January 27, 2025


Now Walk It Out

Now Walk It Out
Dj Blaze Radio Show Podcast
Now Walk It Out

Jan 27 2025 | 01:29:15


Show Notes

On this episode Khori, El, and B-Eazy read listener emails, talk about some of the executive orders of our new administration, and talk about the passing of a popular DJ.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: This episode was brought to you by PharmD. Do you enjoy whiskey? Join Q, mixologist of PharmD, at the Poets House in Florence, South Carolina on Saturday, February 1st at 6:30 as she takes you on a journey of black owned whiskey brands. While there, you will enjoy delectable small bites while identifying the essence of various whiskey brands in your complimentary glencan whiskey glass. Visit pharmddrinkdoctor.com to secure your ticket. [00:00:47] Speaker B: Gossip, music, news, entertainment and heated discussions. DJ Blaze radio show starts now. [00:01:18] Speaker A: Welcome back to another episode of the DJ Blaze radio show podcast. It's your boy. Be easy. [00:01:23] Speaker C: It's your girl Cory. [00:01:24] Speaker B: It's your boy Al. [00:01:26] Speaker A: Ah. You can find us everywhere. You get your podcast for free. L. Yo, yo. Oh, my bad. [00:01:31] Speaker B: You good? [00:01:32] Speaker A: How are you? [00:01:32] Speaker B: Good man. Good man. [00:01:34] Speaker A: Wonderful. [00:01:35] Speaker B: How are you, black man? [00:01:37] Speaker A: I'm fantastically well, my brother. Ain't that what Andre 3000 said? No, that was what you call it. Anyway. Corey, how are you? [00:01:45] Speaker C: I'm cooling. [00:01:46] Speaker A: You cooling? [00:01:47] Speaker C: I'm cooling. [00:01:47] Speaker A: Getting that mic a little closer. [00:01:49] Speaker B: Yeah, man, don't act like a bump on the log. [00:01:53] Speaker A: It wasn't me. [00:01:55] Speaker C: Really? [00:01:57] Speaker B: Nah, you know, weird Here. [00:02:00] Speaker A: Okay. [00:02:02] Speaker C: Get them jokes is blazing. [00:02:06] Speaker A: You doing all right? [00:02:07] Speaker C: I'm good. [00:02:07] Speaker A: How was yalls week? [00:02:10] Speaker B: Good, man. It was good. It was short. [00:02:12] Speaker A: Oh. Cause how many days did you go to work? [00:02:14] Speaker B: Shoot, I went to work two days. [00:02:16] Speaker A: Two days. So y'all was out Friday too? [00:02:18] Speaker C: No, they went back Friday. Y'all out Monday, Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday, Wednesday. [00:02:24] Speaker A: Y'all went to work Tuesday. [00:02:25] Speaker B: Let me see. [00:02:26] Speaker C: Can I tell y'all, I was just saying because my son is in school. [00:02:29] Speaker B: Too, you know, we went to work. We went to school Monday. [00:02:32] Speaker A: Okay. [00:02:33] Speaker C: No, Yeah. I didn't. [00:02:34] Speaker B: No, we didn't because it was the holiday. [00:02:36] Speaker A: Oh. It was my lufa. [00:02:37] Speaker B: Martin Luther King. So we went Tuesday. [00:02:39] Speaker C: Loofah. [00:02:40] Speaker B: Yeah, he's clean. [00:02:42] Speaker A: Martin Luther can't clean. [00:02:44] Speaker B: So. Yeah, we was only out. We was out Wednesday and Thursday, so we only worked two days. [00:02:52] Speaker A: Sound familiar? [00:02:53] Speaker B: It was two days. [00:02:55] Speaker A: How about you? How was your week? [00:02:58] Speaker C: It was cool. [00:02:59] Speaker A: That's it? [00:03:00] Speaker C: Yeah. Nothing. Nothing major to report. [00:03:05] Speaker A: My week was. It was cool, but I only worked two days. [00:03:14] Speaker B: Oh, man, you had it. Oh, because the same reason. The weather. [00:03:17] Speaker A: Yeah. Cause they closed the ports. The port I had to go to Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. And then like either Wednesday night or Thursday night. One of them nights, my heater start working. Cause that motherfucker was working overtime. And it was like 58 in here, which, I mean, you know, Throwing a. A. A sweatshirt, sweatpants, and, you know, a triple fat goose. Oh, 58. [00:03:45] Speaker B: 58 is cold. Oh, it's not in the house. Yes. [00:03:48] Speaker A: No, it's sitting still, watching tv. [00:03:50] Speaker C: Eight is cold in the house. [00:03:51] Speaker A: It's. It's. If you got clothes on, it's. And then, you know, I got in my room, blankets, whatever, so got my guy here to fix it. Then I started having electrical problems, so. Yeah. [00:04:03] Speaker C: Fixed yet? [00:04:04] Speaker B: More money. [00:04:04] Speaker A: What, the heater? [00:04:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:04:06] Speaker A: You can't. It ain't warmer. It's kind of cold in here. [00:04:09] Speaker C: I'm always cold. [00:04:10] Speaker B: She wouldn't know. She got her own personal heater. [00:04:13] Speaker A: Oh, hate, hate, hate. [00:04:14] Speaker B: I mean, I didn't know we was able. [00:04:16] Speaker C: Mad. [00:04:17] Speaker B: No, I just. I didn't know we was able to request certain things. [00:04:20] Speaker A: What would you want to. [00:04:20] Speaker C: I didn't request. [00:04:21] Speaker A: What would you want to request? [00:04:24] Speaker B: Green M M's. [00:04:26] Speaker C: I did not request. I'm just always cold. Y'all be seeing me with my jacket on. [00:04:32] Speaker B: So caring. [00:04:32] Speaker C: He's so. He's observing. He like, look, it's cold in here today. She really gonna be cold. [00:04:38] Speaker B: Hey, hey, hey, hey. What he better not be seeing. [00:04:42] Speaker C: Talk about, oh, my God. [00:04:45] Speaker B: I ain't gonna finish what I'm gonna say, but you know what I'm saying? [00:04:47] Speaker A: I don't see nothing. Yeah, I don't see nothing. I don't see nothing. I'm not observing nothing. [00:04:53] Speaker C: Unbelievable. [00:04:54] Speaker A: Hey, you better not be observing nothing. You gonna turn me into Colonel Stink, Mina. [00:05:02] Speaker B: Oh, what you gonna do? [00:05:04] Speaker A: What you gonna do? [00:05:06] Speaker C: I watched that episode yesterday. Which one? [00:05:09] Speaker B: When he comes back. [00:05:10] Speaker C: Oh, the first one with him. [00:05:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:13] Speaker B: I watched the one when he came back and he was in Tom. [00:05:17] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:05:17] Speaker B: In the courtroom. [00:05:19] Speaker A: I gotta. I'm. I'm going. Working my way through. I'm on season two now, so it's a lot like, stuff like that. I kind of remember that. [00:05:28] Speaker B: But yeah, once you go over it again, you'd be like, oh. Because there's a couple things I wrote down. I know we kind of talking past what we get ready to do, but I guess another week or so, we're gonna do the top five. [00:05:42] Speaker A: I mean, if I'm out of work again for another week, definitely. [00:05:47] Speaker B: Well, let's do the top five Boondocks episodes. [00:05:50] Speaker A: Yeah, it's coming up soon. Coming soon in a couple weeks. Yeah. What did y'all watch this week? Because I missed that last week since everybody been. [00:06:01] Speaker B: I didn't really watch anything. I watched something, but I turned it off because it was trash. [00:06:06] Speaker C: No, I Don't. [00:06:06] Speaker B: I don't remember what it was, but I didn't really watch anything. You know, I'm watching Sopranos still. [00:06:13] Speaker A: How. How far along are you on Sopranos? [00:06:17] Speaker B: Third season. [00:06:18] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. How many seasons were Sopranos? [00:06:21] Speaker B: Four. [00:06:21] Speaker A: It was only four. [00:06:23] Speaker B: No, no, no, no, no. It was for. It was six. [00:06:27] Speaker A: Oh, it was six. [00:06:28] Speaker B: Yeah, because six. They did a split. And you know how they broke it up? This is when they first started breaking the whole season up. [00:06:35] Speaker A: Oh, and then doing. Taking a break and then taking a. [00:06:37] Speaker B: Break and coming back. Yeah, but I've been on that a lot. And Yellowstone. [00:06:42] Speaker A: I ain't got on the Yellowstone. [00:06:44] Speaker B: What? Yeah, Yellowstone. [00:06:45] Speaker A: I heard it was all right, but, you know. [00:06:47] Speaker B: Yeah, it's a good one. It's a good one. [00:06:48] Speaker A: What about you? [00:06:51] Speaker C: I binged watch Exo Kitty. It's a. It's a. [00:06:56] Speaker B: Is that anime? [00:06:57] Speaker C: No, it's a teen drama, but it's a. [00:06:59] Speaker A: It's on the cw. [00:07:00] Speaker C: No, Korean. Netflix. Oh, so they film in Korea, but it's a. It's an American show. [00:07:07] Speaker A: It's American people. [00:07:08] Speaker C: Yeah. And some majority of the characters are Korean, but the main actress, she's Korean. American, but she's from here. [00:07:17] Speaker A: Oh, these subtitles. [00:07:19] Speaker C: No. [00:07:20] Speaker A: Dubbed. [00:07:20] Speaker C: No, it's English. Everybody speak English. [00:07:22] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [00:07:23] Speaker A: But they filming in Korea. [00:07:25] Speaker C: Yeah. Because this is. It's just the story. [00:07:28] Speaker A: Some of them. The only one of those type. Well, it's not. It ain't the same, though. But, like, when. It's because Korea got a lot of, like, good shows, apparently, and movies and stuff. But a lot of that stuff be dubbed and. And some of the dubs. I can't watch it. I don't. [00:07:45] Speaker C: Yeah, I'd rather just read the subtitles. [00:07:47] Speaker A: Like, Squid Game is the first one I really could watch. And that was dub. Like that. But, you know. [00:07:55] Speaker C: And I saw that new movie with Kiki Palmer and Scissor. [00:08:00] Speaker A: What's it called? [00:08:02] Speaker B: Something Friends? [00:08:02] Speaker A: No, just one of them days. [00:08:04] Speaker C: One of them days. [00:08:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I saw that, too. [00:08:06] Speaker B: Was it good? [00:08:07] Speaker C: It was good. [00:08:08] Speaker B: Was it like a little over the top? Like girlfriends? What was that one? Girls Trip? [00:08:16] Speaker A: Kind of like that. [00:08:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:08:17] Speaker B: Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. [00:08:19] Speaker A: But more it reminded me of kind of like insecure mixed with, like, you said, girlfriends. [00:08:29] Speaker B: No, girls. Is it girls? [00:08:30] Speaker A: Girls Trip. Girls Trip. [00:08:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:32] Speaker A: And mix in with, like, one of them white boy buddy comedies. Kind of like a Van. Not Van Wilder. What's the move? Harold and Kumar type stuff. [00:08:41] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:08:43] Speaker A: It reminded me of all of them mixing together. [00:08:45] Speaker B: Yeah. And it looks like That I didn't. I didn't watch it, but the previews I've seen. Is it good, though? [00:08:50] Speaker C: It was good. [00:08:51] Speaker B: It scissor naked? [00:08:54] Speaker C: No, but she show her body. [00:08:55] Speaker A: Yes. Amazing. [00:08:56] Speaker C: Like, you can see her. You can see her curve. [00:08:59] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm watching today. [00:09:00] Speaker C: Yeah. I was looking at this. I was like, she fine as hell. [00:09:02] Speaker A: Go to the movies to see it. [00:09:04] Speaker B: A movie at the house. [00:09:05] Speaker A: Go to the movies to see it. Spend that dollars. Why we need it. [00:09:08] Speaker B: It's in the movies. [00:09:09] Speaker A: Yeah, it's in the movies. [00:09:10] Speaker B: Oh, I thought it was like a Netflix or. [00:09:12] Speaker A: No, it was a movie. [00:09:13] Speaker B: Oh, for real? [00:09:14] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [00:09:15] Speaker B: I'll be watching at home. [00:09:16] Speaker A: Yeah, that's why we don't got nothing now. Y'all know me. I'll be watching stuff. Abbott elementary is back. So I didn't mention that last week, but you did. I mentioned that last week. [00:09:31] Speaker B: Or if not last week, the week before. [00:09:33] Speaker A: Week before, yeah. [00:09:35] Speaker B: Now you say it's back. [00:09:37] Speaker A: They took a break. [00:09:37] Speaker B: This is like the third time you said that. [00:09:40] Speaker C: Yeah, they've been taking about season five. [00:09:42] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a new season. It started last week. [00:09:44] Speaker B: Oh, so how long is the break? [00:09:46] Speaker A: Is it, like, quick and they. I know they didn't. Maybe they took like a break after Christmas or something like that. Oh, okay. Yeah. [00:09:54] Speaker C: Oh, you mean the hiatus that TV should be doing? [00:09:57] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:09:58] Speaker B: Okay. [00:10:01] Speaker A: Night Agent is back. [00:10:03] Speaker C: What is that? [00:10:03] Speaker A: It's a show on Netflix about a guy. He's a night agent. [00:10:09] Speaker C: Young white kid. [00:10:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:10:10] Speaker C: Oh, he's from. He. He was actually an exo kitty. [00:10:14] Speaker A: Really? [00:10:14] Speaker C: Yeah. Because he. He and the. His love interest, they had their own movie series in the. [00:10:21] Speaker A: In the show. [00:10:22] Speaker C: No, no, it was the movie series first. The TV show is actually a spin off from that movie. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Oh, the movie. Movie series. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. So that's back. [00:10:32] Speaker C: I don't know why I can't get his name in my head right now. [00:10:34] Speaker A: It's not big. [00:10:35] Speaker C: Right there amongst the young girls. [00:10:37] Speaker A: He is really that white girl. [00:10:40] Speaker C: Noah Centeno, Santino, something like that. [00:10:43] Speaker A: Oh, so he's. [00:10:44] Speaker C: He's known. [00:10:45] Speaker A: He might be on that list, then. No Centinos. He might be Italian. [00:10:49] Speaker C: What do you mean? What list? [00:10:51] Speaker A: The Trump. Listen. [00:10:53] Speaker C: No, he's Italian. [00:10:54] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Land man, since you watch Yellowstone. [00:11:01] Speaker B: Yeah, I wanna. I. I didn't start it yet. Dude, Landman is good, so if you like that, then. [00:11:05] Speaker A: That's what I hear. Yeah. Landman is. It's almost over the top, but I don't know. It's good, though. I like It. Yeah, I like. I like it. And the agency. I've been watching that. Yeah, just one of them days. I saw that. And then Jamie Foxx got a new movie with. [00:11:25] Speaker B: Oh, that's the one I shut off. [00:11:26] Speaker A: Cameron Diaz. It's called Back in Action. [00:11:28] Speaker B: That was good, man. [00:11:30] Speaker A: How far did you get? [00:11:32] Speaker B: All the way to when they was chasing them past the. Past. The scene at the gas station. I got a good ways, but just the chemistry. Them together. They should have played like just buddy cops. They should have played husband and wife. I think the chemistry wasn't the same. They look like friends. [00:11:54] Speaker A: Yeah, I wasn't looking for that part. [00:11:55] Speaker C: I gotta watch it. [00:11:56] Speaker B: No, just watch it. [00:11:57] Speaker C: I only seen clips. [00:11:58] Speaker B: I think it's. [00:12:00] Speaker A: I mean, you kind of know. I think you should. There is a twist in that movie and you're not gonna catch it. Nope. [00:12:09] Speaker B: You. [00:12:09] Speaker A: Nobody's gonna figure it out. But it's. It's kind of predictable. [00:12:16] Speaker B: Everything all the way down to the kid eating the candies in the back seat. The Mentos. [00:12:22] Speaker A: Don't tell it. She's not. [00:12:24] Speaker B: No, it's nothing big. It's. It's a scene where the kids eating Mentos and he puts the Mentos, like behind the seat compartment, you know, and later on they end up have to use the Mentos. [00:12:35] Speaker A: But see, and that's the part. Remember when I said don't tell it? I mean, hey, that's telling it. [00:12:39] Speaker B: Whatever. That part is gonna be so quick and fast, like you're not even. It didn't spoil nothing, but they gonna. [00:12:45] Speaker A: Look for it now. But anyway, I enjoy the Mentos. I watched it last night and it is what it is. I mean, you ain't pay no money for it. [00:12:53] Speaker B: Yeah, it's good. [00:12:54] Speaker A: It's good action. It's a good action movie. [00:12:57] Speaker B: I'm surprised you like that, man. [00:12:59] Speaker A: I'm surprised because it ain't billed as like the best thing ever, like, you know what I'm saying? It's just a. I think he should have. [00:13:07] Speaker B: This is his first movie since his break came out. His break? [00:13:13] Speaker A: No, what you call it? Came out? What? They cloned Tyrone. [00:13:18] Speaker B: That was kind of during it. [00:13:21] Speaker A: You mean that he shot since. Yeah, it probably is. [00:13:24] Speaker B: I think he should have did more. More of a serious come out. [00:13:29] Speaker A: Oh, my bad. Cl. [00:13:30] Speaker B: Yeah, you heard it? [00:13:31] Speaker C: Yeah, I heard it that time. [00:13:34] Speaker B: And he talked into the can. [00:13:42] Speaker C: I can't help but. Oh, go ahead. [00:13:44] Speaker B: But yeah, I think. I think he should have did something more serious like a law abiding citizen, you know? You know A serious Jamie Foxx action role. [00:13:53] Speaker A: How many? [00:13:54] Speaker C: Why? You don't think he should. You know how many? [00:13:57] Speaker B: It just give me a. It just. It gives me a feel that he might not be him. [00:14:02] Speaker A: He do more. He do more of them type of roles than the serious Jones, though, huh? He do more of the comedy. [00:14:09] Speaker C: Yeah, he's never done comedy. Serious a lot. [00:14:12] Speaker A: Yeah, he do more of them than the series. Yeah. [00:14:14] Speaker B: No, he don't. [00:14:14] Speaker A: Yeah, he do. [00:14:15] Speaker B: Name two. [00:14:16] Speaker A: Name two. The vampire movie. The one that has Snoop Dogg in it that was on Netflix. [00:14:25] Speaker B: Okay. [00:14:26] Speaker A: You never saw that one. I forgot what it was called. But he was like a vampire hunter and he had a baby that was. Yeah, it's kind of comedy. [00:14:34] Speaker B: Comedy. Yeah. [00:14:34] Speaker A: Yeah. This one they cloned Tyrone. [00:14:38] Speaker B: That wasn't comedy. [00:14:39] Speaker A: That was comedy. His character was a. That was more comedy than anything. It was like a satirical type. Joan. [00:14:45] Speaker B: I guess when I say comedy, I'm thinking of you thinking life. No, I'm thinking of, like, When Harry Meets Sally and, you know, that's a romantic. Yeah. Rom com. [00:14:57] Speaker A: Yeah. This. Most of his movies aren't serious movies. Like, he'll do the Law Abiding Citizens or the Rays or. You know what I'm saying? He'll have a few of them sprinkled in, but for the most part, his stuff is like this to me. What's the one where he had the tattoo in the back of his head? Baby driver. [00:15:14] Speaker C: That was crazy. [00:15:15] Speaker B: Yeah. That wasn't his movie though, right? Oh, he wasn't in a good amount. [00:15:18] Speaker C: He was the villain. [00:15:19] Speaker B: He was. [00:15:20] Speaker C: Yeah, he was the main villain. [00:15:22] Speaker B: Okay. [00:15:22] Speaker A: Okay. [00:15:22] Speaker C: He turned like. [00:15:24] Speaker A: Yeah, so maybe he. Maybe he will, because I think he got like a. He did. What was the power? The one with the girl. [00:15:31] Speaker B: Yeah, the superpowers. [00:15:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I think a Power C or some. [00:15:36] Speaker B: Dang, I can't think of the name. [00:15:37] Speaker A: Power Drink. I don't know. No, no, no, no. He wasn't Super Sale. Super Sale was the show in Britain. [00:15:43] Speaker C: Project Power. [00:15:44] Speaker A: Project Power. [00:15:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:46] Speaker A: I guess that's. [00:15:47] Speaker B: Honestly, I miss his jawhead. And what was the president one, you. [00:15:53] Speaker C: Know, White House Down. [00:15:54] Speaker B: White House Down. [00:15:56] Speaker A: Nah, the one that. Better than all of them. [00:15:59] Speaker B: I don't care. [00:15:59] Speaker A: What a. Say, what's that movie where there was overseas. He was like, CIA type dude and they. [00:16:07] Speaker C: Not sleepless. [00:16:08] Speaker A: No, no, no. And it was like some terrorist shit happened. And he was over there and they were trying to find the guy who made the bombs. What's the name of that movie? They screaming at the. At the podcast right now. Okay. The Kingdom. [00:16:30] Speaker B: Kingdom. Yeah. But, yeah, that was. That was serious. That was like a jawhead. You seen Jawhead? Yeah, that was like that on that kind. That was real good. That was. [00:16:40] Speaker C: That was. That was actually a really good one. [00:16:42] Speaker B: That was, I think, one of his best. [00:16:44] Speaker A: Anytime that movie is on, I'm watching that motherfucker. [00:16:47] Speaker B: That and Stealth, Steph was horrible. No, but I don't know something about it. I think it was above. I think it was. I think it was a step beyond where I was at at the time. [00:16:58] Speaker A: I thought you were a movie snob when you said you didn't like this new movie back in action, but now you took your snob level back down to a regular person when you said you like Stealth. [00:17:07] Speaker B: I did. That was. DVDs, just became big and it had surround sound. That's one of the best. [00:17:14] Speaker A: Oh, you like the production value, not the movie itself. Yeah, I get that movie. All right. All right. [00:17:18] Speaker B: It's like the gym and stuff, you know. [00:17:20] Speaker A: Okay, well, one thing won't be making any more noise is that's a bad segment. [00:17:28] Speaker B: I know what you were going to say, too. Go ahead, walk it out, man. [00:17:32] Speaker C: Damn, y'all going to hell. [00:17:34] Speaker A: I'm. I'm a two step out of that. And that's all the puns we got for that. Cause he ain't got no more songs. Shout out to dj, though. He had what he gonna walk when he died. I mean, he walking it out with him. [00:17:49] Speaker B: I wonder if they're gonna do that dance like, you know, in New Orleans. How they be? [00:17:54] Speaker A: No. Oh, yeah. [00:17:57] Speaker B: I wonder now. [00:17:58] Speaker A: They might do his dance, the Walk it out dance. [00:18:00] Speaker B: I wonder if they could do it. [00:18:01] Speaker A: They can do the Walk it Out dance. Yeah. Sorry, y'all. [00:18:04] Speaker B: We in rare form today. [00:18:05] Speaker C: Yeah, DJ acting like New Yorkers for real right now. Look, I got a hat on paper planes. [00:18:12] Speaker A: Yeah, this ain't paper. Oh, I got. [00:18:15] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:18:15] Speaker A: Shout out the hoe. He passed on the 20. What day did he die? [00:18:22] Speaker B: I think it was, like, two days ago. What's today? [00:18:25] Speaker A: 26. Either way, he died. He was 43. Yeah. They said he was dealing with some unspecified health issues since 2009. I know. I read in one article where it said that he passed like he passed out of something. And they thought he might have had, like a. Might have been a heart attack. So I guess he's been dealing with that for a while. Yeah, you know him from beat down your block, Beating down your block. [00:18:52] Speaker B: Excuse me. [00:18:52] Speaker A: Yeah, Walk it out. [00:18:54] Speaker B: Walk it out was. I think Walk it out Was probably his biggest one. Because of that movie. [00:18:59] Speaker A: Yeah, it was in the. The dancing movie. [00:19:01] Speaker B: What was that? That wasn't You Got Served. That was the other dancing movie. [00:19:05] Speaker A: The one with Chris Brown. [00:19:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:07] Speaker A: Oh, God, I'm sorry. [00:19:09] Speaker C: Stomp the yard. [00:19:10] Speaker A: Stomp the yard. That's what it was. [00:19:11] Speaker B: Yeah. When he came. [00:19:12] Speaker A: I mean, you can come in, you can chime in. She's just letting us die over here. [00:19:17] Speaker B: She just sat there, was like, yeah. [00:19:18] Speaker C: Oh, yes. [00:19:19] Speaker A: Yeah, let's watch these die. Oh, okay. No. [00:19:22] Speaker B: Oh, oh. [00:19:23] Speaker A: Because of this joke. Hey, I didn't laugh. On the mic. [00:19:26] Speaker C: Yeah, on the mic. [00:19:28] Speaker A: Don't let. Don't have me. [00:19:29] Speaker B: His face lit up though. [00:19:30] Speaker A: He's like, I'm trying to be. I'm team player. And then his other track, Two Step. [00:19:35] Speaker B: A two step. Two Step. I think they played both of them. [00:19:39] Speaker C: Both of those songs got remixed a lot. He had a whole lot of stars on. [00:19:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:44] Speaker A: It say his songs was featured on NBA 2K9, so I don't think he might not have died broke. I don't think he died, bro. Cause them songs was pretty big. [00:19:52] Speaker B: They were big, but they were big. And was that 2010, 2012? Probably. That was. That was a big song, though. [00:20:02] Speaker A: Well, Walk it out came out in 06. [00:20:05] Speaker C: Was still being used in movies today. [00:20:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:20:09] Speaker C: So anytime, like it's girls and they gotta go to a party or get ready, you'll hear his song in the background when they walk in the club or something. Old. [00:20:17] Speaker A: Older women. [00:20:18] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:20:18] Speaker A: Like in their 40s. That's crazy. In their 40s. [00:20:21] Speaker B: Not Meril Streak. She's. What? [00:20:26] Speaker A: She's Streep? [00:20:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:20:29] Speaker B: Oh, it's not Streak. [00:20:30] Speaker A: No. Charlemagne. [00:20:33] Speaker B: Hey, if Charlemagne do it too, then. [00:20:35] Speaker A: I mean, no, cuz he can't talk. [00:20:37] Speaker C: Please. [00:20:40] Speaker A: You know something? This says. And he says it right when he just talking. But when he reads it, he says it wrong. Gentlemen. So he'll say, ladies and gentlemen. Or he'll say, gentlemen, this, that, a gentle or whatever. Whatever. But when he reading it, he'll. And I know he's reading it, he'll say, gentlemen. [00:21:00] Speaker B: I mean this. [00:21:01] Speaker C: Who messes that up? [00:21:02] Speaker B: But Charlemagne, there's certain words people can't. [00:21:05] Speaker A: Say, but he says it right certain. [00:21:07] Speaker B: Times when he's saying it. [00:21:09] Speaker A: But if he's reading it, he'll say, gentlemen, yes. [00:21:13] Speaker B: He's a little different too. [00:21:15] Speaker A: Yeah. But shout out to DJ Unk. I'm sure your family will miss you. Condolences to him and his family and we. And that leads us to our emails. Y'all first one is from DJ High Star shout out to High Star from Carolina Sports Talk. [00:21:35] Speaker B: What up? [00:21:36] Speaker A: Shout out to him and Big Cliff. And it's entitled Walk it out. He says, you're. [00:21:42] Speaker C: You're. [00:21:43] Speaker A: What up, y'all? How's it going? Before I begin, RIP DJ Unk. Not sure if any of any details, but we've been losing a lot of folks from our era. That's because you're old. My shout out to Corey Cantrell. [00:22:01] Speaker C: Well, he was scheming. I was beaming. The Beamer, just a beaming. [00:22:05] Speaker A: He put Element. He put LMA in, like, seven O's. I was crying at that impression. He said, my man, be easy. And the B is for basketball. Now, the B was for bench Sunday, because I did not play. They're like, b, you want to go in? I was like, no, I'm good. Go ahead. [00:22:20] Speaker B: Wait, so you didn't play Sunday? [00:22:21] Speaker A: I ain't playing Sunday. [00:22:22] Speaker C: Did y'all lose? [00:22:23] Speaker B: Why the team was looking so good? [00:22:25] Speaker A: Nah, we was all right, but I just ain't. Nah, nah. [00:22:29] Speaker C: Did y'all win? Did y'all lose now? [00:22:31] Speaker A: We lost Sunday. We won yesterday, though. We won by, like 12 yesterday, so. [00:22:34] Speaker C: Oh, how. You didn't talk lot. [00:22:37] Speaker A: I just did. [00:22:38] Speaker C: I'm talking about beforehand. [00:22:39] Speaker A: So my stat line, I played, like. [00:22:41] Speaker C: How was. When we was talking about our weeks and stuff? Yeah, you know, I was boiling. [00:22:46] Speaker A: You know, I pre. Did the email. I pre. Read the email, so I knew we was going to talk about it in the email. So. Yeah, so, you know, I played like 10 minutes. You know what I'm saying? Had one file. One file and one turnover. [00:23:00] Speaker B: All right. Wait, you had a turnover? [00:23:02] Speaker A: I ain't took a shot. [00:23:03] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [00:23:03] Speaker A: Huh? Yeah, I had a turnover, you know, but I had a file, though. I fought a hell out of. I realized I play a little bit more aggressive playing out there than when I normally play. Like, pickup. I'm on nice cause got to go to work. But I hear I'd be like, man, it. I'm a foul if I'm gonna earn my file. I knocked that white boy down. [00:23:19] Speaker C: He was like, damn, black guy right there. [00:23:23] Speaker A: Everybody's big and black out there. [00:23:26] Speaker C: Oh, really? [00:23:26] Speaker A: Yeah. He said, I listen to the music Jones podcast regularly. I usually don't like hearing stories twice. But, bro, you explaining on both podcasts was fantastic. I'm kind of a professional. [00:23:37] Speaker B: Oh, you recycling. You recycling stories? [00:23:40] Speaker A: I mean, it's my life. Can I tell my life to my listeners and his listeners? Oh, okay. You tell stories twice on different Podcasts. No, I know why. Salute. I don't want to say it. Go ahead. Nah, I'm trying to be nice. Salute to you for staying active and hooping, though, albeit against pro am. Y N's and all. Yeah, some of them. This tried to dunk yesterday. Oh, my God. He missed it, though. Corey sounded like Meg the stalling with her Chinese last week. Chinese? [00:24:19] Speaker C: Yes. [00:24:19] Speaker A: You spoke in Chinese. [00:24:22] Speaker C: Oh, but when I was talking about Shanghai. [00:24:26] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:27] Speaker A: Concussions. [00:24:28] Speaker B: And we was like, that ain't no word. Remember? [00:24:30] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Red. Red nose. You on Red Note still? [00:24:37] Speaker C: Yes. [00:24:37] Speaker B: Is it still? [00:24:38] Speaker C: It's still. It's still good. [00:24:40] Speaker A: So you. You're not gonna get. You're not gonna go back on Tick Tock? Is that Chinese? [00:24:45] Speaker C: No, Red Note is lit. [00:24:47] Speaker A: Really? [00:24:48] Speaker C: It's lit. I'm learning. Like, it's. It's very educational in many different ways. So. I mean, it's. It's the same threat that they were saying Tick Tock had. So. [00:24:59] Speaker B: So tell me about this. They got a thing where they're saying sales for iPhones gone up on ebay. [00:25:09] Speaker A: They were saying thousand and stuff like that. People. Some people. I don't know why you would do that, though. Like, these are the people that really don't pay attention to the news and shit like that. So some people, when they. When TikTok went down. [00:25:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:24] Speaker A: People deleted TikTok from their phone. [00:25:26] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:25:26] Speaker B: Okay. [00:25:27] Speaker A: So now for some reason, they can't download it again, like, back on their phone. So people. So people are buying the phones with that. Previously had TikTok and that's what it is. [00:25:35] Speaker B: I wish I find somebody. I got a couple devices with TikTok on there if y'all need it. Well, it's not. It's not 50,000 either. I let it go. [00:25:43] Speaker A: Like, if it's. I want to say a 13 or higher or 14 or higher. Whatever. They were saying that, like, they selling for like two, three thousand dollars. [00:25:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:25:51] Speaker B: I'll let my go for a thousand. [00:25:52] Speaker A: I don't. That's ridiculous. [00:25:53] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm trying to. I'm trying to find my Chinese friend, get some stuff from out there. [00:25:58] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Hair. No, no, they don't. Chinese don't do that. [00:26:04] Speaker C: I don't know. I don't know. But, you know, something just less black. Seem like you got some things towards me today. I don't understand. [00:26:17] Speaker A: Hair. [00:26:18] Speaker C: Because I'm a black girl? [00:26:19] Speaker B: No, because all I want hair. No. All Chinese people own hair stores. [00:26:23] Speaker A: No, that's Koreans. [00:26:27] Speaker C: And that's. Don't let me even they don't really. They're not. They're not doing that out there in their home country. Oh, so okay, they ship it. But I'm just saying they all look alike. [00:26:38] Speaker B: Look, I'm the bad guy now? [00:26:40] Speaker C: I'm gonna find a Chinese friend and get some stuff from out there, especially stationary man. [00:26:48] Speaker B: Okay. [00:26:52] Speaker A: He says boondocks. I officially second that. Okay, we're gonna do that in a couple weeks. Big weekend of football. I'm rooting for Jaden Daniels this weekend. There are mad people not rooting for Taylor Swift and the Chiefs, and I can't blame them. I know what it is, why people get tired of, like, people winning. They start hating it. Like when people like so good and they look for anything, but I don't really care who win. I do want Jaden Daniels to go to the super bowl, though. [00:27:21] Speaker C: Why they talking about Taylor and her. [00:27:23] Speaker A: Man, I have no idea. Cause they Taylor winning. He winning. They been winning. [00:27:28] Speaker C: Damn. Why not? Y'all mad at them. [00:27:30] Speaker A: They just doing their job. [00:27:32] Speaker C: They doing what they do best. [00:27:33] Speaker A: Yep. Yeah, he says, I attended the Baby B Day bash this weekend. No, this week. It was Wednesday. He said, I'm old as shit. Show started at 7. I was ready to leave at like 9. Best performers were certainly Boosie 50, besides DaBaby. I think this must be where Trap Dicky was with 50. [00:27:57] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. And backstage. [00:27:59] Speaker A: Yeah, with Wallow and Gilly. I was wondering why all that was one thing they did was play the TV track behind them and actually perform the lyrics. Most of them younger acts disappointed me with how they performed the track playing before with the track playing Tootsie and Stunner 4. Vegas had the worst performances to me by far. I always think about when Jay Z was gonna perform God did at the Grammys. And he told him to play the instrumental slash TV track behind his damn six minute long verse. What y'all thoughts on it? Y'all seen Jay Z do that before? With, like. They started playing it. He was like, in concert and it was the one with the words. He was like, nah, I don't need the words. I'm saying, play my instrumental. But. [00:28:45] Speaker B: Oh, he said that during the. During the concert? [00:28:47] Speaker A: Yeah, he stopped the song. Yeah. Two Cent. Stunning for Vegas. I don't know none of them. [00:28:53] Speaker B: I didn't know stunning. Faux Vegas was still, you know, popping like that. [00:28:57] Speaker A: And you do reggae? [00:28:58] Speaker B: No, he's a light skinned one that used to be with the baby. Tall, skinny. [00:29:03] Speaker C: How old is this person? [00:29:04] Speaker A: He's probably 30 something. [00:29:05] Speaker B: Yeah, 30 something. [00:29:06] Speaker A: I. I I, I don't. I, I never noticed anybody else with the baby. [00:29:12] Speaker B: You have. [00:29:13] Speaker A: I'm telling you, I haven't. [00:29:14] Speaker B: All right. [00:29:16] Speaker A: I don't remember the baby running around like he was in the Scooby Doo video. [00:29:19] Speaker B: He was in that video, I think with him. [00:29:22] Speaker A: That's it though. I mean, I, I don't remember. I've only seen his video like one time. [00:29:26] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:29:27] Speaker A: The one with the arms, the big arms. Yeah, yeah. This had to be the thing with Trap. Dicky was at with 50 and all of them. But anyway, he said lastly. I don't know if y'all rock with DJ academics. Nope. But the was on the live chat talking real weird to a 15 year old boy. Nigga might have took it too far this time. I've despised this nigga for a minute now. So all this demise is sweet. Also the top. This also, this top five guy got arrested again. Top five guy got arrested again. Clown. Life is Great. What top five guy? [00:30:05] Speaker C: I am pulling it up right now. [00:30:07] Speaker B: Top five guy. Is that the, the, the YouTuber guy? [00:30:13] Speaker A: I don't know, but I know DJ. [00:30:15] Speaker B: I saw a little Corey something. [00:30:19] Speaker A: I saw the thing with DJ academics, a little piece of it, but I didn't want to. The boy was, kept telling him he 15. He was like, he's like, so if, if he was asking him something about if you were someplace with some guy and something, something, something. And the guy said, let me. You. You wouldn't let him. You. And then what? [00:30:37] Speaker C: Yeah, he said that to a 15. [00:30:38] Speaker A: And the kid was like, what? He was like, I'm 15. I saw that part and I was like, what the fuck? I'm not watching this shit. And then I read the comments and people's like, nah, he done, he done whatever, whatever. Like the kid was, the kid kept basically through, through me reading the comments. The kid kept saying, I'm 15, I'm 15. Like, you know, lay off, lay off. Yeah, because I think they were playing a video game or something like that. [00:31:02] Speaker C: So. Toronto rapper top five arrested following gun investigation. Oh, on a gun charge. [00:31:08] Speaker B: So he's a rapper. [00:31:09] Speaker A: Toronto rapper, he don't count. [00:31:13] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't know who that is. [00:31:15] Speaker A: Only, only America. [00:31:16] Speaker C: I've noticed DJ High Star in his emails. He gloats about people dropping off the face of the earth. I'm noticing a trend in his emails. He be like, yeah, this person. That nigga. I'm glad. Oh yeah. Leading to his demise. Yes, I'm happy they're failing. You know what? I hope that this person Lose too. It's just like woo. [00:31:39] Speaker A: And if you ever around him he don't give that that kind of vibe. [00:31:44] Speaker C: So he vents here. [00:31:45] Speaker A: Yeah thank you for. Well I guess we your we his therapist. We your therapist. [00:31:49] Speaker C: Yes he vents here. [00:31:50] Speaker A: Yep. [00:31:51] Speaker C: I mess with it. [00:31:52] Speaker A: Yeah, all good. [00:31:53] Speaker C: All good. [00:31:54] Speaker A: And then we got another email from the homie bmac shout out to you BMAC and the family. He said quick nerd rebuttal. That's the title of this email. He says hello real quick. Your location slash privacy settings along with Siri determine the location of what you search online. L said when he went to the best buy site the set store location wasn't where he actually was. That's due to the settings on his phone. Corey is correct. China among others do not have access to TikTok along with the long list of other apps. I learned from experience through gaming with foreigners lol. They can't legally use any meta apps and more VPNs are how everyone use whatever they want anywhere. Audi 5000. [00:32:41] Speaker B: Yeah, that's a good idea. [00:32:43] Speaker A: Yeah. Get a VPN. That's what people were saying about Tick Tock when they were saying it was going down like get a vpn. Get a vpn. [00:32:51] Speaker B: So see I got. I signed up for fan the gambling. [00:32:56] Speaker A: Oh fanduel. [00:32:57] Speaker B: Fanduel. And we can't use it in South Carolina. [00:33:00] Speaker A: It's some we can use some of them guys do be using but I. [00:33:04] Speaker B: Already put money in it because even. [00:33:05] Speaker C: My when I would get the Mega Million like the jackpot app. [00:33:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:33:09] Speaker C: Can't use it down here. [00:33:10] Speaker A: Nah, it's one state I saw that they would. It was a news article. I saw where they were trying to. No, I'm sorry. We might be getting an app here and they also. No, that's North Carolina but we so like you know you have to use cash to pay for the gambling stuff like the mega mirrors and all that. They're saying they might they trying to get it away. You can use your debit card now. [00:33:31] Speaker B: Oh okay. Yeah because you can't. You can't play lotto with your debit card. [00:33:35] Speaker A: So they trying to get that here. But yeah that app. So what you do with the app? What the Mega Millions app. [00:33:43] Speaker C: Oh, it's gone. [00:33:44] Speaker A: What do you mean it's gone? [00:33:46] Speaker C: I deleted it. [00:33:47] Speaker A: No, I'm saying what do. What's it for? [00:33:48] Speaker C: Oh it's just like if you can't get to the to the store. [00:33:52] Speaker A: Oh you can buy the tickets on the app. Has anyone ever won on the app? [00:33:55] Speaker B: Oh for real? [00:33:56] Speaker C: Yeah, it's like. It's like getting a real ticket. [00:33:59] Speaker A: I don't say. I wonder, has anybody ever won though? [00:34:01] Speaker C: Yeah, they show winners. Oh, people like when, when they read the numbers out, like pick three, pick four, like. [00:34:07] Speaker A: But they'll say this person won on the app. [00:34:10] Speaker C: No, they never specify. [00:34:12] Speaker A: That's what I'm saying. I wonder if somebody. [00:34:14] Speaker C: Because you can actually pick your numbers or quick pick. Oh, it's the same as going into the store. Gas station. [00:34:21] Speaker A: Okay, okay, okay. [00:34:22] Speaker C: Corner store, wherever. Wherever you live. [00:34:24] Speaker B: Yep, yep. [00:34:25] Speaker A: So why would my privacy settings be in Charlotte or something then why would yours be in Charlotte? [00:34:32] Speaker B: I don't know. It's. It's always been like that. Like. Oh, and Best Buy is the main one that I know because like, say I'm going to see if the product is here. I always gotta switch it. [00:34:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:43] Speaker B: And like I said, it could be just my IP address at your house through Spectrum or something like that. [00:34:48] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, thank you for that email being magnet. Nerdy. [00:34:53] Speaker B: Yep. Yep, nerdy. [00:34:57] Speaker A: Have you guys been keeping up with the early things of what your president has been doing? Yeah, so far. [00:35:05] Speaker B: Nah. What. What's. What's new on the list now? [00:35:09] Speaker A: So one of the early things he did was pardon all of the January 6th people. So I want to say it was like 1500 people that got pardoned. [00:35:19] Speaker C: I saw the people that stormed the Capitol. [00:35:21] Speaker B: Yeah, I know exactly who. [00:35:22] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:23] Speaker B: So wait, he pardoned all of them? [00:35:25] Speaker A: All of them. [00:35:26] Speaker B: So, okay, go ahead. [00:35:28] Speaker A: What was you gonna say? [00:35:28] Speaker B: He sent them there. You know, tell everybody exactly. Oh man. [00:35:33] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:35:34] Speaker B: If that's not pull, I don't know. [00:35:35] Speaker A: What is that is. [00:35:37] Speaker B: But they got lucky though. Cause if he didn't get. If he wasn't in office, he wouldn't. He wouldn't be able to pardon them. Well, I mean, they would have been sitting. [00:35:46] Speaker A: Yeah, they would have been sitting. So it was one podcast I listened to. It was last week, week before last. It was a guy, I want to say he was born. He was like Korean American and Chinese American. And eventually he started like going on like getting a lot of his information like YouTube and stuff like that and all of these like far out website like conspiracy theorist type websites. And he turned to be a Trump supporter, wind up going to the Capitol January 6th. He went, whatever. He turned himself in. Cause he thought, you know, nothing gonna happen. And he got charged and then he was supposed to get. He was. He got jail time. So he went on the run. [00:36:28] Speaker B: Oh, wow. [00:36:29] Speaker A: So he Was on the run. He was like, I feel like if Trump get elected, he said he's gonna pardon all of us. Whatever, whatever. So he was on the run for the whole time. And this podcast came out before Trump actually did it. So he was like. I'm just hoping, you know what I'm saying? Oh, so he was. He stayed on the run, didn't get caught. He was moving from place to place. Whatever, whatever. Didn't get caught. So now he. Good. [00:36:50] Speaker B: So wait. Nah, he might still have to serve some time for evading the law because. Oh, wow. [00:36:56] Speaker A: No, because all of the people. Because he pardoned all of them. So, like, it's basically getting taken off. Off the. [00:37:04] Speaker B: Yeah, but they didn't run. He gets a whole new charge just for running. [00:37:08] Speaker A: Who gonna charge him? [00:37:09] Speaker B: I mean, I'm just saying, the Democrats. [00:37:12] Speaker C: He got Trump on his side. [00:37:13] Speaker A: Yeah, he got lucky. Yeah, he got lucky. He was smart, though. I mean, but everybody can't stay gone that long. [00:37:19] Speaker B: Some of them good old boys, they be off the grid. [00:37:21] Speaker A: He Korean. [00:37:22] Speaker B: I'm saying, some of them good old boys. [00:37:24] Speaker A: Yeah, some of them live off the grid. Yeah. One of the guys, too. You remember the guy? I think they called him the something shaman or something. He was like one of the faces you saw with the January 6th. He had the horns and all of that. [00:37:36] Speaker B: Had the horns, yeah. [00:37:38] Speaker A: He was one who got, like, I think one of the most times, because he. You know what I'm saying? [00:37:42] Speaker B: For whatever he did, he was the most noticeable. [00:37:44] Speaker A: Yeah, he was the most noticeable. He got out and he was like, now I'm about to go buy some guns. So. [00:37:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm not surprised at all. [00:37:52] Speaker A: Me either. So a lot of people were talking about, like, some of his executive orders and some of the things that it could affect. So here's some of. He rescinded a lot of Biden's executive orders, and he canceled out 78 of them. [00:38:14] Speaker B: He went down the list, like, delete, delete, delete. [00:38:18] Speaker A: And most of them, according to the White house, they attacked DEI, Climate Change and Green Energy and COVID 19 assistance, which. That's interesting. A lot of people mad about the DEI stuff. Yeah. He signed an order to end diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, including federal departments and agencies. His order also plan also details plans to complete compiler list targeting federal contractors and grantees with DEI programs. So. [00:38:56] Speaker B: Yeah, we're not surprised. [00:38:59] Speaker A: No, we're not. [00:39:00] Speaker C: No. I don't think the d. The. I don't think that's targeting us, per se. I think it's more for the they. Them community. Because, you know, he has a real thing against the LGBTQ community. [00:39:16] Speaker A: I think it's us, too, though. I think it's both. [00:39:19] Speaker C: We. I think we might just be in the crossfire of that because he. He feels really strongly, and he's always. He's never been silent about that. [00:39:27] Speaker A: I think that's just. I don't think. Well, I don't know if he really cares about the. I don't really. [00:39:36] Speaker C: I don't think he cares about us that much to be like, nah, cancel that out. I think it's more them. And then, you know, black people just happen to be in the crossfire that maybe. [00:39:46] Speaker A: So I would. I never. I never even thought about the lgbt, because when. Because people use, like, people think affirmative action and diversity and all of that only is for black people. [00:39:59] Speaker C: Yeah. That's why I was saying, I think bridges in the crossfire. [00:40:03] Speaker A: But the people who benefit y'all. Y'all know who benefit the most from all of that type of stuff, though, right? [00:40:09] Speaker C: Who? [00:40:09] Speaker A: White women. [00:40:10] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:40:11] Speaker A: So they gonna catch it the worst. One thing he also did was it's a hiring freeze on a lot of federal jobs. Some people already got laid off. But then a lot of people, obviously, stories of people that got maybe jobs at the VA or this place or that place. And it was one guy, he was a Trump supporter. He was like. He already had his house packed up. They were about to move, and then they got an email saying that his job has been rescinded because of the hiring freeze or whatever. Yeah, you. [00:40:45] Speaker B: Oh, he might have left in good terms. [00:40:48] Speaker A: It's still a hiring freeze. Where he gonna go back to his old job? [00:40:51] Speaker B: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. [00:40:52] Speaker A: I doubt it. Like you said, recognizing only two genders, he officially directed all federal agencies to only recognize two genders, male and female, which are not changeable. It would be reflected on government documents like passports, visas, global entry cards, and federal personnel records. Also rescinded Biden's transgender rights efforts. He withdraw. Withdrew from who, The World Health Organization. He expresses repeated frustration with the World Health Organization and disappointment with their handling of COVID 19. But it says that. That want to take effect until for another year, calling for the end of birthright citizenship. So, you know, previously, if somebody was just born in the U.S. yeah. [00:41:51] Speaker C: Yeah, I heard about that. [00:41:52] Speaker A: So I think that could affect way more than people just thinking it's like Mexicans or whatever. [00:41:57] Speaker C: Yeah. If. If your parents are immigrants, period, and. [00:42:01] Speaker A: Here illegally or just here, period. Yeah. What if they're here legally and they just here on a visa. You was born here. That still won't mean. [00:42:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, if that. Yeah, I wouldn't give, I wouldn't give citizenship to somebody who just happened to be vacationing here and they give birth. Like. [00:42:19] Speaker A: No, but if you. No, I'm saying if you hear, like on a work visa. [00:42:23] Speaker C: Yeah, you hear legally. Yeah. [00:42:24] Speaker A: You get pregnant, your child is born, your child ain't American citizen. I don't think that's right. [00:42:29] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. That's not right. [00:42:31] Speaker A: Or even if you vacation and you say, well, we want to stay. [00:42:35] Speaker C: Well, yeah, yeah, that's too far. [00:42:39] Speaker B: Too far. We, like, stay. [00:42:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:42:42] Speaker A: Or what if, like, it's like we're. [00:42:44] Speaker C: Vacationing here for a month and I, I, I'm giving birth like, no, can't get no citizenship. [00:42:50] Speaker A: Sound white to you? [00:42:51] Speaker C: No, it's not sounding white of me. It's just like, come on. [00:42:55] Speaker A: So where's the. [00:42:58] Speaker C: If they actually lived here? [00:43:01] Speaker A: What if they was here illegally? [00:43:02] Speaker C: I mean. No, no, no, that's different. [00:43:04] Speaker A: No, I'm saying. [00:43:05] Speaker C: Because they don't grant everybody green cards, which I don't appreciate. [00:43:09] Speaker A: No, well, I'm saying, like, even if they don't get the green card. Whatever, whatever. And the person. Child. The child was born. [00:43:15] Speaker C: Person is here after a certain amount of years, I feel like their child should be a citizen. [00:43:19] Speaker A: What if they came, they was here for, like, maybe like six months, and then they had a child here. [00:43:26] Speaker C: That mean they plan to have their child here. [00:43:30] Speaker A: So you want to send the whole, whole. [00:43:32] Speaker C: No, I wouldn't send the whole family back. [00:43:34] Speaker A: So they vacation, then Let them. [00:43:36] Speaker C: Nah, nah. No. Okay, okay. Vacationing. No. [00:43:41] Speaker A: Okay. [00:43:41] Speaker C: Yeah, for two weeks, and you just happen. Oh, no. That was the plan. [00:43:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:48] Speaker B: Okay. [00:43:49] Speaker A: We see what side you on. [00:43:50] Speaker C: I'm not on. Don't do that. Don't do that. [00:43:56] Speaker A: He restored the death penalty. I'm not for the death penalty. I'm sorry. [00:44:01] Speaker B: I'm for it. [00:44:01] Speaker C: Nah, that's too, that's too, that's too quick. I need him to suffer. [00:44:06] Speaker A: Yeah, suffer in jail. [00:44:07] Speaker C: I need you to suffer someone. [00:44:09] Speaker B: Don't suffer in jail. [00:44:10] Speaker C: Let me call some of the big. [00:44:11] Speaker A: Homies who on the death penalty don't suffer in jail. [00:44:13] Speaker C: Oh, you said you're for it. [00:44:14] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm for it. There's some people, they get in jail and they relax. They like it in jail. [00:44:19] Speaker A: Yeah, but those. [00:44:20] Speaker C: Absolutely right. [00:44:21] Speaker A: But those are people who. Not on the death penalty. I mean, row. [00:44:25] Speaker B: How you know? [00:44:26] Speaker A: Cause all the. I know in Jail in jail for, like, regular. They not on death row. Death row get treated different. [00:44:32] Speaker B: Yeah, but guess what, cuz? [00:44:34] Speaker C: Don't they live in a different block? [00:44:35] Speaker A: Yeah, they be in a different block. They always in their sale. They can't come out. They don't do rectang. [00:44:40] Speaker B: I don't know about. [00:44:41] Speaker A: I'm telling you, they 23 and 1. [00:44:43] Speaker B: I don't know. I know, I know. With that, it would. It would depend on the jail itself. [00:44:49] Speaker A: What, the 23 and 1? Yeah. Death row get treated, you know, I don't think so. [00:44:55] Speaker C: You know how they. They issue the death penalty? I think this is probably just the crazy part of my brain. Like, if y'all just gonna issue them the death penalty, just let the family that's hurting torture them until they die. [00:45:09] Speaker A: She is a part of the u. S. Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment. [00:45:14] Speaker C: It's not CR. Cruel and unusual if they gonna die anyway. [00:45:17] Speaker A: But what if. [00:45:18] Speaker C: What if thousand cuts? [00:45:20] Speaker A: What if you were convicted of something, right, but it turns out you didn't do it? But you've been on cruel and usual punishment, family punishment for all these years and you didn't even do it? [00:45:33] Speaker C: No, I mean, after torturing somebody, you could tell if they did it or not. Huh? [00:45:39] Speaker A: The hollers. [00:45:40] Speaker C: Nah, just give me. If I pull off your finger, you be like, I didn't do it. I might be like, yo, he didn't. He might. [00:45:46] Speaker B: Didn' yeah, right. But you know how many. You know, back in the day, they used to do the, you know, the stoning him. Bring them to the square and hang them and stuff like that. You know how many people? [00:45:59] Speaker C: Or even put them in them. Look, that head. And. [00:46:03] Speaker B: Oh, the guillotine. [00:46:04] Speaker C: Yeah. Thank you. [00:46:06] Speaker B: Yeah, just. Just imagine how many people that probably didn't do what they thought. [00:46:11] Speaker A: Exactly, exactly. Exactly. She's a witch. Let's burn her. And if she stays alive, she's a witch. But if she died, we was wrong. Everybody died, so. Oh, we was wrong a lot. She got crystals around her neck. [00:46:26] Speaker B: I was gonna say the same thing. [00:46:29] Speaker A: Hey, this funny? [00:46:30] Speaker B: What do you mean he got killed? [00:46:31] Speaker A: It was. It was like maybe three, four years ago. Was like, man, they trying to turn us into. What's that show that comes on, hulu? And it's like the wives, like the women. Oh, God. What's the name of the show? I watched it too. Met up handmaid's tale. They trying to turn this into the handmaid's tale. It might happen. Because you think the handmaid's tale was like, in the back. The olden days at first, but that really was like, the future. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the government. Something happened in. In the usa. And I don't know if it was like a civil war or something. But anyway, to where like, the government just really went totally, like super conservative. And it was. It was. It was wild. But you think stuff like that can happen. And you think, like, you can do whatever you want now and all of that. And the government only has so many rights and all of that. But no, people will fall in line and they will do whatever just to stay alive. [00:47:41] Speaker C: Yes, they would. [00:47:42] Speaker A: Because you think like, people think like Nazi Germany was so long ago. Some of them people still living. [00:47:49] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:47:50] Speaker A: That went through it or was doing the stuff. And it could happen again. [00:47:55] Speaker C: I need people to educate themselves. I was in the shoe store. What were you doing? Getting shoes. [00:48:02] Speaker A: I'm glad you said that. Just like that, too, because that was a dumb question. Was you in the shoe store getting cookies? Not. You know what I'm saying? Anyway, go ahead. [00:48:11] Speaker C: No, but his. His daughter work in the shoe store, so. [00:48:13] Speaker A: Oh, really? [00:48:14] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:48:16] Speaker B: You know. [00:48:19] Speaker A: Which one? [00:48:21] Speaker B: The one in the mall. [00:48:23] Speaker A: Shoe. Showing them all. Okay, all right, all right. Don't say it. Don't say it. Yeah, yeah. [00:48:29] Speaker C: Everybody gonna be like, so. L can. You're. [00:48:32] Speaker A: I'm. [00:48:32] Speaker C: Everybody hook us up. [00:48:34] Speaker B: They're just gonna be going to her. Hey, I'm Elle's friend. [00:48:36] Speaker A: 30 off. You gotta. [00:48:38] Speaker C: Nah, she getting commission. [00:48:40] Speaker A: She get commission? [00:48:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:48:42] Speaker A: I mean, see a 30 off. [00:48:45] Speaker C: No, but I was. [00:48:47] Speaker A: That's why you come in here with all them New Balances on. [00:48:50] Speaker B: Nah, they don't have the ones I got. Oh, that's what I. I'll be mad at her. [00:48:53] Speaker A: You can order. [00:48:55] Speaker B: Yeah, she can order, but I don't think she deals with, you know, the higher end ones. The 90 60s. [00:49:01] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:49:02] Speaker A: So anyway, you was in the shoe store. [00:49:03] Speaker C: Yeah, I was in the shoe store. And I. It was this mother with her two sons. And her sons were probably, like, between the ages of 11 to 13. And they're behind me and I'm trying to pair shoes on. And he's like, what, mom? And I'm just like, why are you talking? He said, you don't know who Anne Frank is? His mama don't know our, like, generation. [00:49:30] Speaker A: Oh, that's on her. [00:49:31] Speaker C: And she. She was like, what do you mean? He's like, anne Frank. Who's that? And they were like, she was in the Holocaust. Really? Yeah. The Diary of Anne Frank. Oh, I never read that book. And I Said she ain't go to class. Everybody was forced to read. You had to read that book. [00:49:50] Speaker A: No, she. She went. She had to have gone. [00:49:53] Speaker C: No, she was dead serious. [00:49:55] Speaker A: She just forgot. [00:49:56] Speaker C: No, no, she was serious because you, You. [00:50:00] Speaker A: You do. [00:50:00] Speaker C: She was like, no, I don't. I never heard that name. Who is that? And they're really trying to educate Diary. [00:50:05] Speaker A: Of Anne Frank Middle School. So that's what I'm saying is like the age. The age that you have to do the diary. Van Frank, you kind of like, too young to not to skip school. [00:50:19] Speaker C: I get it. And she was just a dummy. [00:50:23] Speaker A: Maybe she just didn't pay attention. [00:50:26] Speaker C: But her, her, her sons, they were really sitting up there trying to explain to her the Holocaust and. And Anne Frank. And she was just like, did she. [00:50:34] Speaker A: Not know what the Holocaust was? [00:50:35] Speaker C: No. [00:50:36] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. [00:50:37] Speaker C: I said, God damn. [00:50:38] Speaker B: She didn't know what it was. [00:50:39] Speaker C: Once she said that, I was like. [00:50:41] Speaker B: No, but you got to think about it. [00:50:42] Speaker C: Somebody can have my shoes, please. [00:50:44] Speaker B: Some of these people in the area grew up in the woods. [00:50:48] Speaker A: No, no, not around our age. [00:50:49] Speaker C: Not her. Not her. And she. Because her. She was fly and her sons was fly. Like, they was. They was dressed. [00:50:58] Speaker A: Colored gal, huh? [00:50:59] Speaker C: Yes. [00:51:00] Speaker A: Oh, that's. There you go. [00:51:04] Speaker C: It was so disappointing, man. [00:51:07] Speaker B: We should have just left it. We shouldn't have said no. [00:51:10] Speaker A: Race. [00:51:10] Speaker B: We should just left it. [00:51:11] Speaker A: No, no, we need to. [00:51:13] Speaker C: No, it's a lot of shout out. [00:51:14] Speaker A: To Trump and dei, get rid of the dm. Wild power. [00:51:20] Speaker B: Wide is right. [00:51:22] Speaker C: Sounds about. Sounds white. Sounds about white. That's what they say. Sounds about white. [00:51:29] Speaker B: I can't wait for some of my co workers to hear this episode. The heroes yelling is white power. [00:51:36] Speaker C: And why y'all yelling? [00:51:39] Speaker B: You know? [00:51:40] Speaker A: Oh, my God, this nigga be Max in another email. [00:51:44] Speaker B: Let's go. [00:51:45] Speaker A: Drop it. He says, what it is, what it ain't. Yo, what's the word? Show family. I won't say the yearly joke that Easy hates. You know, the Happy New Year. [00:51:55] Speaker C: Haven't seen you since last year. [00:51:57] Speaker A: There you go. However, I'm glad to be here in the new year, sending my favorite show an email. So boom. Like, I had to. Had a lot of shit to talk about, but I forgot it. I just remember pieces like Drake's a Karen, but that's always been him. I don't like this gym and cam beef. Of course you don't. He was. He's. He's a diplomat. Yeah, he a diplomat. [00:52:26] Speaker B: Everybody was a diplomat at one time. [00:52:27] Speaker A: Not everybody. You was a diplomat. [00:52:30] Speaker B: I was too old. [00:52:31] Speaker A: Exactly. So everybody couldn't have been a diplomat. [00:52:34] Speaker B: I mean, everybody loved it, though. [00:52:36] Speaker A: I did. [00:52:37] Speaker C: Me and Cam. [00:52:37] Speaker A: It was cool. [00:52:39] Speaker C: Me and Cam got into a little. [00:52:40] Speaker A: Argument in real life. [00:52:41] Speaker C: Tiffan. Real life. Well, not. It wasn't an argument. [00:52:44] Speaker A: I was y'all rapping about. [00:52:45] Speaker C: I mean, I was a teenager. I was a teenager. What was that night? [00:52:50] Speaker A: So he was like, 40? [00:52:51] Speaker C: No, I was. No, I was. I was young. You remember when he went on that pink shirt spree? [00:52:57] Speaker A: You call him the F word? [00:52:58] Speaker C: No, no, I would never use that word. [00:53:02] Speaker A: Okay. I mean, it's Trump's America. You can say whatever you want. [00:53:04] Speaker B: Oh, we are. [00:53:05] Speaker C: No, not on this show. I know trans people. I know trans people, and those are dear to me. [00:53:12] Speaker A: Trans people aren't the F words, though. [00:53:14] Speaker C: Anyway, like I was saying, I was in Harlem with my sisters and friends, and he was. He was driving. He was in his limo. [00:53:24] Speaker A: Fat Sean hit the block door. [00:53:27] Speaker C: He was looking for something. I can't remember where it was. It was, you know, around the popular areas in Harlem. And he was just like this outside the sunroof of the limo, and everybody was like, what's he looking for? And I was like, a new shirt. Take that stupid pink shirt off. [00:53:43] Speaker B: You said that. [00:53:44] Speaker C: I did. [00:53:45] Speaker A: And what did he say? [00:53:45] Speaker C: And then. And then they. And they ended up stopping, and he was like, what'd you say? [00:53:50] Speaker A: He called you the B word. [00:53:51] Speaker C: No, no, no. I was a. I was a kid. [00:53:53] Speaker A: You still could have been called the B word. It's not a. It's a valid question. [00:53:57] Speaker C: He was like, what'd you say? I said, you need a new shirt. And he started laughing. He was like, I don't think that was real. I don't think. He was like, I don't think that's real supportive of you. And I was like, I am supporting you. I think you need a new shirt because people is getting old. [00:54:15] Speaker A: Oh, this is like, after. This is not the height of the pink shirt. [00:54:18] Speaker C: Yeah, it was. It was like towards the end of the pink shirt. It was the summertime. [00:54:22] Speaker B: Yeah, but that. Yeah. In the hood, the pink shirt was like. Once you see a dirty pink shirt. [00:54:28] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:54:30] Speaker C: I was like, you need a new. You need a new shirt. And they was like. They was just like, yo, don't say that. [00:54:35] Speaker A: Don't say that. [00:54:36] Speaker C: And I was like, no. I was like, I care. Nobody else is going to tell you you need a new shirt. [00:54:42] Speaker A: Then he. He climbed back into limos, like, pull up my back. [00:54:44] Speaker C: Nah, he he was doing st. Was. He was supposed to be in that area. I just happened to be in that area. But I was a kid. I was stupid and young. Now I'm just stupid. [00:54:56] Speaker A: But now he don't wear pink no. [00:54:57] Speaker C: More and we're big no more. If he would remember that. [00:55:02] Speaker A: Probably not a lot of probably told him that he need another shirt. [00:55:05] Speaker C: He probably. He probably. [00:55:06] Speaker A: He kind of petty. He might remember. [00:55:08] Speaker C: He probably wouldn't remember my face. [00:55:11] Speaker A: Some of the best but some of the best barbers where I'm at about to be snatched by ice. Speaking of ice. [00:55:21] Speaker C: Yo Wild. [00:55:23] Speaker A: My B day got snowed in so I was lady and the beast courtesy in my house while my daughter was out on melatonin. Shout out to baby number two on the way. Yep, she be blocking very bad. I laughed at myself as I'm writing this and forgot the rest. God damn. Let me get out of here. Lol. He said much love wake apnea that was all over the place. But shout out to you and your wife having sex while y'all snowed in. [00:55:56] Speaker B: And while you were drugging your baby. [00:55:58] Speaker A: Drugging your baby. [00:55:59] Speaker C: Gotta do what you gotta do. [00:56:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:56:01] Speaker C: Gotta get in when you fit in. [00:56:03] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know if I could. God damn. Having to wait for the child look you talking about. [00:56:08] Speaker C: I don't know if I. You never know what you are capable of. [00:56:12] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:56:13] Speaker C: I know what I'm capable of. [00:56:14] Speaker A: I know what I'm capable of with. [00:56:17] Speaker C: That rack and peanut butter skin. [00:56:19] Speaker A: That peanut butter skin. I know what I'm capable of. You're fat ass capable of eating a whole Zaxby's bowl in one sitting. That's what you capable of, big man. What else this week before we get out of here? Anything other news we talked about? Oh, some. Some, Some all. Since you know this Trump stuff is going on. No more dei. Federally a lot of companies have come out and said that they're getting rid of their DEI initiatives. If you were, if you will. One of the biggest ones that people are upset about is Target. They said that with joining, you know, some of the other chains like Walmart and a number of other prominent American brands and scaling back their diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. They have come under attack from conservative activists. Say they got 2, 000 stores and 400000 employees. They say they already plan to end their racial program this year. [00:57:35] Speaker C: But yeah, my question is why is this for just y'all just getting rid of it and y'all still gonna, you know, include everyone it's like, oh, it's new day, let's throw this out the window because we're all equal. But it's like, is that their reason? You know what I mean? [00:57:57] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:57:57] Speaker C: It's like, why? What's the why? [00:58:02] Speaker A: So the. [00:58:04] Speaker C: That's because nobody else, Nobody's talking about that part. Like, oh yeah, getting rid of it because like, are we just all seen as equal now and then everybody's just gonna get. If you can, if you're good for the job, you get hired. [00:58:17] Speaker A: Well, it's not about the jobs per se, it's about like placement in black owned businesses. In the stores too. So this one lady. Oh, God. Kiera Fernandez says many years of data, insights, listening and learning have been shaping the next chapter in their strategy. And as a retailer that serves millions of customers every day, we understand the importance of staying in step with the evolving external landscape now and in the future. Meaning your country's going extra racist so we can go extra races too. That's how I read that in the article says there's no doubt the US civil rights landscape has undergone a massive transformation in the five years since much of corporate America adopted DEI goals in response to the Black Lives Matter protests that followed George Floyd's death in Minneapolis. Oh, that is right. George Floyd happened in Minneapolis and that's where Target is headquartered. So they would see more of the protests and stuff like that. And it's closer to them, so they might have done a little extra for the civil rights type stuff. It says in 2020 they pledged to give $10 million to social justice initiatives and to rebuild areas of the Twin Cities damaged by the riots. At the time, Target leaders said they wanted to increase their Black workforce by 20% over the next three years. So I mean, if they did that, it ain't like those 20, those, you know, 20% of people. [00:59:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:59:57] Speaker A: Fire. That just might mean they ain't gonna hire no more. [01:00:00] Speaker C: Right. [01:00:01] Speaker A: Or they won't put it as a priority. [01:00:05] Speaker C: Stay tuned. [01:00:06] Speaker A: Yeah, a lot of people saying they ain't gonna go there. Other places that have gone against it. Like I said, Walmart, McDonald's, Ford. [01:00:14] Speaker C: Yeah. Everybody's like, oh, I have no way to shop now. Like, yo, calm down, relax. [01:00:19] Speaker B: Not calm down. [01:00:20] Speaker A: Harley Davidson, John Deere and Lowe's. [01:00:22] Speaker C: You have no choice. [01:00:24] Speaker A: Yeah, some stuff you don't have a. [01:00:25] Speaker C: Choice for, stuff you really don't have a choice. [01:00:27] Speaker A: Yeah, I mean like Target. Some people go grocery shopping in Target. Go to full line. [01:00:36] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:00:37] Speaker A: Go to has teeter. You know what I'm saying like now. [01:00:42] Speaker C: If you need like stationary stuff and you know, things that those stores don't. [01:00:46] Speaker A: Have, it's like go to Office Depot. [01:00:50] Speaker C: Yeah. Just go online somewhere. [01:00:52] Speaker A: Yep. There's some stuff you can. [01:00:54] Speaker C: But that whole. I got nowhere to shop. [01:00:56] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. What's the lady in it? Tabitha Brown. She had just Because a lot of her stuff is in Target. Like her clothes and. Yeah, her seasonings and all of that stuff is in there. And she just posted a. It was just a. It was very black. Just her just making faces, eating some grapes or something. Just like, mm, mm. And everybody knew it. It was about Target. So I think she did another post where she was like talking. But just support black businesses. I guess that's it. And you don't have to go to Target. [01:01:29] Speaker C: Get y'all get your websites up. Start pushing those so people could just buy online and stop taking 20 years to send people that shit. [01:01:37] Speaker B: Mm. [01:01:39] Speaker A: Sometimes it's. [01:01:40] Speaker C: No, no, no. It's a, It's a couple of companies that's real popular. [01:01:44] Speaker A: Like what? Name one. [01:01:46] Speaker C: You know what? I am gonna name them. Go ahead. So you go natural. [01:01:50] Speaker A: Never heard of it. [01:01:51] Speaker C: Ygn, that's what they called. [01:01:52] Speaker A: Maybe they make it the order. [01:01:55] Speaker C: Nah, I. No, they make like turbines and stuff. Head wraps and whatnot. Oh, and I ordered one, a swim cap from them. It took mine like three months to get here and they were like, oh yeah, it's back ordered. It was back ordered when I ordered it and it was like, oh, it's gonna take four weeks to get shipped out. Cool. I don't got a problem with that. I know. And then eight weeks happen. Then I'm emailing like, what is, what's, what's going on? If it's going to take that long, at least communicate. And a lot of black owned companies be doing that. [01:02:30] Speaker A: They don't have the infrastructure, which is. [01:02:33] Speaker C: Like, yo, I don't want to not support support, but y'all make it hard. [01:02:39] Speaker A: You could have got it tomorrow if you went on Amazon. So the white man's ice is colder. [01:02:45] Speaker C: I'm sorry, I'm just saying. [01:02:48] Speaker B: Tastes just as good as white pie. [01:02:50] Speaker C: Now I'm not saying you go natural stuff is bad. They, they're. Their swim cap is ridiculously. I don't even have enough. It's amazing. Yes, I swim. Why? Because I'm black? [01:03:03] Speaker A: No, I just, I don't know. I'm just asking. Do you go swimming? [01:03:05] Speaker C: Yeah, but I bought their, I bought their swim cap because it keeps your hair completely dry and it's a turban. It's like a rap rap type thing because. But it's like the fact that it works makes me upset that y'all take this long to get y'all stuff out, which frustrates people. [01:03:25] Speaker A: Maybe they had to go and grow. Maybe I had to grow the cotton. They had to pick the cotton and then turn it into silk or whatever and then send it to you. [01:03:35] Speaker C: Are we done? [01:03:36] Speaker A: Where does it come? [01:03:36] Speaker C: I just need them to do better. [01:03:37] Speaker A: Maybe in the U. S. You sure? [01:03:39] Speaker C: I'm positive. [01:03:40] Speaker A: Maybe it come from China and they say it's us. [01:03:44] Speaker C: They were on Shark Tank. [01:03:46] Speaker A: Oh, really? [01:03:46] Speaker C: They got a deal. [01:03:48] Speaker A: Oh, they ain't got no excuse. Then you should have sent something to Mark Cuban. Who was they? [01:03:52] Speaker C: Remember? I can't remember who. Actually, I think the. The black Damon. [01:03:56] Speaker A: Exactly. [01:03:57] Speaker C: That's why it was. It was Fubu, this big black guy right there. [01:04:01] Speaker A: He's next. So did y'all watch the inauguration? [01:04:06] Speaker C: No. [01:04:06] Speaker B: No. [01:04:07] Speaker A: Did you see clips? [01:04:07] Speaker C: That's just because I just didn't watch it. It wasn't that I didn't want to watch it. [01:04:11] Speaker A: Oh, so y'all didn't see. [01:04:12] Speaker C: I was busy. [01:04:13] Speaker A: Y didn't see Elon Musk doing high out Hitler? [01:04:15] Speaker C: I heard about that. I heard about that. [01:04:18] Speaker A: All right. Throwing it right up in your face. [01:04:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:04:21] Speaker A: Speaking of Holocaust. [01:04:22] Speaker C: Right? That's. [01:04:23] Speaker A: I bet that lady would have seen that and was like. Well, he did. She just was like, what's up? [01:04:26] Speaker B: Yeah, he was. He was saluting him. [01:04:28] Speaker A: He was a Salute. Yeah. And people was trying to, like. He just said, he. He's autistic. And he just said, I'm throwing my heart to you. [01:04:36] Speaker B: He's autistic. Oh, okay. [01:04:42] Speaker C: I mean, it would explain. He is. He is smart. Very smart. [01:04:47] Speaker A: Who says he's smart? Is he smart? [01:04:50] Speaker C: I don't know. They act like he's Iron Man. [01:04:52] Speaker A: I. I read somewhere, like, he really don't be coming. [01:04:54] Speaker C: I don't. I don't know enough about Elon Musk. [01:04:58] Speaker A: Like, I know he's from South Africa. [01:05:01] Speaker C: Yeah. I don't know enough about him to say so. [01:05:04] Speaker B: He is smarter. [01:05:05] Speaker C: He's not. [01:05:06] Speaker B: He is Iron Man. [01:05:07] Speaker C: That's what they call him. [01:05:08] Speaker B: Okay. [01:05:09] Speaker A: Why? See, why you say he Ironman. [01:05:10] Speaker B: I mean, same thing. You know, what the father. Stop. [01:05:14] Speaker A: You know, I want to get to what you're saying, because I don't. Yeah. [01:05:18] Speaker B: They say that he's like an Iron man type of guy. Not the Iron man itself, but the character. [01:05:26] Speaker C: Yeah. Like, he came from a lineage of A smart guy like his, his father's smart. And now Elon Musk is trying to figure things out and help the world. And he's very smart. That's what Tony was doing at first. [01:05:44] Speaker A: Well, so Iron man daddy was smart and came up with and worked for the government. [01:05:50] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [01:05:52] Speaker A: What you call a daddy. [01:05:54] Speaker C: I don't know what was from South. [01:05:55] Speaker A: Africa and had like a diamond mine. [01:05:57] Speaker B: He had a lot of. [01:05:58] Speaker A: He had money stolen from Africa. [01:06:01] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:06:01] Speaker B: And we was in there probably picking it, of course. [01:06:05] Speaker C: But I'm just saying, like the. [01:06:06] Speaker A: It was. It was a mineral mine, a gemstone. I don't think it was diamonds, but it was some kind of. It was some kind of minds that. [01:06:12] Speaker B: Owned or whatever, a lot of money. [01:06:14] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I ain't gonna call this goofy ass no damn Iron man that. [01:06:21] Speaker C: I don't know enough about either one of us to say anything really. [01:06:29] Speaker A: I did read that he like, he didn't come up with Tesla, he just bought the company. [01:06:33] Speaker C: Yeah, I heard he didn't come up and took over. [01:06:35] Speaker A: Whatever. So. But I know what a car I'm not buying. [01:06:39] Speaker C: I. This girl, she was on. She was on tick tock. Crying about her Tesla because she was like, I didn't even drive far and it's dead and I always have to re up on energy. It's just. It costs so much money. Like she was bawling like it was the worst thing she could have done was buy that Tesla, sell it to a white person. [01:06:59] Speaker A: Now they might like it. [01:07:00] Speaker C: She was white. [01:07:02] Speaker A: Oh, she was white. [01:07:03] Speaker B: Oh, she recorded herself or somebody was recording her. [01:07:06] Speaker C: No, she was in her car crying, going viral. [01:07:10] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. So nobody really said anything about. I haven't seen any too much negative stuff about Elon doing a hand gesture. I did say the anti defamation. [01:07:25] Speaker C: Nobody's saying anything. I was on, on online social media, nobody's really saying anything, but a lot of people just like. You saw that. [01:07:33] Speaker A: Well, you saw it. I mean like the, you mean the, the news news or. [01:07:39] Speaker C: Yeah, they're not gonna say nothing. Jewish people, if that's what. Oh, yeah, I ain't seen too much. [01:07:46] Speaker A: You know what I'm saying? [01:07:47] Speaker B: So the video I saw, it wasn't a full motion video. It was like some kind of glitch on the video. When I saw it, I wasn't sure if it was like, if they really. If he did that all in one motion. [01:08:01] Speaker C: Yeah, I just saw a picture of him like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw. [01:08:04] Speaker A: He was like, yeah, he threw that mother hard too. [01:08:08] Speaker C: No, yeah. [01:08:09] Speaker A: His half shifted hard. He threw it. [01:08:13] Speaker C: Yikes. [01:08:14] Speaker A: You know, white people have. Black people have locks, white people have tresses. His traces shifted a bit. Yeah. Let's see. Anything else happened this week of note? It ain't really nothing else that happened this week. Y'all got anything else that happened this week that was interesting? [01:08:34] Speaker C: No. [01:08:35] Speaker A: I guess because everybody was locked up in the house with the snow and the ice across. [01:08:41] Speaker C: Yeah, across the Southern states and stuff. It snowed in Florida. [01:08:45] Speaker A: It snowed in Louisiana. [01:08:47] Speaker C: Yeah. It's crazy snow every now. [01:08:51] Speaker A: Now and then. [01:08:51] Speaker C: Yeah, every now and then. [01:08:53] Speaker A: I don't mind, Nicole. [01:08:54] Speaker B: Nope. I'd rather the cold. [01:08:56] Speaker A: Me, too. [01:08:57] Speaker C: I'm for spring and fall, Spring and fall, Summer and winter can both kiss my entire ass. [01:09:03] Speaker A: Summer can. I don't like summer. [01:09:05] Speaker C: Kiss my ass. [01:09:06] Speaker A: It ain't nothing in summer. It ain't no football, ain't no basketball in summer. [01:09:11] Speaker C: I can tolerate a summer down here more than New York, though. [01:09:13] Speaker A: Why? [01:09:14] Speaker C: Because New York is straight humidity. [01:09:17] Speaker A: It ain't humidity down here. [01:09:19] Speaker C: It's more dry. Like you. You walk from my. In my neighborhood, if you walk. If you leave my building and walk to the corner, your back is soaked. Immediately soaked. I thought it'd be humid in the nasty. It's more dry here. It's less humid here. Trust me, when I say it like, I don't even want to talk about it. [01:09:47] Speaker A: So. Yeah. I hope you guys ate a lot of soup this week. [01:09:52] Speaker C: Because it was cold. [01:09:53] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:09:55] Speaker B: Chili and Chili. [01:09:56] Speaker C: Hot chocolate. [01:09:59] Speaker B: Hot chocolate. [01:10:04] Speaker C: Okay. [01:10:05] Speaker B: I mean, do you do, like, a special hot chocolate or something? [01:10:09] Speaker C: I mean, if I have my vegan marshmallows. [01:10:11] Speaker A: Vegan marshmallows? [01:10:12] Speaker C: Yes. Marshmallows have pork in it. Gelatin. [01:10:16] Speaker B: Yeah, we know. [01:10:16] Speaker C: Don't eat it. [01:10:17] Speaker A: Marshmallows got pork. [01:10:18] Speaker B: And what about the gummy bears? We be. [01:10:20] Speaker C: I do not eat gummy bears. You know, you full of. [01:10:22] Speaker A: Oh, she cursed. [01:10:23] Speaker B: What about jelly beans? [01:10:24] Speaker C: When do I eat jelly beans? [01:10:26] Speaker B: What about Crest? [01:10:27] Speaker C: You're ridiculous. [01:10:28] Speaker A: Chris got pork. [01:10:29] Speaker C: No, I use hello. What about ho or toms? [01:10:33] Speaker B: Okay. [01:10:34] Speaker A: Chris got pork. [01:10:35] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:10:36] Speaker C: See how he be. You coming for me today? [01:10:39] Speaker B: I'm not Hostess Cakes. [01:10:40] Speaker A: I'm off my dean. [01:10:41] Speaker C: I don't eat no damn Hostess Cakes. [01:10:43] Speaker A: I've been off my dean all this time. [01:10:45] Speaker B: Yeah, man. It's in a lot of stuff. [01:10:47] Speaker C: It's in a lot. It's in a lot. You don't care, right? You don't care. [01:10:55] Speaker B: Let me get a pork chop sandwich. [01:10:57] Speaker A: That's all, folks. It's all the show you like pork in here? [01:11:04] Speaker C: I'm looking at you. I don't not care how I eat pork bread. [01:11:08] Speaker A: I don't give a. Like, I get a whole pork sandwich. Ham. [01:11:13] Speaker B: A pork sandwich. Let me get a pork chop sandwich to take the bread off. [01:11:16] Speaker A: Let me get a pork chop sandwich with bacon in the middle. The bread will be two pieces of pork. They made that at klc. Had that one time. [01:11:25] Speaker C: Get out of here. [01:11:26] Speaker A: It was a chicken sandwich. Oh, yeah, the bread was chicken. Like chicken patties. [01:11:31] Speaker B: Yeah, Yeah. [01:11:32] Speaker A: I forgot what they call it if. [01:11:34] Speaker C: That ain't a clogged artery. [01:11:36] Speaker A: They called it the Jason Whitlock or some. I don't know what. You know, Jason Wick. Life is. Yeah, you do. [01:11:41] Speaker B: You know, I'm about to do my homework. Oh, that guy. [01:11:48] Speaker A: Hey, I'm. [01:11:49] Speaker B: I'm telling you. Y'all know his lines word for word. [01:11:52] Speaker A: It's only. He only got one memorable line. [01:11:54] Speaker B: What the. Peanut butter skin. [01:11:56] Speaker A: Peanut butter skinny butter skin. I don't know what I'm capable of with that big rack. [01:12:05] Speaker C: You don't watch espn, right? No, it was. Gosh. [01:12:11] Speaker A: Jesus Christ. [01:12:11] Speaker C: Who was this guy? [01:12:12] Speaker A: That was the longest side ever. [01:12:14] Speaker C: No, it was this guy. [01:12:16] Speaker A: Wake at me. A nigga. [01:12:17] Speaker C: What is this? What's his name? It's gone out of my head. [01:12:20] Speaker A: Not Stephen A. [01:12:21] Speaker C: No, it's a younger guy. He was dressed so foolishly. [01:12:25] Speaker A: Oh, probably Ryan Clark. No, it's not Ryan Clark. No, he's not Cam Newton. [01:12:31] Speaker C: Cam Newton. [01:12:32] Speaker A: Oh, you okay? That's not a hat. And them glasses. [01:12:35] Speaker B: Yeah, that's nothing. [01:12:36] Speaker A: Did you see the nigga look like. [01:12:39] Speaker C: Look, like I said, if this black man don't look foolish. [01:12:44] Speaker A: Yeah, Cam, you know, just let. [01:12:46] Speaker C: Oh, why y'all let him on camera like that? [01:12:49] Speaker A: What you gonna tell somebody who dressed like that on purpose? [01:12:52] Speaker C: Turn. Take the. No, if it's my. If it's my network, you can't wear that. Take that off. [01:12:58] Speaker B: That's what he's known for. He's the one that started the hat sick frenzy. [01:13:02] Speaker C: No, it was ridiculous this time. [01:13:04] Speaker A: When did you see that? [01:13:05] Speaker C: A few days ago. [01:13:06] Speaker A: He did. He had the glasses on with the chains? [01:13:09] Speaker C: Yes. [01:13:10] Speaker A: Yeah, man, he have. [01:13:11] Speaker C: No, it was. It was ridiculous. [01:13:14] Speaker A: He have on them hats what Wear when they ride horses and they have a symbol on it. But then he got it sticking on. [01:13:19] Speaker B: You know, he got his dreads coming out. [01:13:20] Speaker A: Yeah, he got them locks and them wicks. [01:13:23] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:13:23] Speaker A: And then he have these glasses. That's grandma cat lens glasses. But then he have a chain that come from that Go around his neck. [01:13:29] Speaker B: Oh, the grandma joint? [01:13:31] Speaker A: Yeah, like the librarians, like. [01:13:32] Speaker C: No, it was. It was really. It was really stupid. Stupid. [01:13:36] Speaker A: I told my. It was like Thursday. I was like, man, y'all turn the ESPN look at first take. Cam Newton look like. I. I don't know. I'm gonna tell you, the craziest somebody dresses, the more I don't have to say to them, because if they think that's normal, their reactions won't be normal. Like that just fool as hell. And then he had on the collar. Shirt with a. With a silver bow tie. Oh, but the collar was flipped up and then he had on like a. [01:14:04] Speaker C: It was secondhand embarrassment. Like, that's my cousin or something. [01:14:08] Speaker A: You know that pull over you wear like. And they got the half zip. Yeah, yeah, he had one of those on, but it was like more dressy. He had one of those on top of it. Zip down with the. And then his collar. [01:14:17] Speaker C: You know when you see a black person making a fool of themselves and you get embarrassed, like, oh, my God, now they gonna lump us together. Like, that was like. That was that moment. Like. [01:14:26] Speaker A: But see, he. He'd be on the show with more well dressed people, so I don't get embarrassed by him. I think he just looks like a. I get embarrassed. [01:14:32] Speaker B: Did he look like he came from Bridgington? [01:14:34] Speaker C: No. At that show, he looked like. He looked like he came from multiple centuries. [01:14:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, he looked like he came from. [01:14:41] Speaker C: It wasn't just one. [01:14:42] Speaker A: He like, he came from Bridgerton in the 1800s, the 1900s and the early 2000s all mixed with him. [01:14:48] Speaker C: He really lost his outfit. Looked like he wandered. [01:14:51] Speaker A: He. Like a time travel, like. [01:14:53] Speaker C: Yeah, like, ooh, let me take that back with me. Oh, let me take this back with me. [01:14:59] Speaker A: He looked like a time traveling stylist. [01:15:02] Speaker C: I have nobody to talk to about it. I'm like, what is this foolery? [01:15:07] Speaker A: I'm surprised you didn't know who Cam Newton was. [01:15:09] Speaker C: No, I couldn't remember. [01:15:10] Speaker A: Oh, you can't remember his name? Oh, okay. [01:15:12] Speaker C: But I was just like. Because none of my girls, they don't watch that. So I'm just like, you ain't had nothing to watch, and my brothers don't watch it either anymore. So I'm. I was really just like, dang. [01:15:23] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I saw. [01:15:24] Speaker C: I gotta suffer alone. [01:15:26] Speaker A: I think he's only on there a few days of the week. Not like every day, so. [01:15:31] Speaker C: And I just happened to catch that outfit on that day. [01:15:33] Speaker A: Yeah, that nigga was. [01:15:35] Speaker C: That was very foolish. L. You Would have been like, turn this off. Because you would have been so offended. [01:15:39] Speaker B: No, I'm not shocked because he wears crazy stuff like that. [01:15:42] Speaker C: Like, oh, my God. [01:15:43] Speaker B: All of them athletes, they try to, like, out crazy each other. I watched a TikTok yesterday, and they basically were showing basketball players walking. It might have been football players walking, you know, through the locker room, you know, getting off the bus. And every one of them looked like a space. [01:16:00] Speaker C: It was at one point when Westbrook and Durant was wearing a little weird looking blazers and outfits and stuff, and I was just like, what are y'all black men doing? [01:16:08] Speaker A: Yeah, them boys wearing some weird shit. [01:16:09] Speaker B: They don't look crazy. [01:16:10] Speaker C: Y'all don't look good. And I don't know who's telling y'all. Y'all do. Y'all look crazy. [01:16:14] Speaker B: Stylist, everything. Unisex, too. [01:16:17] Speaker A: Everything they style, everything. [01:16:19] Speaker C: Stylists need to be fired. I said it. [01:16:22] Speaker A: I mean, they don't want to come dressed looking. [01:16:24] Speaker C: I have a good. I have a good stylist that I can recommend to somebody. [01:16:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I got one, too. [01:16:30] Speaker C: She's a beast. [01:16:31] Speaker A: She in New York. [01:16:32] Speaker C: Yep. But she travel. [01:16:35] Speaker A: Oh, she travel. [01:16:36] Speaker C: Yep. [01:16:36] Speaker A: She established. [01:16:37] Speaker C: She's a beast. [01:16:38] Speaker A: That's her. [01:16:39] Speaker C: No, that's not even her thing. She's into politics. [01:16:42] Speaker A: Oh, really? [01:16:42] Speaker C: Yep. She just. She used to style and, like, if somebody need help, she'd be like, I. [01:16:49] Speaker A: Oh, there was a school shooting. I forgot about that. Y'all had heard about that? [01:16:55] Speaker C: No. Is that why that this. This guy went on a rant on the news? [01:17:02] Speaker B: It must have happened when we was out of school. [01:17:05] Speaker A: It was either Monday or Tuesday or something like that. Well, it had to be Tuesday or something like that. But I think it's terrible happening. Like Nashville. [01:17:13] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:17:14] Speaker C: Unbelievable. [01:17:15] Speaker A: But that's not news anymore. School shootings. Trump's America, baby. We don't care about the kids. I guess before we get out of here. I did fraud today. [01:17:28] Speaker C: I did fraud today, Okay. [01:17:30] Speaker A: I did fraud today. [01:17:32] Speaker C: Hey. [01:17:32] Speaker A: I did a good job today, okay? Cause the blessings come from God. Cause I'm committing fraud. I did fraud today. [01:17:39] Speaker C: Hey. [01:17:39] Speaker A: I did a good job today, okay? I did fraud today. Hey. I did fraud today. Hey. I did fraud today, okay? I did a good job today. Hey. Blessings come from God. Cause I'm committing fraud. [01:17:52] Speaker B: I did fraud today. [01:17:54] Speaker A: I did a good job today. This scam of the week is more of a catfish scam. This happened to a French woman. She was duped out of $850,000 by a scammer. Posing as an AI generated Brad Pitt in the hospital. I'm gonna read the article, y'all. So okay, this isn't my joke. This was a real inglorious bastard. A romance scammer who pretended to be an ailing Brad Pitt sucker. The French woman out of $850,000 by using AI generated hospital selfies of the flight fight club hunk to tug at her heartstrings. The victim, 53 year old interior designer named Anne told the French TV show 7 to 8 on Sunday that someone pretending to be the actor's mom Jane at a pit got in touch with her. First she told me that her son needed someone like me. Damn. Says we're talking about Brad Pitt here. I was stunned. At first I thought it was fake, but I didn't really understand what was happening to me. She said. The messages kept coming over the next 18 months. With Anne's fake lover sending poems, declarations of love and eventually a marriage proposal. There are a few men who write to you like that. I love that man I was talking to. He knew how to talk to women and it was very well put together. Damn. I could have got some bread out of hand at the time. And was divorcing her millionaire entrepreneur husband, a man nearly two decades her senior. So and was dating her husband was 70 something. Meanwhile, the scammer running the AI bot claimed he'd send her expensive purses but noticed she'd have to pay the customs fee. That of course started at about 9, 9, $200. The request continued and eventually the faux pit told her he had a kidney cancer and needed cash for hospital treatment. Since Pitts real ex, real life ex Angelina Jolie had allegedly frozen all his bank accounts. Forged photos appeared in the hospital room and an email from a doctor followed saying the Mr. And Mrs. Smith actor was on his deathbed. So Ann sent boatloads of money to a Turkish account. Her daughter told her she was being kind, but Ann refused to believe it. You'll see when he's here in person. Then you'll say sorry. She only realized she was being scammed over the summer when Pitt was seen with current boo Inez de Ramon. It's unclear if the scammer was ever caught. She shared her story to the French station TF1. But the network later pulled the interview because she was being cyber bullied. She has also been hospitalized for severe depression. I asked myself why they chose me to do such harm like this. I've never harmed anyone. These people deserve hell. So I never thought of AI being used to hurt somebody like that. [01:21:06] Speaker B: What? [01:21:07] Speaker C: It's so many ways. Yes. [01:21:09] Speaker B: They do Photoshop when they call you. [01:21:11] Speaker C: She's a fucking idiot. [01:21:13] Speaker B: They're recording your voice. Some of them record your voice too. [01:21:16] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, but I'm saying, like, the video and being scammed. Like, somebody tried to get me. They tried. They try to get a lot of people in the area with the homie Tank. They, they. They got his Facebook account. So what they did was they screen recorded a real video of him, and then they use that screen recorded video on another device, right? So they would call you on Facebook Messenger. You answer the phone, you can see him moving you saying, hello, hello, hello. And then the phone will go off. He'd be like, man, I don't know what's wrong with my phone, but you know what I'm saying? I'm in the bind. Can you send me some money now? You just saw him on FaceTime, so you really think it's him? [01:21:53] Speaker B: Oh, for real? [01:21:54] Speaker A: Yeah. So they almost got me. I was like, word, what's your cash app? Or whatever, Whatever. So he sent me the cash. So they sent me the cash app. I searched the cash app, and it was a woman. So I called up phenom. I was like, yo. He was like, no, I called him. He was like, he. The way he answered the phone was, that ain't Tank Bo. Like, I figured that. But they hadn't got, like, seven or eight people out of, like, a few hundred dollars. [01:22:20] Speaker B: Oh, for real? [01:22:21] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Because they were just so quick. Oh, he need help. I'm gonna send him some money. You know what I'm saying? They did a little thing. Didn't check the cash app or nothing like that or whatever, so. But they have a video, and now you, like, you can, like, tell the AI to, like, actually move and do videos and all of that, so. [01:22:41] Speaker C: She's an idiot. [01:22:42] Speaker A: She is. Her daughter even told her. This is scam. You'll see, Wink. [01:22:46] Speaker B: T's here. [01:22:47] Speaker C: My thing is, you think Brad Pitt is gonna be on his deathbed and the world don't know about it. Like, you don't hear it circulating. [01:22:56] Speaker A: Jamie Foxx nowhere. [01:22:58] Speaker C: People, everybody knew something. It was out there. Like, oh, something. Something going on with Jamie. It was. It was. It was talked about, undisclosed the illness, telling me. And then Brad Pitt is. Is he. He's a white man. And more people care. That's what I'm gonna say. Him and him and Jamie Foxx at different levels of celebrityism. Jamie Foxx. [01:23:28] Speaker A: That's a good question, though. How Far is Jamie Foxx from Brad Pitt, celebrity wise? [01:23:35] Speaker B: Hey, I don't know. [01:23:37] Speaker C: I wouldn't. I. I wouldn't say. [01:23:40] Speaker A: I'm saying they on different levels, like Brad Pitt, but Jamie Foxx. Pretty close now, ain't it? [01:23:44] Speaker C: No, no, I'm not. [01:23:45] Speaker A: No, I'm not saying you not. I'm just. Yeah, but anyway, go ahead. [01:23:50] Speaker C: Because, you know, like, Brad, you know, he's Brad Pitt. So it's like you think not one white person is talking about, oh, my God, he's holding his deathbed or he's sick in some kind of way. Like, it's not circulating. Because when Jamie Foxx. When he got sick, like, it was. It was a whole lot of rumors, like, oh, he passed out or this happened. That happened. He. They had a stand in. In the movie that he was illness. Like, there's nothing about Brad. And then Angelina froze his accounts. [01:24:28] Speaker A: They were going through a divorce. [01:24:30] Speaker C: She don't got all that power to freeze that man's account. He got his own money. Yeah, she's an idiot. [01:24:39] Speaker A: Yeah, don't be an idiot. Y'all don't fall for these and these. Now it's Trump's America, so I can be as xenophobic as I want to be. These Indians call, you hang up. Hello, my name is Matthew. [01:24:53] Speaker B: My name is Jonathan. [01:24:54] Speaker A: They be having the most regular ass white names. [01:24:57] Speaker C: Oh, no. One of them, he told me. He was like, oh, I. Mike. I said, mike from where? [01:25:04] Speaker B: Not Michael, but Mike. [01:25:06] Speaker C: Right. [01:25:06] Speaker A: I am from Texas. [01:25:08] Speaker C: I had a mic. I had a Jason. [01:25:11] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, they go through the name. [01:25:12] Speaker C: I said, oh. I said, where? What? [01:25:17] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll be cussing them out. [01:25:19] Speaker C: I'll talk for a minute. And then my operator voice. Come on. Sorry, this call had been. Has been dropped. Please leave a message. [01:25:30] Speaker A: So, yeah, that's it for our scammer. Don't get scammed, y'all. [01:25:33] Speaker C: She's an idiot. [01:25:34] Speaker A: Anytime somebody say, you gotta pay the customs fee and they send you a gift. [01:25:38] Speaker C: And he didn't even get caught. [01:25:40] Speaker A: Like, he's living good that he's still. [01:25:43] Speaker C: Out there and he's gonna get another idiot. [01:25:46] Speaker A: Yeah, it's a group. [01:25:47] Speaker C: Yeah, he has a group because he had a doctor. He had a mother. [01:25:50] Speaker A: And they speak. They probably speak different languages. [01:25:53] Speaker B: It's. It's going through a call center probably. [01:25:56] Speaker A: Hey, Jack, I got. [01:25:58] Speaker B: You know what, Taj? I got one Z's. [01:26:02] Speaker A: I got one. [01:26:03] Speaker C: Who are we today, Brad Pitt? [01:26:05] Speaker A: No, it could be Americans like the beekeeper. That's something good they did on the Beekeeper. [01:26:09] Speaker C: Yeah, because you know, we Americans. Americans be scamming it do. [01:26:12] Speaker A: But like over there, they do have call centers where all they do is call. Y'all ever seen the one with the roaches? [01:26:18] Speaker B: Oh, I've seen a lot of them. I sat there and watch them. [01:26:21] Speaker A: So it was a. It was a video of some guys they scammed. They scammed the wrong person. The person was one of these like big time prank guys or whatever. So they found out where the car was coming from. And so they found out that. And it was like. Well, it was some place in India. [01:26:39] Speaker C: And he hacked the cameras. [01:26:40] Speaker A: Yeah, they had the cameras. Yeah, yeah. Then they started sending stuff there. Like they sent roaches. [01:26:45] Speaker C: They sent us a stink. [01:26:46] Speaker A: Stink bomb. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:26:49] Speaker C: Wrong one. [01:26:50] Speaker A: Then eventually they sent somebody there to work in the place. [01:26:56] Speaker C: They did a whole bunch infiltrated the system. [01:26:58] Speaker A: Yeah. And it was like, well, they finally got that. That building shut down. But it was like, it was like 20 something other ones just like in the area doing the same thing. Like, that's all they do all day is call America and stuff. So. So continue to cuss those people out and hang up on them. Yeah, yeah. But it's. It's America's fault though, for sending all them jobs out. It was over 20 years ago. I was working for a mortgage company and we worked in collections and they sent our first. They sent our department to Jacksonville and then they sent our department to India. But yeah, that's it. [01:27:36] Speaker C: It's a smart guy. [01:27:38] Speaker B: Yep. [01:27:41] Speaker A: Yeah. But I don't got any more today, y'all. Thank y'all for listening. Y'all got any more, folks? Let everybody know where they can find you. [01:27:49] Speaker B: L. You can find me on Facebook @El Murphy. L. Murphy. [01:27:55] Speaker C: Corey, I'm here on some social media platforms. Corey Sin. [01:27:59] Speaker A: Some. What you on? Red note. [01:28:01] Speaker C: Corey Sin is okay. [01:28:03] Speaker A: You can find me on social media. Preacher Underscore bp. You can find me on find the show on Instagram @DJ Blaze show. We're gonna be posting more videos from time to time, y'all, so you can see our faces and see our reactions and things of that nature. Well, thank y'all for listening, Shabboy B. Oh, what we talking about on Wednesday? [01:28:24] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Wednesday's episode is going to be top five comedians. [01:28:27] Speaker A: Comedians. [01:28:29] Speaker C: Is it stand up comics, right? [01:28:31] Speaker A: Stand ups. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Not just. [01:28:34] Speaker C: Not just comedians. There's so many. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:28:37] Speaker B: Stand up comedians. [01:28:38] Speaker A: So check us out Wednesday where we talk about comedians. I went down the list to see if we had done that one before. I thought we did, but we didn't, so. [01:28:46] Speaker B: Oh. [01:28:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I. I didn't. I didn't find it. [01:28:49] Speaker B: Okay. [01:28:49] Speaker A: I went back to 2022, but. Yeah, so it should be a good one. [01:28:54] Speaker B: Yep. Yep. [01:28:56] Speaker A: At any rate, it's your boy. Be easy. [01:28:57] Speaker C: It's your girl Corey. [01:28:58] Speaker B: That's your boy. [01:28:59] Speaker A: L. And we out let those who. [01:29:03] Speaker B: Have ears listen this is the DJ Blaze show.

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