker B: That's what it is. Revolt. [00:23:00] Speaker C: The podcast. [00:23:00] Speaker B: Don't revolt music festival or something, or. [00:23:03] Speaker C: Whatever they had or something like that. [00:23:05] Speaker B: So they would be there. But he, he marketed that. They did essence festival this year, and I'm, I was just curious, you know, I was thinking, is that in the conference center with the, you know, the vendor village and y'all are entertaining them, or is y'all opening for don't want. [00:23:23] Speaker C: It's a whole lot of them, regardless about it. But there was a lot of the names that could be. You would think of, like, I wouldn't think of, like, last year, Megan thee stallion. I wouldn't picture her being there. She ain't even 30 yet, right? She like 27. She not even 30. [00:23:40] Speaker A: She's not 30 yet. [00:23:41] Speaker C: I wouldn't picture her being there for that crowd with all them other names, like, it fit with the 30 on up. Some of them names, you know, like Earth, wind, and fire. I love September or, no, what is it? September, ain't it? [00:23:57] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:23:57] Speaker C: I love September, but that just my mama now. You know what I'm saying? [00:24:01] Speaker B: But it's still essence festival, though. [00:24:03] Speaker C: I love it. But I'm saying, like, at some point, you can't keep wheeling the white. [00:24:09] Speaker B: You can't keep wheeling to Frankie Beverly. [00:24:12] Speaker C: You can't keep wheeling the white wheelchair out with Frankie Beverly in it. [00:24:15] Speaker B: And that's why they try to conclude it. You know, he's made his farewell. I seen him about twice since he's been doing his farewell thing. [00:24:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:24:21] Speaker B: And it's, you know, I'm ready for that curtain to close, too. [00:24:24] Speaker A: I didn't see him, though. [00:24:25] Speaker C: I mean, a lot of people would, but at some point, like, I get what you're saying. Yeah. I just, I don't know. [00:24:31] Speaker B: You want to phase that music out. [00:24:32] Speaker C: Not phase it out. You can listen to it in your car or whatever, but there still should. [00:24:37] Speaker B: Be a place for if they are able to perform. [00:24:41] Speaker C: That's the key thing, and not be the headliner. [00:24:44] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, I agree with that. [00:24:45] Speaker C: Like, it gonna get to a point where, like, people like Brandi and Monica not gonna get that type of. Cause Frankie Beverly been the old niggas performing for 20 years. [00:24:54] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. [00:24:56] Speaker C: You know what I'm saying? Like, brandi, Monica, like, even, like, somebody like Tony Braxton. [00:25:01] Speaker A: Like, I think it's cause their music is so timeless. Cause they've been old a long time. But I still like the music. [00:25:08] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:25:09] Speaker A: And there's people younger than me that like it, too, so, yeah, the music is timeless. [00:25:12] Speaker C: I live weights to Frankie Bennett, and. [00:25:14] Speaker A: There'S a lot what yeah. [00:25:16] Speaker C: Like, I learned this from my homeboy shout out to Jay bird. Like, people, like, go to the gym and listen to, like, crunk music, aggressive music. [00:25:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:23] Speaker C: And he was like, yeah. He was like, I don't know why. He was like, I don't know why. But I listen to all that, like, smooth out r and b when I be southern girl and shit like that. So I was like, what? And then I went to the gym one time, and I was. I just started listening. I had put on, like, what's one of them Frankie Beverly songs? [00:25:41] Speaker B: That's the perfect time of day. No kidding. [00:25:44] Speaker C: Something like that. Something like that. I love that it's something like that. But I put one of them on and, you know, I do the station. Whatever song station. Yeah, just a whole bunch of songs. And Luther Vandross came on and shit. I'm benching 315. I'm Luther plan. Well, all right. You know what I'm saying? [00:26:04] Speaker A: No. [00:26:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:26:05] Speaker A: See, the music. The music defines my music. So I would be in there, like, slowing down. [00:26:11] Speaker C: I tried one time. Try it one time. That's what I thought, too. But, like, he's somebody, like, the person that said he's somebody that, like, lift 4500 pounds. So I'm like, damn, he do that. Like, and I know him. He like a kind of high, strong type person. Like a hype person. He did. I was like, well, let me see now. Running on the treadmill. [00:26:29] Speaker A: Yeah. I was gonna say my workouts would typically be more cardio heavy. [00:26:32] Speaker C: Yeah, you might need more, you know what I'm saying? But, yeah, I need to push it. [00:26:36] Speaker A: Push, push, push. That's where I'm at. [00:26:40] Speaker C: But, yeah, my cousin been trying to get me to go to essence fest for like, six, seven years. I was like, man, I ain't old enough. [00:26:49] Speaker A: You gotta go. The ratio is low. [00:26:51] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, the ratio. I'm 41. I'm gonna clean up at that business. Let me get all the way in shape. [00:26:56] Speaker B: So I went to essence festival, junior, probably about four years ago, they got me ready to go to essence festival. It was in Cincinnati, and it was called the one music festival. [00:27:07] Speaker C: Oh, I heard that. Don't they do that? [00:27:08] Speaker B: So now they do it in Atlanta. Right. Since they did it in Cincinnati that year, I've only seen it marketed in Atlanta and a lot of younger talent. But when it was up there, when we, my sister took me out there and Frank. Yeah, that was my first time ever seeing Frankie Beverly Mays. But then it was like, ohio players, I think, and earth, wind and fire and it was, like, made for them older. [00:27:31] Speaker C: It's home, though. That's where they from. [00:27:33] Speaker B: And then, like, so I was clean, you know, that was the first time I even learned about if you go into a Frankie Beverly, oh, all that everybody has to understood thing that everybody, you know, get. Everybody that knows, knows pretty much. But, nah, I was still clean, and that was a summer of mint for me. So I had, like, a lot of. [00:27:54] Speaker C: Light mint pastels if you. [00:27:57] Speaker B: And I was with my older sister and her best friend. But I was catching the eyes. [00:28:02] Speaker C: Okay. [00:28:03] Speaker B: I had the pseudo glasses, pseudo frames, rather, so they wasn't really. I'm just saying they wasn't prescription. [00:28:09] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [00:28:10] Speaker B: But they was just, you know what I mean? And fashion and, yeah, I was catching the eyes from the older joints, like, so that told me, like, yo, you ready for essence festival? [00:28:20] Speaker C: Word. Word. When I was 20 something, I was working, I was working on the railroad or whatever. And so working on the railroad, you work on call. And so I was like, I took a chance and came home. Cause I was coming home for bike week. And so I got a call to go to work. I lived in Richmond, 4 hours away, so I was like, it ain't no way I can make it back to make it a trainer time. So the dude that called me, he was a cool train dispatcher. I could tell he was a little young. He's like, yeah, Pearson, I got you on such and such. I like, hey, mandy, I ain't home. I'm in South Carolina, man. I'm trying to get the bike. I'm down here to go to bike week. He's like, ooh, bike week. And he lived in, like, jacksonville. He's like, man, I heard about that gentleman. He's like, yeah, man, I want to go to that one day. Whatever, whatever. He's like, man, I'm not going to give you a missed call. I'm going to give it to the next person. But if you get another call, man, you gonna have to take the call or get a missed call. I'm like, cool. He was like, but, hey, you ever been to essence fest? [00:29:12] Speaker B: I was like, said that randomly. [00:29:14] Speaker C: Well. Cause I said bite with you. [00:29:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:29:15] Speaker C: You know what I'm saying? So it's event. So he was like, I was like, nah, I ain't never been to essence. He's like, man, I'm telling you, you gotta go now. He was 20 something. I was 20 something. I was like, man, I ain't old enough to go to. He was like, man, I'm telling you, go to essence. This was like, 0607. I didn't know. I was like, man, that for old people, like, I don't want to hear no Frankie Beverly. He's like, man, I'm telling you. He's like, Pearson, Pearson, go. I'm telling you, go next year if you can. Go. I was like, all right, man. It still ain't been. But I'm leaning toward going next. I'm gonna try to get. [00:29:42] Speaker A: That's crazy. Cause I think I wanna say Tasha, shout out to Tasha. Hhbc. [00:29:46] Speaker C: The h h b h b I C. Yeah. Head Honda. Jinchaw. [00:29:55] Speaker A: I want to say she's been going since her twenties. Like, she's been. She's been going for long. She's a vet. [00:30:00] Speaker C: But I wonder if it's different for you. But see, it's kind of different for y'all. Cause, like, a young woman can. Can get in the average person's mind, who is me. I'm an average person. A younger woman, like, a 20 something year old woman can get, like, a 40 something year old man with the grannies beard. [00:30:18] Speaker A: You didn't see girls strip? [00:30:19] Speaker C: What? [00:30:20] Speaker A: The movie girl strip. [00:30:21] Speaker C: That movie came out after. That movie came out after. [00:30:23] Speaker A: I'm just saying. But that was a young man. [00:30:26] Speaker C: Yeah, they got the old woman. But that's why I say, like, in the average person's mind, you went, especially in my twenties, I'm like, man, I can't go there and get no 40 year old woman shit. Cause they gonna think they got more than me or something. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, exactly. Shit, you know, but, yeah, so, yeah, and then y'all more mature, younger about y'all music. So y'all, like, younger women will tend to listen to older music earlier than younger men. So y'all will be more, you know, the r and b and stuff. [00:30:54] Speaker A: It's real rare that I find a man that is on the same level with me musically. [00:30:59] Speaker C: Mm hmm. That's fair. Especially younger. [00:31:03] Speaker A: But when I find it. [00:31:05] Speaker B: Mmmdhdemdev. [00:31:07] Speaker C: Uncomfortable. Let's get into these stories. But shout out to y'all for the emails. Y'all shout out to Britain that got. [00:31:14] Speaker B: Us into shout out to currency. Yeah. For making the song Essence festival. [00:31:19] Speaker C: Oh, that's. That's my joint. Oh, my God. Right. [00:31:22] Speaker B: You gotta understand how much we be on the. I'll be listening to y'all podcast. I'd be like, ugh. He took what I was gonna say. [00:31:29] Speaker C: Yeah, essence fest. That is my joint, bro. And it slept, bro. That J. So Jermaine Dupe. Jermaine Dupri and currency put an album out together, like, two years ago, and he got a track on there called Essence Fest and that shit just. Oh, that's a summertime jam. And then he performed at Essence Fest last year, too. [00:31:49] Speaker B: That's what you make them songs for. [00:31:51] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I guess we get into some of these stories. The big story of the night that I woke up to was number 45, president 45 got shot. [00:32:04] Speaker A: Allegedly. That's what the street's saying. [00:32:08] Speaker C: That's what the video saying. [00:32:09] Speaker A: The streets are saying. Allegedly. [00:32:10] Speaker C: Yeah, the streets saying allegedly. A lot of people, a lot of stuff was like, that stage, that stage, that stage. Then why didn't people move? What was your initial thoughts? [00:32:22] Speaker A: Damn, they missed. I mean, I'm just gonna say. [00:32:27] Speaker B: I was. Yeah, my initial thoughts, if I'm answering you, is that he's a bad shot. If you're gonna. If you're a martyr and you gonna. You're a bad shot. [00:32:37] Speaker C: But you shoot, though, right? [00:32:39] Speaker B: I have shot guns, but, no, I don't shoot on my regular. [00:32:43] Speaker C: I watch too much tv for it to be like. [00:32:46] Speaker A: So my first thought was, was this a. Like a hitman? Oh, no, it's random. [00:32:54] Speaker C: Well, okay, so it's a regular dude, 20 years old. A 20 year old who was a. They say he was a Republican. The last thing I read was, like, he was a Republican. And they were trying to see, you know, his background, trying to check his social media, see, you know what I'm saying? All that kind of stuff. So quacked. Yeah, I'm just glad it wasn't. Yeah, I'm glad he wasn't, one, a Democrat and two, black. So. And a lot of times with, like, the radical stuff, it's kind of like, with the Selena thing, it could be somebody that's supposed to be for them or whatever in some way. And they warp mine. It turns to where. Well, I need to kill this person to save this person type of shit. So I don't know. They don't know. Earlier this morning, they hadn't come up with that yet, but it was one video I saw where a guy was, like, people there saw him crawling up on the. [00:33:45] Speaker B: What the. [00:33:46] Speaker C: They saw him crawling on the roof. So he was like. We were telling the police, like, yo, is somebody up there on the roof? Is somebody on the roof? And he's just like, the police was scrambling around or whatever. But then he was like, well, he said from the time they saw him to the time the guy shot it, was like maybe five minutes. [00:34:02] Speaker A: Wow. [00:34:02] Speaker C: So he was like, they were telling him and he was like, the guy was, you know, police were scrambling around, around, they were wondering why nobody said that to the secret Service and why Trump was still speaking. So he was like, the guy shot maybe like four. I think he said the guy shot five times. Then he said when he shot five times, that's when Secret Service shot him. He was like. And it was like. And what happened? And then he was like, yeah, they blew his head off. And the person that was interviewing him, like the reporter was like, well, we can't say that, you know, we don't know. Whatever, whatever. He was like, nah, he's dead. You know what I'm saying? But I guess they didn't know the guy was gonna say, be that graphic with it. [00:34:39] Speaker B: Pop the scaladi. [00:34:40] Speaker C: Yeah, they got him. But he was like, I just don't see why he was still up there and why they didn't shoot himself. [00:34:46] Speaker A: He planted up there. Well, let me stop. Cause I don't know. But that's what that was the street saying, I don't know. [00:34:50] Speaker C: And see, like, I was just listening to a podcast yesterday, a day before yesterday, and they were talking about the election and numbers and, you know, polling and all of that. And they were like, the thing that happened with, I think, hillary, and when it was Hillary versus Trump, they were saying, like, the polls were saying Hillary was gonna win by a lot. And so they were like, they think that made a lot of people stay home. And so they were saying this time, they were saying, the polls were saying that Trump was gonna win and that's making a lot of people stay home. They was like, they think that a lot of people are gonna stay home because they gonna have that false sense of security. But really a lot of Biden people. [00:35:29] Speaker B: Gonna come home, it'll work in reverse. [00:35:31] Speaker C: Yeah. Now that they try to, either it's a setup or somebody really did try to kill him, I think a lot of the Trump supporters gonna come out. [00:35:42] Speaker B: And vote the galaxy like crazy. [00:35:43] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:35:44] Speaker B: So I was saying it's like gravy from, what's the man named Jamal? Willard, the rapper, gravy. [00:35:52] Speaker C: Oh, gravy from Biggie. From the biggie movie. Yeah. [00:35:56] Speaker B: Got shot in front of a thing in front of the radio station as a pr stunt. [00:36:00] Speaker C: Oh, he did? [00:36:01] Speaker B: Yeah, they did a whole law and order afterwards about it. [00:36:03] Speaker C: I missed that. How long ago? [00:36:04] Speaker B: Parody in it. But over ten years ago. This is like, right, right on the cusp of the blog era. This is before. Before social media. Social media. This is like blog era time. Yeah, but I was working and stuff all day yesterday, so you missed. Yeah, but as soon as I got off, the dude that I was working with, he was in a moving truck. He was in the movie. I thought you could hear that pause. He was in a moving truck behind my car. And then he had called. He called me as soon as we finished the job. Yo, man, you see that? They tried to pop Trump. And right when he was saying that, there was a citizens app. Because I'm just looking at my phone from the day, from even moving and stuff. So I'm looking at all the alerts. There's a citizen's app alert about it, a couple other IG posts that people sending me and all of that. So I was like, bombarded with the info, like all at the same time last night. [00:37:01] Speaker C: What about, were you up when it was going down? [00:37:05] Speaker A: Yeah, even my child sent me something, but he didn't catch it in real time. Cause he got a social life when he's away. So when he got settled, he was like, did you hear what happened yesterday? [00:37:15] Speaker C: I wonder if I. When you say that, that made me think, like, when I was that age, you what, 15? [00:37:19] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:37:20] Speaker C: Would I have cared enough to ask my mama about it? Something that happened with the president? [00:37:25] Speaker A: Cause I wouldn't have. [00:37:27] Speaker C: I wonder. Cause when they tried to kill Reagan, what year was that? 83 or something like that. [00:37:34] Speaker A: It was in the eighties. [00:37:35] Speaker C: I wonder if we alive. So I was thinking this morning while I was in the gym, like, how much history that we, like, live through, right? Like when you were a few years younger. So, like, even the Reagan thing, you might not have, but, like Reagan, that was 19. [00:37:50] Speaker A: 81. [00:37:50] Speaker C: 81. What year? [00:37:51] Speaker A: Well, we weren't bringing boring yet. [00:37:53] Speaker C: What month was like February. Oh, it was March. Yeah, we weren't even born. We still. We was in the belly. He was in the belly. But like the shuttle explosion, like that OJ shit everybody keep talking about. [00:38:07] Speaker A: They was watching the shuttle at school. I remember that. [00:38:09] Speaker C: I remember that. [00:38:10] Speaker A: I don't remember that. [00:38:11] Speaker C: I remember that. Cause I think the only reason we were watching it. Well, one of the reasons was because Ron McNair, and he was from around. [00:38:19] Speaker A: Here, maybe spaulding elementary, didn't care. Cause I don't remember that. [00:38:22] Speaker C: I remember. Cause we would have been what, five, five or six. Yeah, five or six, yeah. Like stuff like that. Like 911, all of these wars. Like a lot of like, historical stuff that we done lived through. But yeah, I was thinking about that earlier. [00:38:41] Speaker B: And, like, the frequency now of them happening. It makes you, like, either desensitize or you forget about certain things. Somebody bring up something that's, like, crazy. And that stopped all of us in our tracks. You'd be like, oh, yeah, that did happen, isn't it? [00:38:56] Speaker C: I wonder. Well, it gotta be more frequent. You know what I'm saying? Like, stuff like, say, like our parents age or whatever that they saw. Cause now them people don't saw all kinds of stuff. You know what I'm saying? Couple that with the stuff we've seen. But I wonder, like, how they view it. [00:39:17] Speaker B: I watched this shit. I think I wrote y'all about it. But that Jim Jones shit. If I was, like, alive, like, maybe in my 15, around my teens or in twenties. I just imagine how I would have been receiving that coverage of it. [00:39:29] Speaker C: Oh, but you were alive. [00:39:31] Speaker B: I was alive. [00:39:32] Speaker C: But I'm saying, like, it's something that happened after that. So the Jim Jones thing happened. But remember, it was another. It was a comic called Hellbop. And it was a group that. One of the. So the crazy thing about this group was they wore these Nike track suits. And all of them were Nike Cortez. And they were timing their suicides with this comet that was coming. Called a hellbop comet. And we were alive when that was. I think I might have been, like, 1415. So you were allowed to. [00:40:04] Speaker B: So I would have. [00:40:05] Speaker C: You might have been like. [00:40:06] Speaker B: That's what I'm just saying. Like, I would have maybe been, like, nine to ten. But, like, looking at that and then seeing, like, how people received those people, like, in Jonesville or whatever they called that area. And they like, you know, kind of, like, on some, like, well, good for y'all. Or y'all was weirdos anyways. Type of mentality. Only to find out 20 years later that, like, a lot of this stuff was homicides and, like, that. There was a lot of people that was, like, trying to get up out of there or. Yeah, and realize what it was when it was. And trying to get up out of there. Like, he on the tapes and stuff, he like, you know, he like, well, they won't let us live together. So we might as well die peacefully. All right. And then you can hear everybody in the background, like, oh, oh, wait. Hold on now. [00:40:52] Speaker C: Like, nigga, what? Like, once they drunk it, like, you could hear the people dying, screaming and shit. [00:40:56] Speaker B: It was crazy. [00:40:57] Speaker C: Some people got shot. [00:40:58] Speaker B: A lot of people. A lot of people. So it was that. Yeah, that situations like those and stuff, like, that in history where you think, like. Or like the way that they filmed that congressman and all of that stuff. [00:41:11] Speaker C: That, oh, the one went down there in the plane. They caught him at the airport. [00:41:14] Speaker B: Yeah, they caught him right there at the airport and really clapped them. That was crazy. So, yeah, different events throughout time is crazy, man. Like you said, I just. You end up forgetting about a lot of stuff. [00:41:28] Speaker C: One thing that a lot of people were saying that why didn't people run? Two things. I got. I got two things. [00:41:38] Speaker A: One, it was a little too crowded to run. There was really nowhere to go. [00:41:41] Speaker C: Okay, that was one of my things. Well, not one of them, but that is something that came across my mind. Now, two things. One is, these are all white people. Only niggas run. When a little pop go off. It could be a firecracker, a car back fire, whatever. Niggas gonna duck and run. And two of these was white people. [00:42:04] Speaker A: You know how many cars backfire on second loop road every day? [00:42:07] Speaker C: Niggas be running. You see niggas running? [00:42:09] Speaker A: Donut me the nigga. I'm the nigga. [00:42:11] Speaker B: Oh, you hold on now. [00:42:14] Speaker C: What was the other thing? It was niggas. It was nothing. [00:42:20] Speaker B: You said there was no place to go or something like that. [00:42:22] Speaker C: Well, she said there was no place to go. It was something else I was thinking, too. Damn, I done forgot my other joke. [00:42:28] Speaker A: So you gotta write it down, Jay Z. [00:42:32] Speaker C: It'll come back to me. [00:42:32] Speaker B: My two takeaways from it was. It was real awkward how the Secret Service huddled up. I mean, I guess, you know, it's in real time and stuff, and you gotta. And we seeing all of this stuff, but it just. I don't know what stage, what's not. And it just seemed very awkward. And then he was, like, fighting through with his fist and all of that. And then my second thought was performative for him. [00:42:57] Speaker C: It was definitely, definitely. [00:42:58] Speaker B: And my second thought was, boy, that shortened up the news cycle for Jonathan majors. Oh, yeah, that shortened the news cycle for him. Kind of quick. Yeah, they cut the legs out of that. [00:43:12] Speaker C: We'd have been talking about that for a whole nother week. Oh, the other thing was, I don't think a lot of people have really been at a place where it was real life shooting going on. And a lot of times, like, I remember one time we were walking outside, walking out of a club, and they started shooting outside, and I heard the bullet whizz by my ear, but I was like. I stood there, I was like, oh, shit, this nigga just shot right by my ear. And I didn't run. [00:43:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:42] Speaker C: So, like, you think you gonna run away, but you don't always run away. You ain't gonna always, like, just bust out running. [00:43:49] Speaker A: So I done ducked behind many cars outside of the Savoy. [00:43:53] Speaker C: Savoy. They did a lot of shooting out there. Yeah, they did. The club I was coming out of was millennium, and I was driving my daddy car that night, too. I don't know why we drove my daddy car, but anyway, yeah, so. But, yeah, that's the big news. So a lot of conspiracy theorists. [00:44:09] Speaker B: And I had an infinity, and I was pumping gas. I was with big cliff. We had just finished recording, was pumping gas, putting, like, $10 in at a gas station in Charlotte. There's another gas station across the street. Two niggas, I guess they opps and shit, saw each other. They started shooting on site. And I was pumping. I was at, like, $5. So Patriot Patty, she was in a car with me. Cliff. He was in, like. He was in his car a couple pumps down. And she looking at me like, nigga, get in the car. And I'm just pumping the gas. Like, just ducked down, like, okay, seven, eight. Like, to your point, I was like. Cause that joint was clapping. Like, pause. Like. And then I heard the shots kind of closer, but it was like, oh, no, they shooting in this gas station. Well, gotta get this $10. I don't wanna waste. I can't waste that. It's not gonna take long. Huh? [00:45:06] Speaker C: You prepaid? [00:45:07] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, I was in that. Yeah. [00:45:08] Speaker A: You gotta finish pumping. [00:45:09] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:45:09] Speaker C: You gotta finish pumping cash. Yeah. And if you lay down, if you don't pump for a certain amount of time, it's gonna time out. So now you back in the store and tell her you didn't finish. Yeah. Yeah. [00:45:19] Speaker B: It was 93 octanes, so it went faster. But I'm like, yo, this is gonna be done in no time. [00:45:23] Speaker C: Relax. [00:45:24] Speaker B: Yeah. That was when, in hindsight, leaving Patriot Patty out there to drive in the passenger side, that's probably not the best thing. [00:45:32] Speaker C: Passenger side of a best friend's ride. [00:45:34] Speaker B: You know what I'm saying? Getting shot at. [00:45:38] Speaker C: But, yeah, it's a lot. We probably gonna find out, especially about the guy. We'll find out about him in the days to come, whether or not. A lot of times, these people be leaving manifestos and all kind of stuff like that. So we'll find all of that out soon, but it definitely gonna galvanize his people. It's very, very interesting. Another news. I guess this ain't as bad. [00:46:08] Speaker B: So where was that? At, though? Like, where was the rally or whatever? [00:46:12] Speaker C: Pennsylvania. [00:46:13] Speaker B: Oh, Pennsylvania. [00:46:15] Speaker C: Yeah. Look like they was in, like, a field or somewhere with some barns or something. I only saw it once. Yeah, they blew that nigga head off. [00:46:26] Speaker A: Look, we skipped our tv talk. [00:46:28] Speaker C: We did skip tv talk. Yes, we did. So, Amy, what have you now saved you know what for last. [00:46:35] Speaker A: Okay. [00:46:36] Speaker C: What have you been watching? [00:46:38] Speaker A: Well, I love Tyler Perry stuff. And of course, you know, I watch sisters, but Carl Webber has some shows on bEt. Carl Webber is a writer. [00:46:49] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [00:46:50] Speaker A: So if you ever read his books, then, you know, it's kind of like the blueprint for the movies that Tyler Perry write, but a little bit better. Carl Webber has shows on bEt. So the family business is back. If you ever hear me talk about, I want to be a Duncan, and I'm talking about the Duncans. And one of the Duncans should have been the shooter yesterday. That's the show I'm talking about. But I started this show on Netflix called Desperate Lie. [00:47:15] Speaker C: Okay. [00:47:16] Speaker A: It has 17 episodes. So that's where I was for the last two days. [00:47:21] Speaker C: So that's already been out. 17 episodes. That gotta been out. Had been out. [00:47:26] Speaker A: Well, it's a. It's another. It's from another country, so they dubbed it in English. [00:47:33] Speaker C: I ain't one of them people. It's hard for me to watch them sometimes. [00:47:36] Speaker A: Why? [00:47:37] Speaker C: Cause you gotta watch and read. [00:47:38] Speaker A: No, they're speaking in English. [00:47:41] Speaker C: That is right. You did say dub, but. [00:47:46] Speaker A: The tone sometime is off from. But it's still good. Still good. 17 episodes. And it's about a woman who got pregnant with twinsd. And the twins have different dads, which is really. Which is going on right now on one of the Tyler Perry shows. So y'all got to lay off my band Tyler Perry, because this show is from another country. So he ain't the only one thinking like that. [00:48:11] Speaker C: I started to say some fake superhero shit, but I want to say that happened in real life. [00:48:17] Speaker A: Yeah, it's possible. [00:48:18] Speaker B: It happens. [00:48:18] Speaker A: It's something. Fundication. I can't remember the name of it, but it's a real name. [00:48:22] Speaker C: Yeah, she had fundication with two niggas. [00:48:24] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. [00:48:25] Speaker A: But she got assaulted. [00:48:29] Speaker C: Oh, this person got assaulted? [00:48:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Like, her husband nutting her. And then somebody date raped her. [00:48:35] Speaker C: Whoa, whoa, whoa. [00:48:36] Speaker A: What? [00:48:37] Speaker C: Date raped? And she got a husband? [00:48:39] Speaker A: Well, he cheated, so she went out and had some fun with her homegirl. [00:48:43] Speaker B: Oh. [00:48:44] Speaker A: And. Cause, like, he left, he was like, yeah, I cheated. I don't want, you know, more. I'm out. And then like, then he tried to come back. [00:48:54] Speaker C: You buried the lead, so I need to hear more. Like, I was about to say she cheated on her husband. That what she get, so. Which nobody deserved it, but, you know. [00:49:03] Speaker A: It'S just a wild ride. It's a wild 17 fucking episodes. It is. That's why I didn't eat. I had to finish. [00:49:11] Speaker C: Oh, you did? [00:49:12] Speaker A: Like, I watched it up until the time I walked out of the door to come here. I was watching it. [00:49:16] Speaker C: And all of that is on BBC? [00:49:18] Speaker A: No, this is on Netflix. It's called desperate lie. [00:49:23] Speaker C: What else you watch? [00:49:24] Speaker A: I started the bear. [00:49:26] Speaker C: How you like it? [00:49:28] Speaker A: I feel like I'm gonna like it. I got distracted from it to watch other stuff. [00:49:32] Speaker B: You familiar with lip already? [00:49:34] Speaker A: Mm mm. [00:49:35] Speaker C: So he's on a show called shameless. Is the bear on in Chicago? What city is that? [00:49:41] Speaker B: I wanna say that it is, though. [00:49:42] Speaker C: Okay. [00:49:44] Speaker B: He let, like, the origin of the bears. Like, he went to, like, he went away or something. I want to say to a big time culinary school or something like that. And then came back to Chicago. [00:49:57] Speaker A: His brother died, so he came back. [00:50:00] Speaker B: So I think he was in New York or something like that, and then came back to Chicago. [00:50:04] Speaker C: I think it was you who posted when you first started watching it, you were like, damn, they yelling in this a lot. [00:50:08] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Everybody hollering at each other. I was like, okay, I feel at home, but I wasn't ready. [00:50:16] Speaker C: Mm hmm. I watched the first season, but I started the second. [00:50:25] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:50:25] Speaker C: And I, um. I didn't. I didn't remember getting so far on the second season. And then, like, the third season came out recently, and I was like, well, I watched the third. Let me pick up where I left off. And I had. I was on episode eight of the second season. I was like, I don't remember none of this shit. I don't know if I can watch it. I remember the one episode where the guy was trying to bake something special. The black guy. [00:50:51] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:50:52] Speaker C: I remember that episode. And then they kind of did a little episode featuring the black girl whose her career is taking off since being on the bear. I forgot her name, but her career is kind of taking off. She's doing a lot of other stuff too, but people. That's one of the, like, most talked about shows, period. [00:51:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:51:08] Speaker C: So I need to get into it. Yeah. [00:51:10] Speaker A: I feel like I'm a lack it, so I'm gonna go back. Just last week was a lot. [00:51:15] Speaker C: They say it's one episode that's supposed to, like, make everybody like it? The Thanksgiving episode. [00:51:20] Speaker A: Hmm. [00:51:21] Speaker C: But I haven't. I can't remember it. But anyway, what else you been watching other than the bell and. [00:51:26] Speaker A: Well, I mean, you know. [00:51:30] Speaker C: What about you, hostar? You've been watching anything in particular? [00:51:34] Speaker B: There was something that I could. Oh, well, I don't know if I ever wrote y'all about it, but stacks. The stacks documentary. I don't know if either y'all seen it or familiar with it. [00:51:49] Speaker C: Was it a doc or it was. [00:51:52] Speaker B: Like a mini series, I want to say. [00:51:53] Speaker C: Was that on record company, HBO, or something like that? [00:51:56] Speaker B: Yeah, it was on Max during y'all black history music month stuff. Or during the list, there was a couple songs that. That you read off or played that was on there. Yeah. Roots, like stacks. [00:52:11] Speaker C: Look at me. I'm. I'm in the zot, guys, baby. [00:52:14] Speaker B: I'm trying to think what? But it's a couple. Oh, to not. Well, no, no, not the Nas. These theme maybe, but it was a couple of those. But anyways, it talks about Otis Redden, you know what I'm saying? And it kind of highlights kind of how young he was, you know, back then, the way that their haircuts was. They look like they was like 45. They was like 23. Like that. But rest in peace, he died young, of course, but he propelled stacks. And then Isaac Hayes. It kind of give. It gives context to why he's revered as, you know what I'm saying, one of the greats. And he kind of gives him his flowers and stuff as well. [00:52:55] Speaker C: So that's a documentary miniseries. [00:52:58] Speaker B: Yeah. Like a docu series train. [00:53:00] Speaker C: Okay, so it's not acting. It's something that's on there that's like a series, but it's not like. It's like, acting scripted. [00:53:11] Speaker B: I can't remember about the record company. [00:53:13] Speaker C: Yeah, I think maybe I just thought that was. I'm gonna check that out. [00:53:18] Speaker B: Yeah, that one is tough. Cause again, it's one of those history pieces or whatever, like that. Wherever it really, like I said, it gives Isaac Hayes flowers where you could kind of, you know, respect his genius a lot more. And with the whole shaft situation, all of those songs around there, and then, you know, there's a lot of songs back then where there was just no. [00:53:42] Speaker C: Vocals, no lyrics, a lot of instrumental. [00:53:44] Speaker B: Things, and you don't know, a lot of times where they're from or something like that. And then when you discover, like. Oh, okay, all right. [00:53:50] Speaker A: Otis Redding, he died on the plane with Richie Valens, right? [00:53:55] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:53:56] Speaker A: Wow. Okay. La bamba. You ever seen the movie La Bamba? [00:54:01] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [00:54:02] Speaker A: My mama used to watch it a lot, so that's where I just went back. [00:54:05] Speaker C: So they was on a plane together. I didn't know that. The la Bamba nigga name. [00:54:09] Speaker A: Richie Valens. [00:54:10] Speaker C: Okay. [00:54:13] Speaker B: So that was. That's been one thing I've been refreshing to see if I'm missing something with the shy. I mean, not with the shy, but with power. Yeah, if I'm missing something. But I gotta give ab her credit real quick, yo. [00:54:30] Speaker C: Okay. [00:54:31] Speaker B: Because she called it weeks ago about Michael Ealy, you know what I mean? And I think that this nigga really is like, what is that? A method actor, like, and really knows that he's a villain in real life. But she called it weeks ago. [00:54:44] Speaker C: She did. [00:54:44] Speaker B: I was like, any corner of the world that this nigga is in the. From the whole juice. Who drank my juice shit. Right, with barbershop. Wasn't that him? [00:54:52] Speaker C: No, that was e. Oh, the black. [00:54:54] Speaker B: No, no, I'm saying, who drank the juice, though? The black dude did. [00:54:57] Speaker C: He drank the juice. [00:54:58] Speaker B: Did the black dude or Michael ealy drink it? [00:55:00] Speaker A: Michael ealy didn't drink it. [00:55:02] Speaker B: But. But he was wildin in that. Anyway, he took up. [00:55:04] Speaker C: He said he did, didn't it? I thought it was the white dude that drank it. It wasn't a white dude that drank it. I only watched it. I thought it was hot nigga once. [00:55:12] Speaker B: The clean cut black dude from save the last dance. [00:55:15] Speaker C: Oh, that dude. Yeah, the uppity dude. [00:55:17] Speaker B: Yeah. Only we think what he's doing. Yeah. That might have been the last little thread of integrity that he had, but he was still kind of, oh, I gotta get back to the streets. [00:55:26] Speaker C: Yeah, man, the streets need me. [00:55:28] Speaker B: You know what I'm saying? Fuck this barbershop job. But, yeah, this nigga's a creep, man. So, like, yeah, I've been refreshing that. That's about it, man. I haven't caught nothing new this past week as far as on tv. [00:55:43] Speaker C: Well, me, I've been watching the usual house of the dragon for the nerds, acolyte for the other nerds out there, the boys. Oh, my goodness. Each episode is getting better and better. [00:55:59] Speaker A: My boy told me I got to catch up. [00:56:00] Speaker C: You got to catch up. It's getting better and better every episode. They've introduced a new black character named Sister Sage, and they're just picking at right wing people a lot in this season, especially. But, yeah, that, and then I watched this documentary about Taylor Swift and Scooter Braun. So it's two episodes. And they talked about. I don't know if y'all. I kind of remember it, but do y'all know, like, Taylor Swift re recorded, like, her first few albums or whatever, and it. You know, it talks about why. And so they do two episodes. So the first episode is from Taylor's side, Taylor's point of view or whatever. And then the second episode is from Scooter's point of view or whatever. And it kind of. Even both of them kind of make Taylor Swift look bad. Like, she's been acting in bad faith for a long time. Cause, like, it basically was a business deal. They were like, you wanna buy it? This is what you gotta do to buy it. They were like, well, you don't have to buy it. Just give us the record company she was with. It was like, just give us a few more albums and you can have it. You know what I'm saying? She didn't want to do that. She left it on the table. She left and went to another music company. Scooter Braun Company bought the. Bought that music company. When he bought that music company, he got Taylor Swift's masters. You know what I'm saying? So she did something that was like, you never seen, like, Rihanna do this, or, you know, anybody else with, like, a big time with the army. She was like. She told her people on, like, tumblr or something like that, like, go to school and tell them how you feel. And they basically sent him death threats and all kind of stuff like that. Death threats to his family. And it was like, wow. Like. And to see it, like. So, like, in the one episode, it was like, the people saying, well, you know, all this started with Kanye, this, that, and the third. And, you know what I'm saying? And then it was one award show where she got some awards, like, for women or whatever. I. And she. They were basically saying, like, she was using, like, the me too movement words. Like, they sold my records without consent, and this, that, and the third. And it was like, wow. Like, the stuff she was doing. [00:58:16] Speaker A: You ain't gotta convince me that she awful. You know, I hate. [00:58:18] Speaker C: That's what I. That's what I was about to say. [00:58:19] Speaker B: I was, like, with the Kanye shit, though, was they saying, like, her notoriety began with Kanye or whatever? [00:58:25] Speaker C: It kind of. No, what they were saying, like, it kind of painted her in as a. As a victim. And from that point, she was like. [00:58:31] Speaker B: She dug into that and the victim. [00:58:32] Speaker C: Yeah. And they were saying, like, how when her catalog got sold or that company got sold, her father made $15 million. Like, he had a 3% stake in the company and all kind of stuff like that. It's crazy. But, like, as I was watching, I was like, yeah, I'm gonna talk about this on the show. I was like, I know Amy gonna say, I ain't never like that anyway, or whatever. So I was waiting on that. [00:58:53] Speaker A: Like, I don't. Yeah, all that you just said, nobody could ever convince me to like her. [00:58:59] Speaker C: Like, yeah, and she. [00:59:01] Speaker A: You could have told me she rescued some puppies out of a burning building by hand. [00:59:05] Speaker C: Yeah, but, yeah, it's crazy. Like, to watch it and to see. [00:59:08] Speaker B: How was she just fake to you. [00:59:11] Speaker A: Or, like, I just don't like her. Yeah, I have no reason. [00:59:13] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm not. [00:59:14] Speaker A: I'm sure there are reasons, but I can't even recall any. [00:59:18] Speaker B: I just don't like her that's personally on the side. I love your list of people that you just don't like. Amanda seals. [00:59:26] Speaker C: Amanda's on the list you don't like, or she rubbed you the way she rubbed you the wrong way. [00:59:32] Speaker A: Distrust. [00:59:32] Speaker C: It was one thing she did. I try not to like, especially, like, black women. Like, just be like, I don't like her. So I try to give them all a good chance. But it was one time. It was something that happened, and she was, like, talking about it on her instagram, and she was like, you want to see the rest, Patreon? Yes. I was like, nigga, what? Yeah, that just rubbed me the wrong way. But, um, anyway, so, yeah, that's what I. Oh, and the last thing I watched was. So, yeah, if you all in the music and documentaries watch that. It's only two episodes. Both of them are like an hour piece. And it's very interesting at how people can use, like, the media and perception to, like, do shit like. And this is crazy shit. Cause, like, the same thing with, like, the Trump shit, how people can be so fanatical about stuff. Somebody could be so fanatical about Taylor Swift to where they try to do something to scooter Braun or his family or whatever. Like, they was mentioning his wife and his kids and some of the tweets, and it was some crazy shit. But the other thing, the big thing that I was probably gonna watch it anyway, but it kinda got big on social media. The hate for Tyler Perry. [01:00:44] Speaker A: I loved it. [01:00:45] Speaker C: What? [01:00:46] Speaker A: Divorce in the black. I loved it. [01:00:48] Speaker C: Yeah, well, yeah, yeah. Divorce in the black, Tyler Perry movie that's on Amazon Prime. [01:00:55] Speaker A: I couldn't wait to get off work Thursday. I had to cause two things I had to watch the family business first, and then I turned this on. Oh, yeah, I had a good old Thursday. [01:01:03] Speaker C: In rankings of Tyler Perry movies, where does this rank for you outside of, like, entertainment value? Like, quality is one or two. [01:01:15] Speaker A: You gotta understand, I like mia culpa too. [01:01:18] Speaker C: Quality? [01:01:19] Speaker A: Yes. [01:01:21] Speaker C: Well, now, when I say quality, it was beautifully shot. [01:01:24] Speaker A: The wigs were good. [01:01:25] Speaker C: So I ain't talking about, when I say quality. I don't mean that. Cause I don't think Tyler, people give Tyler Perry a bad rap when I, all of his movies look good. You know what I'm saying? [01:01:33] Speaker A: Let's see. No, which one don't look good? [01:01:36] Speaker B: The early ones. [01:01:37] Speaker C: I'm saying after you got bread, right? Like, which ones look bad but it ain't look dusty. [01:01:46] Speaker A: Yes, it did. [01:01:46] Speaker C: It did. [01:01:47] Speaker A: Yes. [01:01:47] Speaker C: I have revisionist history. Okay. [01:01:49] Speaker B: All right. [01:01:50] Speaker C: After a certain point, I ain't talking. [01:01:52] Speaker A: About the hair in the front yard, people doing electric slides. [01:01:55] Speaker C: I ain't talking about the hair or nothing like that. I'm talking about, like, cinematography, sound quality cinematography that, like, on this, like you said, it did look good, but I ain't talking about that. What I mean by quality, I mean, like, storyline and so, like, family. That praise. That's one of his movies, right? [01:02:12] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:02:14] Speaker C: That would be kind of up at the top for me. What's the movie with Taraji and she had the Porsche and she. Michael Ealy was the cook or something, right? [01:02:22] Speaker A: That's not, that's not Tyler Perry movie. [01:02:24] Speaker C: Who was that? Oh, that was the other dude. [01:02:27] Speaker A: He black. [01:02:28] Speaker C: What's his name? Not Lee Daniels. He do, he do a lot of stuff with our Kevin. He was doing a lot of stuff with Kevin Hart. [01:02:37] Speaker B: Oh, how about why did will Packer. [01:02:43] Speaker C: Will pack. That was a wheel packer movie. Yeah. How about why did I, why did I get married without a Perry? [01:02:48] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:02:49] Speaker C: Okay. That was quality. That would be up as far as storyline and all of that quality. Judith, which one? That's Tyler Perry. [01:02:58] Speaker A: That's Tyler Perry. [01:02:59] Speaker C: That would be up there too. [01:02:59] Speaker A: Temptation. [01:03:00] Speaker C: Temptation. And one more. Oh, so you doing the bending. [01:03:06] Speaker A: That wasn't Tyler. [01:03:06] Speaker C: That one. Tyler. Who was that? [01:03:08] Speaker A: He has something to do with it, but Oprah had probably had more to do that with the tv. Was that another willpower for color girls? [01:03:16] Speaker C: Oh, that was for color girls. Oh, yeah. [01:03:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:03:19] Speaker C: Yeah. I don't know. Why was she in her? He was horrible. That was his worst role ever as far as diabolical shit. What? [01:03:26] Speaker B: What? [01:03:26] Speaker C: Um, wasn't Janet Jackson in a Tyler Perry movie? [01:03:29] Speaker A: Yeah. Why did I get married? [01:03:30] Speaker C: Why did I get married? Okay, okay. Two and two. Yeah. Um, but, yeah, anyway, so you love the movie. [01:03:37] Speaker A: I love the storyline. I love the wardrobe. I love the. I love the opening scene. [01:03:43] Speaker C: The opening scene was. Oh, my God. But the opening scene, to me was what a lot of people think, like, well, okay, two thoughts. I wish there were preachers that had the unmitigated gall. They are not send nobody to heaven. [01:04:01] Speaker A: What you mean? [01:04:02] Speaker C: So, like, to tell the truth? Yeah. Most of the funerals, no matter who it is, they sending them to heaven. [01:04:09] Speaker A: Oh, to send a person in the casket to heaven. Okay. [01:04:13] Speaker C: I've never been to one where I know this nigga was going. If there's a hell, this nigga would be busting the doors open. [01:04:20] Speaker A: One way the preachers try to tell everybody in the congregation they going to hell. [01:04:24] Speaker B: Okay. [01:04:25] Speaker C: At his funeral. [01:04:25] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. If you don't get right. [01:04:27] Speaker B: Oh, right now. [01:04:28] Speaker A: It's the time right now. [01:04:30] Speaker B: But so what? [01:04:30] Speaker A: We don't know where he going. [01:04:31] Speaker B: I was about to say, when he was saying that, he was kind of like, you're crying. Gotcha. [01:04:35] Speaker C: Gotcha. [01:04:35] Speaker A: That happened at my daddy's funeral. [01:04:36] Speaker C: Boy, I been rolling, rolling, laughing. [01:04:39] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [01:04:40] Speaker C: You wouldn't have been mad. [01:04:42] Speaker A: I know my daddy. [01:04:43] Speaker B: I was just about to say so. [01:04:44] Speaker C: You was like, oh, oh, oh. I thought you was saying, like, you felt like if there was a hell. You believe in hell? [01:04:51] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, well, see, the thing was like he was, you know, it was like, we don't know where brother Tom is going. You don't see it, but you don't. But you got the time to get it right. [01:05:01] Speaker C: That's right. That's a fair que. That's a fair statement, though. [01:05:04] Speaker A: Oh, shit. My brother. My cousin wife preached that at my daddy's funeral. [01:05:10] Speaker C: That's fair, though. [01:05:11] Speaker A: But I mean, she. I mean, she ain't wrong. Two people got saved. [01:05:14] Speaker C: Good. [01:05:15] Speaker A: Me and my sister was laughing like hell. [01:05:16] Speaker C: I was mad at my daddy's funeral. Cause the preacher was talking about blue this blue that nigga ain't never met blue. That shit pissed me. I was so worst. [01:05:26] Speaker A: That's why we asked her to preach. Cause, like, we ain't not gonna let you. This man to get up here. And he ain't never met my daddy there in my life. [01:05:33] Speaker C: I was so foolish. [01:05:33] Speaker A: She knew my daddy so she could speak on him. [01:05:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Okay, okay. [01:05:37] Speaker A: She said a lot of truthful things. [01:05:38] Speaker C: But I think that's a. That's more fair. That's more honest thing to where, like, you know, we don't know this person's relationship with God. Whatever, whatever. But you still got time, which is true. You still got time if you supposed to believe in whatever, whatever. You still got time to do whatever you need to do in the time you got left. As opposed to somebody just straight up lying about this nigga. We know this nigga done killed three people. But someway he up there with God. You know what I'm saying? I hate that kind of shit. But this right here to where your son is going to hell. [01:06:16] Speaker A: And the rest of them, they're still alive. [01:06:17] Speaker C: Going too, going too. They wreak havoc in this community. That was while the mother bucking. Cause you know when somebody's shading you or whatever, like, you ever been in, like, a religious thing and they talking about fornication and you just got through. [01:06:34] Speaker B: Having pussy and he looking at you. [01:06:37] Speaker C: Oh, just. It feel like he looking at you. You know what I'm saying? But this lady, you know, she talking about. He talking about you and she standing up. And then I like. People was talking about. This was corny, but I liked the fact that she took the dress off, was like, I don't need your hand me downs. I was like, hold on. This nigga stripping. And then she. When she was like, she threw it back and she was like, um, we don't need your hand me downs. And she was like, get your brother. I was like, okay. They about to roll the casket out. And then I was like, hold up. She keeps saying that. I wonder if she mean, get him out the casket. Cause, oh, my God. That was that first. That opening scene was beautiful. Opening scene. [01:07:12] Speaker A: And she is. She has ties to South Carolina. [01:07:15] Speaker C: Shout out to her. [01:07:16] Speaker A: She's a professor at South Carolina State. [01:07:18] Speaker C: Really? Okay. [01:07:20] Speaker A: She is now Ursula Robertson. [01:07:23] Speaker C: Robinson. [01:07:24] Speaker A: Robinson. [01:07:24] Speaker C: Okay. Huh? [01:07:25] Speaker A: Robinson. [01:07:26] Speaker C: Robinson. [01:07:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:07:28] Speaker C: Okay. [01:07:28] Speaker A: Cuz I always say that wrong. Like, it got Robertson Robinson. [01:07:31] Speaker C: I was gonna ask you. Was it Robinson too? Cause it's some of them too. So shout out to them. Only thing, like, only thing I didn't like was certain parts seemed to linger on a little bit too much. [01:07:44] Speaker A: Mm hmm. And that's the Tyler Perry thing. Like, if you watch his shows that come on Bethe, five episodes can go by and it'd be the same day. Like, he. That's. That's his thing. Like, if you watch his stuff, you just gotta get used to it. [01:07:58] Speaker C: Like, he draw shit out some of the stuff. Like the fair stuff looking into their eyes with no commentary. Stuff like that. [01:08:07] Speaker A: Romance. [01:08:08] Speaker C: No, I mean, I don't mean take. Take none of that away. I get that part. But it just felt like it just took a little too long. But other than that, I mean, it was entertaining. Good crescendo, good ending. The brothers were not intimidating. If them niggas was standing at the gas station all in a circle, I wouldn't feel no way about walking right in between all of them niggas. [01:08:33] Speaker A: Really. [01:08:33] Speaker C: Them niggas did not intimidate me, not one bit. And they tried to make them look more intimidating by giving them all wife beaters. But other than that, like, they ain't. [01:08:44] Speaker A: Look. Sometimes it ain't how they look that's intimidating. You can't judge a book now. [01:08:50] Speaker C: You can't, but most of the time you can. There's some niggas I. Oh, God. I grabbed my person. Look, this niggers, I give him a hard er. Oh, wicks. Oh, my God. [01:09:02] Speaker B: Tattoos on his face in the middle of your eyes. Yeah, yeah. Demonic. [01:09:08] Speaker C: Yeah. You know, I'm saying that type of shit. But it was. It was enjoyable. I was at. At one point, I was telling somebody, I was like, yeah, I met. They just left the festival. Oh, you got like, 20 minutes left. And I looked at it. I was like, you sure? I looked at the thing. It was a whole hour left. I was like, damn. But, yeah, it was straight, though. [01:09:26] Speaker B: You think you enjoyed it, Amy, because you accept what you going into with the Tyler Perry entertainment. [01:09:34] Speaker A: I've been rocking with Tyler a long time. So you like, I watch his tv shows, except the oval. I don't know why I can't get into the oval, but I just. I understand his flow. [01:09:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:09:48] Speaker A: I understand that. The woman ain't gonna never be happy. She might get happy in the end, but she gonna suffer. She gonna cry. She gonna have to go through that first. Like, you come to accept that. And I don't know. [01:10:01] Speaker C: That's the thing with. That's all movies, though. It's a. I don't know if it's a book or what, but they say, like, the first. [01:10:10] Speaker B: Like a formula. [01:10:11] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a formula in all movies. So, like, the first section of the movie. First percentage of a show or movie is supposed to be, like, the introduction. Then, like, the next 60 or 70% is the conflict. [01:10:24] Speaker B: Right. [01:10:25] Speaker C: And then, like, the ending, like, 15 or 20% is the. Is the resolution. [01:10:30] Speaker B: It's like boy meets girl breaks down. [01:10:33] Speaker A: Tyler do it to women more than men. The only time I agree, he only had two movies where the men suffered, and that was the family that praised in daddy's. Little girls. [01:10:42] Speaker C: I was about to say daddy's little girl, but really, was it the. Oh, yeah. Cause it was about him, but, yeah, he never does movies where the male is the protagonist. That I can think of. But, yeah, it was entertaining. It definitely was entertaining. Will you watch it again? [01:10:59] Speaker A: I probably wouldn't need to watch it again, but, I mean, yeah, I'm trying to think. [01:11:05] Speaker C: Did we talk about Beverly Hills cop? [01:11:07] Speaker A: We talked about that. [01:11:08] Speaker C: We did talk about that. [01:11:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:11:10] Speaker C: So, yeah, that happened. We're talking about the music industry and stuff, and it ain't no article, but I want to get y'all take on this. It's been a lot of rumors about sexy Red and her tour, like, having low album sales and stuff like that. A lot of, like, talking about her fans and this, that and the third. And what, when you first heard it, what you thought? [01:11:34] Speaker A: I didn't. [01:11:35] Speaker C: Oh, you haven't heard that? [01:11:36] Speaker A: No, I mean, I didn't think anything. [01:11:38] Speaker C: Oh, what about you? Hostile. [01:11:39] Speaker A: I'm a sexy red fan. Like, I'm not. [01:11:42] Speaker C: Well, not talking not about your fandom. I'm just one. [01:11:46] Speaker A: I didn't see that from a reputable source. A reputable source? Like, I saw people who started a Facebook page and made it look like it was a. You know, I talk about music. Sexy red sails down. So, I don't know. I didn't see it from a source that made it seem like it was correct to me. [01:12:05] Speaker C: What about you? [01:12:05] Speaker A: I just saw her sitting in the barbershop with Andre 3000. [01:12:08] Speaker B: So that part, too. So I laughed at Amy because I thought the same thing. Like, I didn't think nothing of it. But I. It wasn't for all of those reasons. It was just that I was like, what? There's. Oh, there's a campaign or whatever against. Of course. Right? Like, and trust me, I'm not the hugest fan. To me, her Dreamville set was kind of. Was cringe because of the white folks that had their kids out there and didn't know what was going on and how early she performed in her Dreamville set. It was like, it might have been three or 04:00, so everybody had their kids and dogs and stuff out there, huh? [01:12:43] Speaker C: I was there. Oh, watching it on tv. [01:12:45] Speaker B: Exactly. Exactly. But anyway, so, like. So I never been, like, the hugest proponent, but, you know, as a dj and stuff like that, I know what her hits do, what the slaps do, all of that, and then I know, like, in between the TikTok dance part or in between the hooks, like, what the lyrics is saying, too. I know that, but I also know she got a following. So I was like, looking at it as like, oh, there's really like a campaign, you know what I'm saying? Against her. Like, again, she's one thing I don't mind about her. Is she minding her business? It's not like she's like, you know, I'm a tool or I'm a, you know, I'm a plant, so I'm a do the most. It's almost like, to me, Sam Smith leaned into some shit. [01:13:31] Speaker C: Like, you ever worship type shit? [01:13:32] Speaker B: Leant into it crazy. Or like. Or even like, kind of Uzi. Like, he leaned into like, all right, bong, bong, bong. But with sexy red. It's like, no, I've always been this, if y'all known. And I just never changed. But yeah, this, you know, Larry Jackson or whoever that is with gamma and like, whoever she tied in with management wise. Yeah, they see the dollars and they keep. You know what I mean? They trying to magnify it more and more and more and more. Whatever, like that, you know, how could we keep recreating the ghetto and all right, let's put chief keef in it and all of that. So they agitating. It's polarizing or whatever. So they got, they know they got. They fan base, but they know they got that swell of people that is against that shit or whatever. Like that. So, yeah, it just. It was kind of. It just came off weird and like campaign y or like, like docked it up. Like, it was like, you know what I'm saying? Set up or whatever. Like that. [01:14:24] Speaker C: I saw it. I thought about Meg, thee stallion. [01:14:28] Speaker B: Kind of similar. [01:14:30] Speaker C: And then you look at videos now of her content. Her concerts be packed. [01:14:33] Speaker A: Nicki Mina Pknorth. [01:14:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:14:37] Speaker A: They can't stop that girl. Let her make her money. [01:14:39] Speaker C: Oh, Meg. [01:14:40] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:14:40] Speaker C: Yeah. So, like, people were saying that about Meg and like, her concert. She was gonna have to cancel dates or whatever. Whatever. Date. But she didn't make a statement, right? She didn't say anything. And now you look at the videos, it's packed. And I've seen people all the time like, I'm at med concert, whatever, whatever. I think it's the same thing with sexy red. Like it just. Somebody came out with some news or whatever. [01:14:59] Speaker B: When the big money behind you, too, it's like they not gonna allow stuff to fail. They maneuver different things. Like with Lil baby, even. It's like, yeah, we could take out. [01:15:11] Speaker C: Certain cities, but they ain't even canceled. The thing was, they were canceling dates, and they haven't canceled anything with Saisa Red. The same thing happened with Jennifer Lopez, but I think her shit was really getting canceled. But I think it's kind of wild that these two are getting those rumors, you know what I'm saying? Then she came out. She was like, I ain't nothing. You know what I'm saying? Our shit ain't getting counsel. Whatever. Whatever. [01:15:36] Speaker A: Wildest black man. [01:15:37] Speaker C: I'm glad it's. Huh? [01:15:39] Speaker A: Nothing. [01:15:40] Speaker C: I ain't heard what you said. [01:15:41] Speaker A: I said it's black men. [01:15:43] Speaker C: The thing I saw was from. It was from a magazine. Okay, complex. What? [01:15:53] Speaker A: Keep going. [01:15:54] Speaker C: Oh. Oh, yeah. I saw it from a magazine. That's the article I saw. I saw two articles, but, yeah, that. [01:16:04] Speaker B: Is something I've been wanting to watch, though, is the shop. That episode of the shop. I saw some clips from it. [01:16:11] Speaker C: I watched it. [01:16:12] Speaker A: It was on. I saw a comment on Instagram, and somebody was like, now, why is LeBron there? [01:16:21] Speaker B: Riddle me that. [01:16:23] Speaker C: Yeah, it was. I think that guy started fear of God. He's on that. He was on that episode, sexy Red, andre the k. And then, you know, the regular people that always be there, and then sexy red left, and some asian comedian came in. They were talking to her for a little while, but it was cool. It was a cool conversation. But, like, looking at LeBron and Andre 3000, you don't realize, like, they, like, 20 years older than her. So, like, they kind of mentioned it, like, you know, we. I think LeBron mentioned, like, we. The elder statement or whatever. Whatever. But it was. It was interesting. If you ain't watched it, check it out. You saw it yet? [01:17:07] Speaker A: I don't have a desire to see it. [01:17:09] Speaker C: Oh. [01:17:12] Speaker A: I haven't watched any episodes of the shop, so I'm not gonna stop starting from sexy Red. [01:17:20] Speaker B: I don't know, a lot of combos and the edits and stuff is. I ain't gonna say forced, but you mean for the. For that episode in general, for, like, over the time, over the span of it. [01:17:33] Speaker A: Like, I love black men, but sometimes I just get tired of, like, most of the podcasts that I listen to outside of us is women. Sometimes I just get tired of listening to black men talk. I mean, I love y'all to death. [01:17:45] Speaker B: But that's how I felt when I saw the thumbnail for charlamagne. Interviewing ll, I was like, I'm good. I'm all right. [01:17:53] Speaker C: I was surprised because ll had a beef with charlamagne. Cause he has. I think he said something about ll album, he was like, we tired of you rapping or something. [01:18:01] Speaker B: And that's why I'm saying, like, I think charlamagne probably felt like, oh, this is gonna be dynamic. Oh, man, this conversation is gonna change. Yo, we good, bro? I'm good. Black and white. [01:18:12] Speaker C: Maybe somebody might wanna listen to it or something. Watch it. [01:18:16] Speaker B: And then black. I feel Amy, yo. Cause niggas on his mics is hypocrites. [01:18:23] Speaker A: If I don't never hear another balloon pop. I don't wanna hear a balloon pop. [01:18:28] Speaker C: I watched the episode of that. [01:18:29] Speaker A: I don't wanna hear them poppets that you slam on the ground and pop. I don't wanna hear that. I don't wanna hear popcorn. I don't wanna hear nothing pop no more. [01:18:37] Speaker C: I watched the episode of that. It's a. They definitely put the MM best part out the way you can get people to talk about it. [01:18:49] Speaker B: All it is is next, right? Y'all remember next? [01:18:53] Speaker A: Yes. The bus. Nah. [01:18:55] Speaker B: Hell, no. [01:18:57] Speaker C: It's kind of like next. [01:18:58] Speaker B: Yeah, it got those next elements, but. [01:19:01] Speaker C: With this, you get to find a reason why or a lie why. [01:19:07] Speaker B: Well, I think in that, that part stirs up this whole black man versus black woman narrative that people be talking about. Like, oh, they just. It's intentional. They put in black women against black men. And with all these topics online. And so now it's getting confrontational where they be like, you know, well, your shoes don't really look all that well. Fuck you, bitch. [01:19:30] Speaker A: That girl showed up with them damn shoes off. She no better than that, but still, like, you can't judge about them little flat shoes she had on. [01:19:38] Speaker C: It was the same. It was this one, dude. They. Oh, yeah, she did have them flat shoes on. It was one. Was that the one? She was like. She just got off work and she was rushing it. Yeah, I did see that one. Yeah, but she was cute, though, wasn't it? Wasn't she cute? Other than the shoes? I mean, obviously not, but I think it's so many. Well, anyway, it was one dude. He was. You know, they kept the balloons, and then he got that one girl, and she. She popped the balloon and she said it was. Cause his pants was too tight. His pants were pretty tight. Cause they were so tight that his belt was loose. How close? Close, like. All right, we'll go. Yeah. Amy gotta run, y'all. She gotta go open her door, Amy. Thank you. Let everybody know they can find you on social media. [01:20:25] Speaker A: Oh, I mean, I'm good. I'm gonna do my quick hits. Come on. [01:20:27] Speaker C: Oh, I got a couple more stuff to do. That's what I was. Yeah, you said close. You ain't gave me your time, so. [01:20:37] Speaker A: Hold on. You ain't giving me your time. 20 minutes. [01:20:41] Speaker C: All right. Yeah, let's go ahead and get into quick hits before you get out of here. Where my thing at? [01:20:49] Speaker A: Pause. Lord have mercy, I'm about to bust. [01:20:58] Speaker C: Oh, there we go. [01:21:02] Speaker A: A lot of people died yesterday. [01:21:04] Speaker C: Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed. [01:21:08] Speaker A: So, first, Jacoby Jones from the Baltimore Ravens. He was only 40. [01:21:14] Speaker C: You didn't know? [01:21:14] Speaker A: Yeah. This, like, breaking news. [01:21:16] Speaker C: Mm hmm. It's so early. They don't know how. They don't know the reason. Yeah, I just saw that this morning, too. [01:21:23] Speaker A: Like, ooh, Richard Simmons. [01:21:25] Speaker C: Yup, it was. [01:21:27] Speaker B: Yo. [01:21:28] Speaker C: What? You didn't know that I was moving. [01:21:30] Speaker B: People all day yesterday? [01:21:31] Speaker C: Well, he died. He died. Oh, you were moving yesterday? [01:21:33] Speaker B: Yeah. Oh, wow. I missed all of this shit. [01:21:36] Speaker C: A few years ago, there was a podcast called where's Richard Simmons? Cause he had, like, disappeared and people thought he died some years ago, but. [01:21:42] Speaker A: Yeah, Shannon Doherty from 90210. [01:21:47] Speaker B: Little hottie. She had black hair. [01:21:48] Speaker C: Black hair? Yeah. [01:21:50] Speaker A: She's a lot of breast cancer. [01:21:51] Speaker C: I've never watched the episode of 9020, but I know all of the people on that show. That's how big that show is. [01:21:58] Speaker A: And Doctor Ruth Westheimer, the sex columnist. Yeah. [01:22:04] Speaker C: Now, we was talking about earlier the amount of, like, history. We know she was 96 years old. Think about that. [01:22:09] Speaker B: Cause she was old back then. I wanted to say. [01:22:11] Speaker C: Yeah, so, yeah, I learned how to. [01:22:14] Speaker A: Okay. Anyway, so, yeah, rest in peace to all those people. And for the past couple of weeks, a theme that I've been talking about has been a sign of the times, like, financially. [01:22:27] Speaker B: Right. [01:22:27] Speaker A: So there's a lot of companies in trouble. Big lots has announced that they're doing a whole lot of closures. I love big lots. I go there a lot during Christmas to pick up stuff. Sam's club has announced that they are changing the way they do their elite membership plus their plus membership. It used to come with free shipping. Now the shipping isn't free anymore, so people are judging them. Like, okay, so what's the point of paying for the plus? Like, that was one of the things, like, outside of just getting into the store early with the old people, there's no reason to pay the extra money. So for the plus membership. So they have not responded to that yet. God, it was somebody else that was closing. Closing or get hit hard. The credit card, Macy's is increasing the interest on their charge. Cards to up to 35% for some folks. [01:23:26] Speaker B: Damn. [01:23:28] Speaker C: Just don't have it. Just don't get it. [01:23:30] Speaker B: Yeah, that's why I always tell them. [01:23:32] Speaker A: If you already got it. Right, and you got locked in with, like, a 9%. Well, you ain't locked. Cause it about to go up. [01:23:40] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:23:41] Speaker A: So it's just everything is up. Everything is high. Everything costs. [01:23:46] Speaker C: How can they do that? Oh, and then it says in this article that other people are doing that too. 30% at Petco and Exxon with their cards. Yeah, see? [01:23:55] Speaker B: Hell, no. See, now you gotta tell everybody. No, you got to. Amazon just tried Uber eats. I mean, they tried to get me to save, like, $15 or something. [01:24:04] Speaker C: Oh, by getting their car? [01:24:05] Speaker B: Come on. Yeah, try and apply. [01:24:07] Speaker A: Why the fuck does Uber eats have a charge card? [01:24:11] Speaker C: Niggas be hungry. [01:24:15] Speaker A: Now. This was. Ladies, this is not a drill. The devil wears Prada. There is talks of a sequel. This is not a motherfucking drill. [01:24:27] Speaker B: Ladies speaking to the ladies out there. [01:24:29] Speaker C: No, she ain't, nigga. I'm gonna watch that too. Shit. [01:24:33] Speaker A: So it isn't. It isn't put in stone yet, but there's talks of a sequel. [01:24:43] Speaker C: I got a question for both of y'all, though. [01:24:46] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:24:46] Speaker C: Now, if the devil's wear a Prada and Adam Eve wears nada, I'm in between, but way more fresher is, quote, Kanye. Anyway, I'm sorry. Go ahead. [01:24:56] Speaker B: You said last year. Last week you said feen there. [01:25:00] Speaker C: What did I say. [01:25:03] Speaker B: Peter? Female mama, dad. [01:25:07] Speaker C: I forget all that shit. [01:25:11] Speaker A: Martin is in talks of a prequel where he's gonna go back and talk about the early. No, don't. Uh uh. [01:25:18] Speaker B: No, wait, wait. Stop. [01:25:19] Speaker C: Go ahead. [01:25:20] Speaker B: Go ahead. [01:25:20] Speaker A: It's a prequel to Martin, but it's gonna be, you know, like, kind of like what they did with Bel Air. [01:25:26] Speaker B: Will Smith. Right. Dramatic tone. [01:25:28] Speaker A: Right? So. [01:25:29] Speaker C: But that's not a. The Bel Air ain't a prequel, though. Bel Air is just a reimagined complexion drama. [01:25:37] Speaker A: So it's not gonna be funny, but. [01:25:39] Speaker C: It'S gonna be young Martin. [01:25:41] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [01:25:42] Speaker C: I'm here to tell you right now. [01:25:43] Speaker B: You gonna do a lot. [01:25:44] Speaker C: We don't care. I don't care. [01:25:45] Speaker B: Nah, I do care, man. I think Will Smith was in his ear, you know what I'm saying? And, yo, man, I'm telling you, overbrook, it's just life. [01:25:53] Speaker C: Get all the money you can out of it. Right? [01:25:55] Speaker A: I guess I'm gonna watch it. [01:25:57] Speaker C: I'll watch the first season. [01:25:58] Speaker B: Yeah, of course. I think we're gonna all give it a shot. Right? [01:26:01] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [01:26:02] Speaker A: And t. Ooh. [01:26:06] Speaker C: Probably gotta be somebody that we don't really know. [01:26:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:26:09] Speaker C: So we won't be. Yeah. But anyway. Go ahead. [01:26:11] Speaker A: At and t. At and t just had another breach. [01:26:14] Speaker C: Another? [01:26:15] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:26:16] Speaker C: When was that first one? [01:26:19] Speaker A: Maybe around this time last year. [01:26:21] Speaker C: Oh. [01:26:23] Speaker A: So just, you know. But nothing safe. [01:26:26] Speaker B: Yeah, I thought it was like, it's not even that. I thought it was a joke or fake, but everything that I see now, I just kind of feel it's so real that it's fake, if that makes sense. [01:26:36] Speaker C: Yes. [01:26:37] Speaker B: And they were saying, like, the type of breach it was. And, like, all the audio recordings. [01:26:43] Speaker C: So you, like, what the fuck? [01:26:44] Speaker A: Call and text records of nearly all at and t sell customers were exposed in a breach. [01:26:51] Speaker B: And then what do you do with that for value? Like, do you comb, if you're the hackers or whatever, do you comb through that and be like. [01:26:57] Speaker C: It's kind of like the Ashley Madison thing where, like, I got your records, especially, like, if you find out, like, it's been somebody that. That's, like, high up and they've been talking shit about. Cause, you know, people probably learning lessons about email and stuff, so now they'll text somebody. You know what I'm saying? I'm texting high star about talking shit about big cliff. [01:27:20] Speaker A: Take comfort in the fact that we all have iPhones, and most of the people that we talk to probably have iPhones as well. So that's an imessage. That's not a text message. And Apple has been very vocal about not handing that information over, because even as somebody who works in. Worked in mobility, if you look up your call records or if we look up your call records and your text messages, an imessage will not show up in your call record as a text because it's not a text, it's an imessage. [01:27:54] Speaker C: Unless you. [01:27:55] Speaker B: That's why the drug dealers used to FaceTime each other. [01:27:57] Speaker C: Yeah, that's why they used to FaceTime. Yeah, that's why. [01:28:01] Speaker A: Or if you want to be, like, from a call standpoint and, you know, your wife checking your call records, checking the phone bill, do FaceTime audio instead of just a regular call. [01:28:12] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's good to know. But if you text in somebody with Android, that's the text. [01:28:21] Speaker A: It's gonna be the text, and it will show. [01:28:23] Speaker C: Good to know. Any more quick hits? My dad. [01:28:27] Speaker A: I'm good. [01:28:28] Speaker C: Let me see if it was anything else before we get out of here. While you go get your kids, your time is up. Beloved it really is. [01:28:35] Speaker A: They on David McCloud. [01:28:37] Speaker C: Damn. All right. We ain't got nothing else. DJ High Star, thank you so much for joining. [01:28:43] Speaker B: Thank you for coming out here and appreciate y'all having me, as usual. [01:28:50] Speaker C: Let everybody know they can find you on social media. [01:28:53] Speaker B: Myself at high starbars, on Ig, and at DJ High Star on IG as well. So high star bars, though, that's the. It's the goody. That's the goody page. Highstarbars, the find goody. That's where the shit is. The fire stories. The fire stories. That's all nothing. [01:29:18] Speaker A: Where the bad stuff at? [01:29:20] Speaker B: And the close friends. Yeah. [01:29:23] Speaker C: And every week on a Carolina sports talk. [01:29:26] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That too. Whenever we can. Big clip. Get mad at me when I say it, but, you know, whenever we get. [01:29:32] Speaker C: To it, you know, Amy, I can. [01:29:36] Speaker A: Be found on all platforms at Amy's. $0.22. That's amys, the number 22. C e n t s. You can. [01:29:42] Speaker C: Find me on social media, preacher, BP. You can find the show on Instagram and threads. And I. And, yeah, we saw him, but I think we own it. I'm on at a DJ blaze show and on Facebook at DDJ Blaze radio show podcast. Yeah, I'll be seeing notifications on that. [01:30:03] Speaker A: You're welcome. [01:30:04] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, so y'all know who y'all talking to. Niggas be such and such. And so that ain't be des. Ain't me. But anyway, thank y'all for listening. Thank y'all for, uh. Thank you to everybody that, uh, sent an email. And thank you, uh, uh, high star, again, for the sustenance. [01:30:24] Speaker A: Um, I didn't want to mess my lipstick up, but I'm about to tear one of them. [01:30:29] Speaker C: What, uh. What's up? Thank you. [01:30:38] Speaker A: Chitara. [01:30:39] Speaker C: Shatara. Thank you, Chitara. It was delicious. What's her page? [01:30:47] Speaker A: She doesn't have a treat page set up. [01:30:49] Speaker C: Okay. [01:30:49] Speaker A: But the people who know to get in touch with her, they don't have. [01:30:51] Speaker C: To get in touch. Yeah, yeah. Thank you again, Shatara. You should have seen her whipping that car around that parking lot to meet me to give me the stuff. Anyway, djblayshowmail.com. send us an email. We'd love to read it. At any rate, it's your boy. Be easy. [01:31:06] Speaker A: And it's your girl, Amy. Me. [01:31:08] Speaker C: We out. [01:31:10] Speaker B: Let those who have ears listen. This is the DJ blaze.

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